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Oct 02, 2013Comments: 34 · Posts: 2216 · Topics: 66
When things are bad/tough, I tend to shut down. I feel like a turtle who goes into its shell...
I think Leos have a tendancy to put a lot of energy and focus on our SO, maybe too much even. Thus, when things in our relationships go off balance, it feels like our whole world is off balance.
The gym seems like a good place to get out some of that rage and frustration. Reaching out to a close friend or family member who you trust might also be a way to get support and perspective.
I shut down too.. I go cold. Because I guess I don't want to be vulnerable. I tough it out, might break down in private and then few mins later wipe the tears and keep it moving. Also I have a close friend we vent to each other and that helps alot.
Are moon signs allowed?
I will shut down, and disappear maybe... until I can forgive the person. Pride is so tough to deal with, especially when I'm dramatic too...trying to find a different way now though.
i'd say in the outside i look like it didn't affect me at all but on the inside i'm boiling with rage, and sometimes i just lose control of my facial expression so it gives me away that i'm angry. i don't cry until i'm home or if i'm with my close friend, i don't like looking weak in front of people.