Posted by LonerLoop
I know you're giggling while reading my post. Shoot you.
Posted by TheLibraMudraYes. It means we truly are DISAPPOINTED .. That's what bothers me the most.. We are grand, so we expect a lot lot lot in someone we truly do.. And we are not for the weak.
Yup. He even says he will never give up on me. So when he does, then I know there's something seriously wrong.
Posted by TheLibraMudraI completely agree with this! I will be so busy in my own world that I completely forget that I need to attend to my personal relationships and when someone tries to give me a hard time about it, I say something rude and witty that shuts them down completely (Rising is also in Gemini lol).
Aqua moons can be mean and mouthy. Yea, we're about the bigger picture, the world, blah blah but sometimes we can really pull some selfish moves by neglecting the one in front of us and arguing until pigs fly
Posted by arose32See, here’s the problem, I have talked to him about it, multiple times. I have told him how I felt both when I was in the heat of the moment (sun in cancer and it comes out every once in awhile) and when calm, neither works. And if it does, he is cooperative for a couple days before he goes back to his old ways. Then will tell me that my way of things is the less efficient way and the only way to do things is his way. But he actually never tries my way of anything for longer than two days before he gets annoyed with it because I am “asking too much”. Which is why I ultimately left him because I couldn’t do it anymore. But he comes back once every two weeks talking to me about working things out and when I did give him the time of day, he just goes back to what he was doing. But when I am distant and tell him that I refuse to just come back, he is amazing up until I finally come back, then comes back with Mr. I’m always in charge. The only other time he tries for me is when I give up on him and try with someone else, then he will try harder than ever. Then when I do finally leave that person for him, he will just tell me that he knew I wouldn’t last with whoever because they aren’t him and goes back to doing everything I can’t stand, lol.Posted by TheLibraMudraYes. It means we truly are DISAPPOINTED .. That's what bothers me the most.. We are grand, so we expect a lot lot lot in someone we truly do.. And we are not for the weak.
Yup. He even says he will never give up on me. So when he does, then I know there's something seriously wrong.
One thing I do hate is how I can cling to someone... Idk why, but it's frustrating..
Also ... Maybe try a relationship game etc.. But TALK TO HIM ABOUT IT. And be sincere/genuine we can smell the to expand
Posted by canceraquaPosted by arose32See, here’s the problem, I have talked to him about it, multiple times. I have told him how I felt both when I was in the heat of the moment (sun in cancer and it comes out every once in awhile) and when calm, neither works. And if it does, he is cooperative for a couple days before he goes back to his old ways. Then will tell me that my way of things is the less efficient way and the only way to do things is his way. But he actually never tries my way of anything for longer than two days before he gets annoyed with it because I am “asking too much”. Which is why I ultimately left him because I couldn’t do it anymore. But he comes back once every two weeks talking to me about working things out and when I did give him the time of day, he just goes back to what he was doing. But when I am distant and tell him that I refuse to just come back, he is amazing up until I finally come back, then comes back with Mr. I’m always in charge. The only other time he tries for me is when I give up on him and try with someone else, then he will try harder than ever. Then when I do finally leave that person for him, he will just tell me that he knew I wouldn’t last with whoever because they aren’t him and goes back to doing everything I can’t stand, lol.Posted by TheLibraMudraYes. It means we truly are DISAPPOINTED .. That's what bothers me the most.. We are grand, so we expect a lot lot lot in someone we truly do.. And we are not for the weak.
Yup. He even says he will never give up on me. So when he does, then I know there's something seriously wrong.
One thing I do hate is how I can cling to someone... Idk why, but it's frustrating..
Also ... Maybe try a relationship game etc.. But TALK TO HIM ABOUT IT. And be sincere/genuine we can smell the to expand
Posted by themagnetorebornYou saying we like apathy? Or what?
Leo moons do not need to feel like they are in "complete control." Instead, Leo moons need to feel appreciated from time to time because we give so much. Everything from compliments to even meaningful birthday cards go a long, long way.
Indifference or apathy threatens a Leo moons sense of security; apathy is the opposite of love, and anyone with Leo influences in general thrive off of that...whether they admit it or not.
Posted by arose32Yeah honestly it's easy for me to move on for awhile, I always do. But I always just end up finding myself back at square one I guess. But also makes sense, he's a Virgo sun, Aqua rising, Scorpio Mars and I'm a Cancer sun Gemini rising, Virgo Mars. It's just when we are together for long periods of time he gets possessive of me which makes me run away every time because I hate being smothered by anyone. We do pretty well on the distance thing but he just gets in these moods and you can really tell our moons are opposing signs when we are together too long because we can't get along about anything lol.
