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Sep 05, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 124 · Topics: 46
I always felt like Leoz are a bit blind in terms of perception towards life...
That makes them POWERFUL...either its their arrogance or clarity that makes them a beast...
*A blind man is powrful coz he can perceive wat's hidden in normal day's light.*
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Feb 25, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 2525 · Topics: 50
*A blind man is powrful coz he can perceive wat's hidden in normal day's light.*
I like this.
it's funny you say that:
i lost my eyesight a month ago, and experienced a spiritual evolution during this time .
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Jul 09, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15279 · Topics: 125
Wolf, I like that sentiment, and I sort of agree with it..which is odd.
viejagloria, what happened??
..i dont really know if i'd agree with that.
Those who are blind do not see more than others. Instead they merely learn to see in a new way. The blind, have heightened senses of taste, smell, and hearing... because in reality, they need that to fill the void of lacking sight. So truely sight is the most important of our senses, and evidence of that would be, that when we lack sight the other senses are left on overdrive to compensate.
blindness has appeal..always, because without perseptivness there is no pain. you look at everything from surface value. basically then, it's become that whole 'ignorance is bliss' ordeal.
i think on the contrary that leos can be very perseptive...the lion itself by nature is. (i mean how do you think the lion knows the exact moment to strike it's prey?) being perseptive is a means of survival. Even today, when you can't just trust people for "surface value"
i'm a very perseptive leo, maybe because i'm sensitive or because of other influences in my charts..but i never really took leo for being unperseptive?
it was diagnosed as optic neuritis . they still haven't told me what caused it, i think they have to do an LP for that, and i'm not exactly down with that .
it may have been stress, or divine intervention .