Hi I’m new here. I just met a Taurus man. It was an instant attraction. I’m so drawn to him because of his sensuality. I really love he’s touching me. Smelling me despite in public. My question is, as we talk via whatsapp he always talked about sex. How he really wanted me to caress me to touch my face. At first, I was enjoying it (his texts) but now I’m a little confused. Is this normal for a Taurus man? He is always talking about making love. How he is going to please me in bed. I’m a Leo woman, yes I do enjoy sex, I consider it as a divine thing but really? Like everyday? I really do like him. But I don’t like him talking sex every single minute. Lol I’m thinking this is just lust. Should I continue dating him?
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Aug 24, 2011Comments: 17 · Posts: 5119 · Topics: 78
Sounds like lust to me. You just met him and the only the he talks about is hooking up. His motivations seem pretty clear.
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Apr 08, 2018Comments: 0 · Posts: 197 · Topics: 28
My bd is a Taurus. He used to talk to me sexually on the phone and I’ll be like I thought we were just going to be corgel I think they do that because it’s their way to be comfortable with you. Don’t look into his words more of his actions.
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Oct 31, 2017Comments: 1489 · Posts: 2835 · Topics: 0
sounds really thirsty....have at it if you're feeling the same, but yeah I'd get super bored with anyone who writes/talks about sex constantly....maybe he is just really feeling you that much though, and if you give it to him he'll change...could just as easily be lust/fwb interest only as others have said though....I'm a bull and I definitely understand really strong sexual attraction betw. Leo/Taurus, but if I am interested in someone for real, even if I'm feeling that way, that's one of the last things on the agenda....its great to have strong physical chemistry, but I want to get to know you as a person to see if we go that route, will that be all our relationship is about?....been in that situation before and I didn't like it at all....