Leos and consequences

This topic was created in the Leo forum by scoobydooo on Wednesday, July 26, 2017 and has 11 replies.
hello Leos, how are you with consequences? like... that of a big mistake, or getting carried away or getting too angry and hurting someone, or playing with someone's heart and then be busted, etc etc. most Leos I know aren't very good at facing consequences of their actions, I just would like to understand this more from your p.o.v. smile
If I messed up or if my anger got out of hand I will calm down and immediately apologize. Sometimes the other person is ready to forgive and move on like nothing but then sometimes the other person hates me and does for a while. Which is understandable. But I will do anything to be forgiven if the person means a lot to me. If I don't apologize or try to make it up to you I just don't care but that's very rare.
Posted by scoobydooo
hello Leos, how are you with consequences? like... that of a big mistake, or getting carried away or getting too angry and hurting someone, or playing with someone's heart and then be busted, etc etc. most Leos I know aren't very good at facing consequences of their actions, I just would like to understand this more from your p.o.v. smile
The scenario(s) you painted usually stems from the actions of an immature (and more than likely self centered) Leo. If a Leo takes things too far (without being pushed into doing so), it is because the Leo held little regard for other people's feelings in the first place. The issue isn't that the offending party is a Leo and thusly incapable of handling consequences. It's that the offending party is selfish from the start. It's no secret tha immature people have trouble facing the consquences of their actions. Unfortunately immature Leo tend to follow this trend.

I personally will apologize if I make a mistake and am mindful to not take things too far. I have no problems owning up for my actions. I also find it's always best to let cooler heads prevail and refrain from getting too heated.
thanks for all the replies. to be honest, I love all my leo friends and I think it is just really hard for them to be not immature... because of all the strong temperament, pent up feelings and anger... and yes, immaturity explains most of the bad of what I have experienced I guess. glad to read that there is hope though... Big Grin
Consequences...ahh yeah those are a doozy.

BUT I almost immediately regret all of my antics. Like it's not at all easy to fess up and put my (lioness) tail between my legs. But I'll do it, because I still have a big heart.

But when I do apologize, I want it to sound just as sincere as I truly mean it. I don't wanna be wishy washy or anything.

I just talk myself out of them. I've never faced a situation that words couldn't get me out of. The only real consequences are those which are forced upon me by the world and can't be changed. Which then I just adapt to them.
I always have good intentions so when I fuck up and someone is mad at me I am non chalant. I really don't care. They can be mad all they want lol UNLESS I care/have love for you then I feel like shit and will do anything for forgiveness and just make sure I SHOW how much I care and am sorry. I take the consequences like a boss. (TBH sometimes I try to rush through them or ignore them)
Well I must only know immature Leos, male and female and none know the word sorry or phrase, I made a mistake...
oh yeah Big Grin dumbfounding
Maybe they don't know you're offended.

Or should they *just know* in your opinion?
I think the definition of an immature person (any sign) is not that they don't know when they did something wrong or nasty or mean or even just made an honest mistake, but that they show absolutely no sign of responsibility for it, not even later, in any shape or form. I tried, talking to them doesn't help either. it is really hard to mend things like that, on your own. which is funny because when I think about it, all the immature ones I know are control freaks. in a funny way they are incapable of recognizing the effects of their own strong will. when their control puts them in a positive light there seems to be less problems, that's OK, they wanted it that way, it succeeded, so everything's fine, they are reassured. food for thought imho.