Why is it that when you're into a leo ... they are kinda shy and stand-offish ... but then you tell them that you can't carry on like this anymore, break it off, then they wanna call you and text you more ... it doesn't make since to me.
Do they hate rejection? Will they come back if they really like you? Even if you may have hurt their pride? How long does it usually take for them to get over it and stop their pouting?
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Aug 31, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 10616 · Topics: 40
Leo men are hunters and love the thrill of the kill (no pun intended)but once your caught the interest level goes way down, you have to master the art of illusion, meaning although your caught you still have an air of unavailability, when you break it off he's back on the prowl. Some leos have a love hate relationship with rejection, they love it because it keeps them on the hunt but hate it because he may have self esteem issues/insecurities that he may have to face every time he's been rejected. Not very long for them to stop pouting, although he may not be in contact with you, he's moved on from pouting to playing, they naturally have sunny dispostions so pouting will not last very long. I'm talking about minutes to a few hours but it won't go on for days, I have seen my leo seem like he was infuriated and the next second he's playing around.
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Aug 31, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 10616 · Topics: 40
if he's sulking for days then his pride has been hurt in some way or he may be dating other women.
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Dec 27, 2010Comments: 0 · Posts: 206 · Topics: 17
So true, even for me and I'm a female lion. I'll pout for a few minutes and if all fails, I'll move on the my next challenge.