Leo stalker

This topic was created in the Leo forum by uchiha on Sunday, April 9, 2017 and has 16 replies.
She definitely stalked me but I loved it though!
No comments?!?! I might have to answer back my damn self lol

Uchiha: How did she stalk you

Uchiha: She followed me to a restaurant where she never went before. This was the place she wanted me to take her when we used to talk.

Uchiha: Then what happened?

Uchiha: I fucked her.........mentally

There wasn't a question to answer. Are you sure she wasn't just going to a restaurant she already expressed interest in checking out? What makes you think she was stalking you necessarily?
Posted by Chuckcem
There wasn't a question to answer. Are you sure she wasn't just going to a restaurant she already expressed interest in checking out? What makes you think she was stalking you necessarily?
Just how she acted when she saw me. But thats over now, I think i'm fully prepared to remove her from my life.
Posted by Freetobe007
Posted by uchiha
No comments?!?! I might have to answer back my damn self lol

Uchiha: How did she stalk you

Uchiha: She followed me to a restaurant where she never went before. This was the place she wanted me to take her when we used to talk.

Uchiha: Then what happened?

Uchiha: I fucked her.........mentally


Lol, I'm not the stalking type. I'd rather replace them chase...buuuut....I did help a bestie stalk for shits and giggles back in college. She needed a buddy to wear dark clothing with her and keep tabs on her boyfie. I was just there for moral support.

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its over tho i'm done with her.

Posted by Chuckcem
There wasn't a question to answer. Are you sure she wasn't just going to a restaurant she already expressed interest in checking out? What makes you think she was stalking you necessarily?
Actually the leo i knew before her was better...she had virgo moon...she made me fall in love with leos but not all are like her
Posted by Freetobe007
Posted by uchiha
Posted by Freetobe007
Posted by uchiha
No comments?!?! I might have to answer back my damn self lol

Uchiha: How did she stalk you

Uchiha: She followed me to a restaurant where she never went before. This was the place she wanted me to take her when we used to talk.

Uchiha: Then what happened?

Uchiha: I fucked her.........mentally


Lol, I'm not the stalking type. I'd rather replace them chase...buuuut....I did help a bestie stalk for shits and giggles back in college. She needed a buddy to wear dark clothing with her and keep tabs on her boyfie. I was just there for moral support.

its over tho i'm done with her.

Hmmm...if you were really done with her, then would you have even posted any of this?? Doubt it.

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No i'm out the game with this one. No offense to leos but fuck that girl.

Posted by imbatgirl14
Some Leos are stalkerish. Usually the ones with Water moons. My bestie had stalked her ex, but mostly through social media.
Shes a Cancer moon! and cancer venus! I dont understand but im not wasting brain matter trying to figure her out.
Posted by blackmoon
Posted by uchiha
No comments?!?! I might have to answer back my damn self lol

Uchiha: How did she stalk you

Uchiha: She followed me to a restaurant where she never went before. This was the place she wanted me to take her when we used to talk.

Uchiha: Then what happened?

Uchiha: I fucked her.........mentally


if you like her stalking you, that means you probably like her. that means go get that kitty
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no...........i am mentally defeated....i retire...i quit...i take my leave from this situation...its way more than just this, shes hot n cold alot.
Posted by Freetobe007
Posted by uchiha
Posted by Freetobe007
Posted by uchiha
Posted by Freetobe007
Posted by uchiha
No comments?!?! I might have to answer back my damn self lol

Uchiha: How did she stalk you

Uchiha: She followed me to a restaurant where she never went before. This was the place she wanted me to take her when we used to talk.

Uchiha: Then what happened?

Uchiha: I fucked her.........mentally


Lol, I'm not the stalking type. I'd rather replace them chase...buuuut....I did help a bestie stalk for shits and giggles back in college. She needed a buddy to wear dark clothing with her and keep tabs on her boyfie. I was just there for moral support.

its over tho i'm done with her.

Hmmm...if you were really done with her, then would you have even posted any of this?? Doubt it.

No i'm out the game with this one. No offense to leos but fuck that girl.

