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Mar 28, 2012Comments: 0 · Posts: 157 · Topics: 15
Do you ever have regrets on breaking it off with the one women who could have been "The One" or have you ever been in a relationship that is strictly friendship but was to afraid to commit to that person. At what point do you leo men realize that you may have a great women in front of you, but never take that extra step. Is it because you guys are afraid of losing your freedom or is it because you are unsure of that womans true feelings for you. I am just trying to get an idea of what you men think.
I am dealing with 2 leo men one whom I have been friends with for years and its always a back and forth thing between us and I truly love this man but I respect that he can not give me what I want, so we remain good friends. I just wonder when he will realize that we are truly good together. He even says it sometiems but doesn't act on it. The other guy is all over the place. there are times he is so into me then other times I dont hear from him for weeks. He says he wants to make me happy but he clearly does not show it when we are apart only when we are together. when I bring up any concerns he talks it out with me and then after acts like if we just didnt have a serious talk. Been dealing with him since November. I am thinking about just dropping him, but I do like this man. I am not the average clingy cancer and have a busy life of my own, but I am not going to be no fool for him either. I don't constantly call or text the guy. I give him time and space to think things through. I just need some advice on how to go about all of this.
I'm a Leo male. All I can tell you is, I'm either all in or out. I don't know if that is a Leo trait though. If I'm not romantically interested in a woman, it doesn't change. It means there is something physically not working for me and whatever that is, won't get better. I'm also very clear. I have never had a woman wondering where I stand. My relationships either last weeks or years. Very rarely do mine last months because I just know quickly if I want to be with someone long term. I do like the chase though, so if a woman gives into me immediately, that could ruin the relationship quickly.
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Mar 28, 2012Comments: 0 · Posts: 157 · Topics: 15
Thank you for responding. Only if every man was as straight forward as you are. I hate the fact that I am left wondering and I'm coming to the conlcusion of just letting go.
I am the same way when it comes to relationships. I usually know right off the bat if that particular person is worth my time and effort. I don't like it when somebody tells me that they are feeling me and not showing me. I'm thinking I have to cut my losses and move on. I just have spot for Leos. I love love leos so much fun and so much passion!
I just want to make sure, you're confident this second Leo knows exactly how you feel. Leo's do not do well when we are constantly wondering how you feel about us. We need verbal affirmation on a consistent basis.
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Mar 28, 2012Comments: 0 · Posts: 157 · Topics: 15
Ohh he knows... I told him I liked him and would like to see where this goes and I also told him that I hope he sees the effort that I am putting in to show him that I am all about him. He never answered me back and I am still waiting for a response. I am going with the flow of things. I am not one to sit by my phone or constantly looking for text messages hoping and waiting for him to come around. I also need reassurance but if i see that he is slowly slipping I am going to do the same. I always think its a two way street. if I put in the time I expect him to do the same in some sense. I know its bad sometimes to have expectations but why not. Nobody wants to be walked all over or taken as a fool or whatever.
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Mar 28, 2012Comments: 0 · Posts: 157 · Topics: 15
no these two keep coming back... the second guy i can drop in a heart but the first guy i have a hard time letting go.
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Mar 28, 2012Comments: 0 · Posts: 157 · Topics: 15
Leo # 1 is not married. We have had several serious talks about us possoibly becoming a couple, but bottom line is that he is afraid of losing his freedom and the friendship that we already have. He was very upfront about not being ready and not capable of being exclusive with me. He said he des not want to lose me over an intimate relationship if anything ere to go wrong. He loves me without a doubt but is not at a stage in his life where he is ready to settle down. So I have to respect that. I rather take that over a lie and being led on
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Mar 28, 2012Comments: 0 · Posts: 157 · Topics: 15
I have known him since he was 22 years old and I was the closest he has come to a relationship. I have never known him to be exclusive with anybody.
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Mar 28, 2012Comments: 0 · Posts: 157 · Topics: 15
@ gandalf
Yes some of us cancers can suck the life out of you. Not all of us are the same and not all leos are the same. My dad was a leo and he never got over my mom even after the fact that she cheated on him.
Does your Leo have something going on in his personal life that overwhelms him at times? We Leonians are all heart, we typically do like deeper intimate connections. True enough Gandolph, there is nothing more absolutely pathetic and miserable than a broken hearted Leo, breaking our hearts is like suffocating us. Anyways, the only time I have ever felt this personality trait change is when I become overwhelmed ....
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Mar 28, 2012Comments: 0 · Posts: 157 · Topics: 15
When he was younger he did have some personal things going on that did interfere. At the moment I can safely say that he has overcome those obstacles. I honestly don't know why he won't budge. I tell him all the time that he is delusional if I am going to wait around for him forever. I love and respect him. I have to do what is right for myself even if it means I have to keep my options open. I told him that I'm here for him always but not to be surprised when somebody else sweeps me off my feet and gives me evrything I deserve and more. He totally understood.. I just don't get why he would pass up on something that could be great. I also think that maybe I am more successful career wise than he is and maybe his pride is getting in the way of that too. But I can't say that for sure. I dated sombody who thought that was a big problem for him. Its almost like he wants to bring in the chedddar but can't because he don't got no if that makes any sense.
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Mar 28, 2012Comments: 0 · Posts: 157 · Topics: 15
I get what your saying. I know it can go both ways and I'm prepared for it. He truly is one of my best friends and regardless which way he goes I will support him. I know he would do he same for me. There are times he gives me advances or jokes around with me about our relationship saying things like " we are going to get married someday" but I know not to take that serious. In some sense I have let go but I still have hope. I don't think I give him ultimatums I only bring it up when he brings it up. I just don't like to pressure him. I just let it be known to him how I feel and that me being real with him and he says he likes that most about me. That I don't hold back no matter what. So yea right now I take it for what it is we just friends. But still hopeful. Nothing wrong with that.