Leo-virgo lady hard to read

This topic was created in the Leo forum by helljumperjunkie912 on Friday, March 25, 2016 and has 12 replies.
OK Leo's, Virgo guy here needs help with a Leo -Virgo lady who has her Venus in Cancer. We've been friends for 3 years and due to my virgo insecurities I've just recently realized how much I'm into her. I'm trying to take it slow because I don't want to mess anything up, but she's so damn hard to read! Have I waited too long and now all hope is lost and that's why she doesn't seem receptive to my admiration?
When I've given her flowers or other gifts, she says thanks, and that's pretty much it, I compliment her beauty and style, but I seem to be getting nothing in terms of recognition or even acknowledgement. What do?
Are you giving her these flowers and gifts in an exclusive dating context, or just in general...
Posted by CrosstownTraffic
Posted by helljumperjunkie912
When I've given her flowers or other gifts, she says thanks, and that's pretty much it, I compliment her beauty and style, but I seem to be getting nothing in terms of recognition or even acknowledgement. What do?

if she does not laugh around you or at you or say, hey lets go here or there or write letters....then move on. most leo girls ive seen are the happy go lucky types when they like you.
click to expand

The thing is, she does laugh around me. She laughs at my one-liners, jokes and seems pretty carefree. We hang out a lot, mostly at her house or my house just hanging out or sometimes going and doing things like errands she needs to run.
Posted by wagtail
Are you giving her these flowers and gifts in an exclusive dating context, or just in general...

Mostly in general, Im not really being all romantic and lovey dovey, although we do hug a lot, something that's fairly new.
I'm not saying it's a bad thing. But three years of being around each other and nothing progressing to a romantic level?
I'm just speaking for myself but as a Leo female, relationships tend to develop a little quicker then that to be honest.
And you've only recently decided you have feelings for her is that correct.

Because maybe instead of swamping her with flowers and gifts, and wondering why there's no reciprocation I'd take cross towns advice and actually make a Date.
An actual honest to god date with a formal footing, so you can stop tiptoeing around this situation and get some clarity with each other.
Because if I get flowers and gifts from hopeful boys all the time and I'm not interested so I say thank you and make it clear they are wasting their time. I'd rather be truthful then play a game with someone heart.
BUT. If a guy asks me Out, it puts him on another level. Now I'm not being bribed for attention he's bringing something to the table that requires my attention. And that is time and energy I want to see from a potential suitor.
Not chocolates and teddy bears.
I'll pull my man pants on and go for it. Damn Virgo tendencies...
Usually when I like a guy, it's from the get go. I have never developed feelings for somebody I've known for a long time. Especially if I have friendzoned them. Friendzoned men stay in that zone forever. Usually if somebody tries to cross that zone, I either tell them or just run off and disappear (more often that not, I disappear)

Having said that, take into consideration that Leos love attention. Ask her out and see what she says. Good luck!
So update, asked her on a date and she said yes! I intend on telling her how I feel that night. Question is, will I get out of the friend zone? Hopefully.
Posted by helljumperjunkie912
When I've given her flowers or other gifts, she says thanks, and that's pretty much it, I compliment her beauty and style, but I seem to be getting nothing in terms of recognition or even acknowledgement. What do?

Look deep into her eyes, place your hand firmly but affectionately on her neck, pull her to you, and wait for her to kiss you
Well, she said no. Likes out friendship the way it is. It was worth a try anyways.
Posted by helljumperjunkie912
Well, she said no. Likes out friendship the way it is. It was worth a try anyways.

That's that... Nice going tho