? You gotta do what you gotta do. Buuuut....there are loveable Leos and then there ar Leos who need to be sprinkled with holy water. She sounds like #2. Following you to a restaurant?! wth!! Did she watch through the windows? Wtf

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Yeah shout out to all you good leos. She approached me in the restaurant and looked at me like i was supposed to ask her something. I had promised her to take her there along time ago. So she followed me and expected me to eat with her or something. But i take away that food and busted out of there. Shes hot n cold and has a lame bf who she wants to leave. But im good. Shes too fickle for me.

Posted by Freetobe007
Posted by uchiha
Posted by blackmoon
Posted by uchiha
No comments?!?! I might have to answer back my damn self lol

Uchiha: How did she stalk you

Uchiha: She followed me to a restaurant where she never went before. This was the place she wanted me to take her when we used to talk.

Uchiha: Then what happened?

Uchiha: I fucked her.........mentally


if you like her stalking you, that means you probably like her. that means go get that kitty
no...........i am mentally defeated....i retire...i quit...i take my leave from this situation...its way more than just this, shes hot n cold alot.
Leos can be like that sometimes. We may be careless and uninterested one second then be seemingly trying to suck your soul out through your cock and bring you to an out of body experience the next....before we get sick of you again ?

Pain in the asses, right?! ?

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You hit the hammer on the nose...but we all have our flaws...
Posted by Freetobe007
Posted by uchiha
Posted by Freetobe007
Posted by uchiha
Posted by blackmoon
Posted by uchiha
No comments?!?! I might have to answer back my damn self lol

Uchiha: How did she stalk you

Uchiha: She followed me to a restaurant where she never went before. This was the place she wanted me to take her when we used to talk.

Uchiha: Then what happened?

Uchiha: I fucked her.........mentally


if you like her stalking you, that means you probably like her. that means go get that kitty
no...........i am mentally defeated....i retire...i quit...i take my leave from this situation...its way more than just this, shes hot n cold alot.
Leos can be like that sometimes. We may be careless and uninterested one second then be seemingly trying to suck your soul out through your cock and bring you to an out of body experience the next....before we get sick of you again ?

Pain in the asses, right?! ?

You hit the hammer on the nose...but we all have our flaws...

Would you like a bit of insider info....?

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Sure. Do tell.
Posted by blackmoon
Posted by uchiha
Posted by blackmoon
Posted by uchiha
No comments?!?! I might have to answer back my damn self lol

Uchiha: How did she stalk you

Uchiha: She followed me to a restaurant where she never went before. This was the place she wanted me to take her when we used to talk.

Uchiha: Then what happened?

Uchiha: I fucked her.........mentally


if you like her stalking you, that means you probably like her. that means go get that kitty
no...........i am mentally defeated....i retire...i quit...i take my leave from this situation...its way more than just this, shes hot n cold alot.
aw damn what happened?

you said she had virgo moon or smthing.. well yeah she probably doesn't want to leave her bf but still wants to keep in contact with you

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no my ex leo was virgo moon and cancer venus...this current leo has cancer moon and cancer venus...virgo moon leo was the sweetest girl ive ever met. i'd take a bullet for that girl.

Posted by imbatgirl14
Posted by uchiha
Posted by imbatgirl14
Some Leos are stalkerish. Usually the ones with Water moons. My bestie had stalked her ex, but mostly through social media.
Shes a Cancer moon! and cancer venus! I dont understand but im not wasting brain matter trying to figure her out.
? My bestie is Cancer moon too lol

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Yeah and what's she like?
Posted by imbatgirl14
Posted by uchiha
Posted by imbatgirl14
Posted by uchiha
Posted by imbatgirl14
Some Leos are stalkerish. Usually the ones with Water moons. My bestie had stalked her ex, but mostly through social media.
Shes a Cancer moon! and cancer venus! I dont understand but im not wasting brain matter trying to figure her out.
? My bestie is Cancer moon too lol

Yeah and what's she like?
Really needy and she can be very obsessive with stalking people's pages. She even had me doing stuff for her. I've also noticed this traigo to in other female Leos
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Yeah she stalks me on social media too...weird but im weird too lol
Posted by Arabcaminiboss
Posted by uchiha
She definitely stalked me but I loved it though!
Leos don't usually stalk people well they do but they will not make it obvious because of their ego. I had a similar situation with a Leo ex that made my life hell. She had ,any placements in Scorpios like moon rising
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moon is cancer idk what her rising is. i have scorpio moon dude i am dominant as hell too.