Leo Men

This topic was created in the Leo forum by shorty1978 on Thursday, November 7, 2013 and has 11 replies.
I have always had a soft spot for Leo men and woman. My boyfriend is a Leo.. i though i had you guys pegged lmao. but he is so different then any other Leo i know
He is very humble. no Ego at all
extreamly sarcastic often to the point where you never know if he is serious or not.
he is very guarded we have been together 2 years living together now for 5 months and getting him to talk about what he is thinking or feeling is very difficult he needs days to think about what is said and then he will respond.
he is not romantic lol he doesnt belive in gift giving or romance and does not like to cuddle AT ALL.
his idea of a HUGE compliment to me is saying "your awesome sometimes you know" lol which i have learned to really appriciate and know that he really meant that from the heart.
he isnt concerned with his looks he is just who he is and very comfortable in his own skin which i find a very attractive qulaity. i have know other leos to be very into there looks and make sure the person they chose to be with had to be the same almost like a trophy.
are other leos like this? and all the others i have known in the past were just different.?
Posted by shorty1978
he is not romantic lol he doesnt belive in gift giving or romance and does not like to cuddle AT ALL.
his idea of a HUGE compliment to me is saying "your awesome sometimes you know" lol which i have learned to really appriciate and know that he really meant that from the heart.
he isnt concerned with his looks he is just who he is and very comfortable in his own skin which i find a very attractive qulaity.

Now that's a MAN! Big Grin

(I'm afraid to ask what the sex is like Tongue )
The sex is soooooo hot !!!! Very passionate. Wild and sexy... we are both very generous lovers our cemistry is out of this world
What's your sign, shorty?
And do you know any of his other placements (moon, mars, venus, asc.)?
Im a Sag... I have no idea how to know about other placements lmao.. i dont know much about this stuff to be honest...
Ya i have no idea what this means.

Zodiac in degrees 0.00 Time unknown
Sun Leo 17.56
Moon Aries 18.36
Mercury Virgo 10.27
Venus Leo 13.24
Mars Aquarius 16.47 R
Jupiter Scorpio 27.03
Saturn Gemini 5.12
Uranus Libra 10.41
Neptune Sagittarius 0.18 R
Pluto Virgo 28.03
Lilith Libra 8.04
Asc node Aquarius 14.27
Thanks everyone.... I am beating this issue to death basically Im madly in love with a man that does not love me back.. he doesnt hide it.. he doesnt tell me he loves me never has and never will im sure. he says actions speak louder then works and I should know how he feels about me by his actions. I have come to terms with the fact that he isnt in love with me. i often hope im wrong.
I respect his honesty in the fact that he doesnt toss i love you around and not mean it however i anger at the fact that he doesnt say it but also doesnt just out right admit he doesnt love me he avoids it.. im a sag a truth seaker i want to hear yes I do or No i dont... with love there is no gray area you love or you dont.
he is a wonderful man however im dont want to wait around to be tossed aside when he does find his true love.... can someone read my chart like you did above? that was awesome.
Zodiac in degrees 0.00 Time unknown
Sun Sagittarius 29.03
Moon Virgo 13.04
Mercury Sagittarius 7.37
Venus Scorpio 16.05
Mars Capricorn 6.30
Jupiter Leo 8.01 R
Saturn Virgo 13.55
Uranus Scorpio 19.11
Neptune Sagittarius 18.27
Pluto Libra 18.57
Lilith Leo 7.38
Asc node Virgo 21.23
Wow your bang on!!! everything your saying about him is exactly what i get from him.. he knows we are good same values, morals, interests, we share laughs and raise our kids with the same values and morals we compliment one another however he isnt in love with me...
i am honorable and resonable and always want to be sure before i act i do trust way to much and i do yearn to be loved equally to how i love.
im a all or nothing kinda gal
I just told him that if he cant be affectionate to me i need compliments i need to know how he is feeling he told me he would try and that I make him happy... that is the first time he has ever told me that.
it could be most likely his mars in aquarius:

"Aquarius Mars is proud of their own independence. They wouldn't have it any other way. They can stand up for themselves quite well. While open-minded and progressive, they can be surprisingly stubborn. They don't like to feel trapped?? it will make them rebellious. If they know you've found a pattern in their behavior, they are sure to change it!
Aquarius Mars has lots of ambition and energy, especially for mental and intellectual projects. They are a bit scattered, but pull it together to finish a project. At times, they appear utterly mad, but somewhere in there it all makes sense. They are good t getting what they want. They have a strong will that they are not afraid to show. Combined with their innate cleverness, they are very creative in getting their own way. They can be the dominant force in a relationship without their partner even realizing it!
Mars in Aquarius is willing to let others be themselves. They value freedom and individuality, both yours and theirs. They like to feel they have plenty of space and freedom. They are not very sentimental. They come across as detached, even in an intimate relationship. They like to run the show. They are well organized and can make a good leader. Mars in Aquarius is often the reformer; the one against the establishment. They are non-conformists, and demand compliance from those that follow you. "
in combination to his Gemini Saturn.
these are not cuddable signs, typically.
but since you're talking about during your times of "intimacy"....the mars in aquarius doesn't cuddle after sex, maybe not for man.
Something that all Leo's have in common is that we're honest but not always what we seem and we keep secrets that could cause turmoil. Your best bet is to ask him, if you've been together that long and living together it is worth it. When we get settled we become super comfortable and most people after the 6 month/1 year mark lose that spark.
But Sagittarius of any kind always peak my interest and make me feel fully like myself. Same with most Leo's I've met, we have a natural chemisty. All of my closest friends are Aries, libra and Sag. All doubts are answered when you ask, but if he doesn't respond to that then he sure as hell isn't worth your time.
I' a Leo female,I used to date once and broke up for some several stupid reasons =.=''
Well,i actually cared about someone,just that I don't want to express it,I feel weird on expresssing it
I'm very guarded so that I don't get anyone to benefit me
I'm sarcastic sometimes,but I'm very sarcastic when I'm angry cause I don't feeel like saying anything that time which made me very sarcastic...I think that's a normal Leo...my own thoughts though