He's used to you reacting a certain way and can tell you're giving up so he's trying to find ways to get under your skin..
Heal and just don't act like it bothers you anymore
Posted by themagnetoreborn
Leo moons do not need to feel like they are in "complete control." Instead, Leo moons need to feel appreciated from time to time because we give so much. Everything from compliments to even meaningful birthday cards go a long, long way.
Indifference or apathy threatens a Leo moons sense of security; apathy is the opposite of love, and anyone with Leo influences in general thrive off of that...whether they admit it or not.
Posted by arose32
I understand... I get possessive also. This cancer moon would retreat but she would be clingy and if I mirrored her, act cowardly.. cancer and Leo are just opposite ..
And I hope you guys get it together. Relationships are hard work period..
Posted by canceraquaIf you want to know more about him, you may want to know his Ascendant sign. than you can watch his Astrological influences.
My moon is Aquarius but my ex has his moon in Leo, and our biggest problem was that he always felt like I treated him like everyone else and I always felt like he didn't give me the emotional space I needed (unless we were fighting lol). But the reason we could never get over it was our second problem, his way or the highway. If he wanted to do something that I didn't like, I would listen to his side of why he should be able to (keep in mind even though I am a cancer I am not a jealous person so there is not much that I am not okay with) and usually I would let him do whatever he wanted unless it was something that could hurt him or someone else. But when it came to me doing something he was even slightly uncomfortable with, the answer was no and if I tried arguing him on it I was yelled at for disrespecting him and the fight would typically last us two days until I finally just gave up my case. So my question is, is the whole needing to feel like you are in complete control a Leo thing? Because I love my ex to death and he always wants to work things out which one day I would love to do, but that is the one thing about him I can't take anymore because I need to feel like an equal, not feel like I have to hold his hand while he makes every decision for the both of us. And if it is, is there a way to get him to be less controlling? (His mars is also in Scorpio so maybe I am just screwed when it comes to him being controlling and cut off all loose ends lol)
Posted by canceraquaYeah... but you guys are kind of draining. Don't know what you want you to be... clingy or cold.... maybe Leo's are too transparent for you guys that's all.Posted by arose32
I understand... I get possessive also. This cancer moon would retreat but she would be clingy and if I mirrored her, act cowardly.. cancer and Leo are just opposite ..
And I hope you guys get it together. Relationships are hard work period..
Lmao, that's a Cancer for you. We get scared of being abandoned so the second we feel it, we cling. I used to do it with him but now not so much just because I am bored of the same old song lol. Which is probably why he is the one coming back now. Thanks for your help!click to expand
Posted by canceraquaMy ex-wife and I had the same moon placements! And let me tell you, when it was good, it was like being with your soulmate; when it was bad, it was fucking WWIII:
My moon is Aquarius but my ex has his moon in Leo, and our biggest problem was that he always felt like I treated him like everyone else and I always felt like he didn't give me the emotional space I needed (unless we were fighting lol). But the reason we could never get over it was our second problem, his way or the highway. If he wanted to do something that I didn't like, I would listen to his side of why he should be able to (keep in mind even though I am a cancer I am not a jealous person so there is not much that I am not okay with) and usually I would let him do whatever he wanted unless it was something that could hurt him or someone else. But when it came to me doing something he was even slightly uncomfortable with, the answer was no and if I tried arguing him on it I was yelled at for disrespecting him and the fight would typically last us two days until I finally just gave up my case. So my question is, is the whole needing to feel like you are in complete control a Leo thing? Because I love my ex to death and he always wants to work things out which one day I would love to do, but that is the one thing about him I can't take anymore because I need to feel like an equal, not feel like I have to hold his hand while he makes every decision for the both of us. And if it is, is there a way to get him to be less controlling? (His mars is also in Scorpio so maybe I am just screwed when it comes to him being controlling and cut off all loose ends lol)
Posted by arose32Posted by canceraquaYeah... but you guys are kind of draining. Don't know what you want you to be... clingy or cold.... maybe Leo's are too transparent for you guys that's all.Posted by arose32
I understand... I get possessive also. This cancer moon would retreat but she would be clingy and if I mirrored her, act cowardly.. cancer and Leo are just opposite ..
And I hope you guys get it together. Relationships are hard work period..
Lmao, that's a Cancer for you. We get scared of being abandoned so the second we feel it, we cling. I used to do it with him but now not so much just because I am bored of the same old song lol. Which is probably why he is the one coming back now. Thanks for your help!click to expand