Leo's and their pride.....

This topic was created in the Leo forum by candlz on Wednesday, July 26, 2006 and has 8 replies.
To all you Leos...What should one do if you(the Leo)took something that was said in the wrong context then how it was implied(and is now hurt and won't talk). Should the one who made the comment try to make Leo see exactly what was meant or do you wait for Leo to come around? Do Leos ever 'fix' relationships or is it always up to somebody else to 'make good'?
Wow, I can REAAALLLLY vibe with that candlz. When my pride is hurt, I will hate you so deeply.....but then I'll luv ya again!! lol!!; this is becuase I know that protecting my own pride/ego isn't worth losing a best friend or a loved ones affection over....It can depend on the leo, or how he may view you interms of how important you are to him/her..... as a SIDREAL LEO, I don't like it when you question my motives; I am usually honest, if not blunt in approach, and in expression; I think personally, you should give the leo a little time and space to lick that wound, becuase sometimes a lion has a tendancy to read to much into a situation, or take it too personally I do, becuase I am motivated by what I feel in my heart, and the ideals I hold....then try to explain your aim in the conversation that hurt his/her pride; a leo needs, or wants to know, WHY you did it; depending on the reason you did what you did, the leo will come back; Leos believe it or not can forgive, (maybe not FORGET), and besides leos are afterall quite broad-minded, and are usually willing to hear from another person's point-of-view; He/she may be somewhat pompous, stubborn, or as if he's above you but this is becuase he is hurt; he will forgive you; you just have to let that wound heal; and Leos will depending on the leo, and their intrest in you will fix it if they value you as an important part of their life, or they may just bump you down a peg, or (at least for a while until you get into good graces)but he probably won't veto you out COMPLETELY; or there is the spoiled leo whom may just want YOU to cater to their ego first, and be their LOVE SLAVE at first to prove two things; your love, and your admiration of them, and their sometimes grandious ego; I HAVE A LARGE EGO, ALTHOUGH I DON'T BLAST IT!! BUT I DO NEED PEOPLE OCASSIONALLY TO TELL ME GOOD THINGS ABOUT MYSELF; I JUST LIKE THE IDEA OF THINKING THAT I AM 'THIS' IMPORTANT!! SO MUCH SO THAT THE THINGS THEY SAY ARE LIKE FUEL TO MY LOW FIRE; a Leo rarely needs this though becuase they, (or at least I) resight in my head how great I am on a good day....or how F****D UP I AM ON A BAD DAY!! LOL!!!
I cut people out. Once I've been wronged, I'm just quick to cut the person out and replace them.
Gotta fix this in my own love life and I'll be great! Winking
If I'm not all that attached to someone, I'll go with what LWC said....easy.
Unless it's someone close. I'm known to hold on to certain things that hurt my feelings so I can relate to this. Give the Leo some time then come around again. (yeah, it might have to be you....lame I know) Make a joke, lighten up the atmosphere and then if it seems like leo is ready to talk explain how you didn't mean it.
That also is a part of my leonine personality as well; for example I am this way with my father, whom is sidreal libra; when he hurt me, I cut him out PERMANENTLY; FROM THEN ON, HE WAS MY ETERNAL ENEMY AND RECEIVER OF MY AGGRESSION; AND MY COUSIN SIDREAL SCORPIO, THE WORDS SHE SPOKE TO ME WILL BURN IN ME FOREVER!!!!!!! I DON'T REALLY EVEN TRUST MYSELF WHEN I'M AROUND HER BECUASE OF MY POWERFUL TEMPER, AND MY SCORN, AND HATRED OF HER; LeoWithCapAndAnnoyed, you have a valid point that I support as well, becuase I understand that way you feel, but I obviously realized that I guess my ego got in the way of this; they threatened my pride, and my pride won't let me trust them, or go back to them...although I deal without having my father; the bastard....
*growls aggressively, and wildly*
Good question. I'm a leo going through a tough time with my scorpio friend. She said some things that really hurt me and did some things that made me feel betrayed.
I needed some time to "lick my wounds". Now I'm trying to figure out how to get our relationship back on track.
I think for Leos it has a lot to do with the closeness of the relationship. And yes I don't mind being first to offer up that olive branch.
Is it just me, or is there an echo in here?????......
*frightenedly turns on flashlight, and gulps*
Balsley, sometimes once things are said in a friendship, it's hard to go back to normal. If you've read my other posts, I'm a little biased against water signs...SO...find a new friend? People are replaceable? :-) OR, just extend the olive branch and rebuild. Either way, best of luck.