Leo woman and Cappy man

This topic was created in the Leo forum by Prezlincoln245 on Tuesday, September 20, 2016 and has 7 replies.
I'm a Leo woman actively pursuing s Cappy man. Yanno getting myself all pretty and things, but I know Leo's can be way to much sometimes. Is there certain Leo qualities I should tone down? I am a Leo to the T. I've always been attracted to fire signs never to an earth sign, my mom is a Cappy and we BARELY get along or speak to each other
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Hi prez welcome to dxp Leo Goodbye

Re your query, errbody knows I'm a numero uno fan of these two coupling.

But everything kind of has to be right...

It worked for myself cos I have a lot of water and earth placements, he had fire water and air.

In terms of what you could do practically speaking, IMO he should more so be actively pursuing you- is that the case? actions speak louder than words - kind of a Cap Man user manual lol

Mainly, my point is to always be yourself first and foremost. It minimises any buyers remorse in long term relationship investing and most importantly, if you have to tone down or compromise anything to maintain a mans interest, hes probs not the right man.

And that's doing you both a favour honestly. He'd just be falling in love with a facade, and you'd be compromising who you are on some level.

Anyways, just meh two cents either way good luck, and hope it works out for ya lovebirds smile
Posted by Gob_Shite
Posted by earlorg16
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And David Bowie had a Leo moon...

A Leo and Cap combination can work but there needs to be some glue to hold things together. The key lies in their moon placements. If one partner's moon can compliment the other's sun, there's hope.

After positively establishing that, you can then dig deeper into the other placements to get a fuller picture.

click to expand
essentially posted this picture to confirm your post.
Thanks guys(:. I think he does like me, but he's very very slow and quiet. Always walks past me and says hi he's very timid and socially awkward lol it's cute. The other day he tugged on my hair to say hi and gave me a little smack on the arm too
This is a case of opposites attract in a BIG way. Unfortunately, once the initial attraction wears off, the significant difference in communication style rears its ugly head and makes things very difficult in the long run.

I agree with what others said about complimentary signs in the rest of the chart being helpful, but overall, I still think it's really hard and generally ends in heartache in my opinion.
Posted by Prezlincoln245
I'm a Leo woman actively pursuing s Cappy man. Yanno getting myself all pretty and things, but I know Leo's can be way to much sometimes. Is there certain Leo qualities I should tone down? I am a Leo to the T. I've always been attracted to fire signs never to an earth sign, my mom is a Cappy and we BARELY get along or speak to each other
Try doing his taxes.