If you dear Leos,had to choose among those 3 water signs ,Cancer,Scorpio and Pisces,in order to create a loving relationship with,which one should it be?
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Jun 10, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 696 · Topics: 74
mmm...that's an interesting question. Cancer and Pisces are extremely nice. Scorpio's are a little too intense for me, but still decent people (however, there is one scorpio i'd go for if given the opportunity!). If I had to choose, I would probably go w/ a Pisces (my dad's a pisces!)
What about a Leo man and a Scorpio woman?
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Jun 10, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 696 · Topics: 74
I know that combo (leo man and scorpio woman)...works surprisingly well. However, there is a bit of a difference in age and maturity, and I wonder about domination in that relationship. Nevertheless, they both seem very happy!
i'm shocked to hear that leo and pisces is a no...them seem so appealing and attractive to me. What's funny is my 4 best friends are water signs: mom and friend1=scorpio, friend2=pisces friend3=cancer
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Apr 12, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 4267 · Topics: 82
Never dated a leo,but the male leos are awesome,theres always ALOT of talking happening for scorp and leos in the same room together for my experiances with leos.Maybe the sunny influence or something with leos amkes scorps lighten up,they are generally really warm and generious without being oversensitive,no underlying motives besides just wanting your attention when your talking to them and stuff,the arrogant stuff I never really seen in the leos I know but have seen it in celebrity leos so sure depending on the scorp and leos personalities they could work most likely.Probably the fixed aspect to the signs that make them have alot in common as well,work ethics,self reliance,fairness 50/50 towards responsabilities,etc.
If I HAD to choose, I would say Cancer. If there was a 4th choice of death, I would choose that. I'm joking, they're not that bad. I'm just not a typical attention seeking Leo and am real shy, that's one of the reasons I would choose Cancer. I've known people of all 3 signs and I seem to connect more to them. Pisces would be my second choice and Scorpio would be THE last, mostly because I don't trust them enough.
I could use some advice. I am a Pisces woman in love with a Leo man. I am really concerned because I have heard that Leo men and Pisces women do not go well together. Has anyone ever heard of a Pisces woman and Leo man working out? thanks.
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Feb 28, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 250 · Topics: 47
I would choose scorpio! I connect with them as I can say by my experience.I like cancerians and pisceans too but cancerians are too clingy for me and pisceans are too needy.I say this although I have friends who are cancerians and pisceans and I adore them .But scorpio is THE one I will choose.
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Feb 28, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 250 · Topics: 47
I think even if I get along well with scorpios,I still do know some scorpios who are not my type and I dont get along well with them.Every person has its own personality and personal traits and even though they have some common traits of the star sign some of the traits make them differ from each other completely.
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Feb 25, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2525 · Topics: 50
I would choose scorpio. If I don't he might kill me (joke of course. I think) . . . . : P~
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Mar 01, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 683 · Topics: 36
just wanted to let u know that i read somewhere that, surprisingly, pisces and leo tend to get along quite well together, and that there are many couples with those sun signs that stay together for a long time. so as long as your charts are decent, things should go fine if u guys love each other enough and are dedicated. it should work. the combo ain't bad at all. =]
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Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 1234 · Topics: 79
I'm a Cancer and I really don't take to Leo's that well. I mean, I can get along with them but that whole Ego thing with them is too much for me...every conversation somehow ends up relating back to them. I have a female cousin who is a Leo,,Attractive young woman, but very jealous person...wants all the attention and if she isn't getting it you can see the despair in her face,,,,,
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Feb 28, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 250 · Topics: 47
wants all the attention and if she isn't getting it you can see the despair in her face,,,,,
I agree.Its a typical leo trait found especially in leo ladies.
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Feb 28, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 250 · Topics: 47
But I think only sun sign cannot describe a personality.Birth chart matters a lot.
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Sep 24, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 1169 · Topics: 38
july leos get along with pisces very well becasue of the cancer influence
i have beef with august leos
last week and august leo called my house and told me he was going to kill my parents becasue i made him look stupid.
low self esteem mother f u c k e r s
whats a p u s s y too my taurus mom cussed him out when she saw him and he took it
would leo male and cancer work out
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Feb 25, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2525 · Topics: 50
555 . . .I tend to get along w/ cancers and I'm a leo. You might be different. Your cancer might be different. If your after one and want a general answer I'd say be gentle and considerate with yours. If you aren't serious,do her a favor and don't pursue her. (or him) Sorry, Unsure if you're male or female : )
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Dec 01, 2005Comments: 11 · Posts: 1565 · Topics: 18
I am a cusp Piscean WOMAN. I have dated two leos and we were GREAT together. Nothing diastrous at all about my relationships with them. We respect each other. I broke it off, not them, and we are GREAT friends STILL. A third Leo pursued me for 15 years until he finally got the message that I wasn't interested. I still think Leos are great people. Pisceans are not needy. I never made a generalization about Virgos, Branh, b/c I have a very good friend who is one (female). But I KNOW the deal with you guys.
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Dec 01, 2005Comments: 11 · Posts: 1565 · Topics: 18
This thread or this board isn't about virgos. You've never talked to me b/4, don't start now.