Leos, is the presence of your loved ones a necessity every single day?

This topic was created in the Leo forum by mission on Saturday, December 5, 2015 and has 11 replies.
Background: I'm an Aries with a Leo girlfriend, and a Leo best friend.

Problem: None, but my best friend is always, always trying to get my attention and my girlfriend is very adamant about hanging out for hours every single day. I do like time to explore and be on my own, and I know Leos have an adventurous side, so it is just a desire for attention or admiration? I'm not sure I understand.
Posted by mission
Background: I'm an Aries with a Leo girlfriend, and a Leo best friend.

Problem: None, but my best friend is always, always trying to get my attention and my girlfriend is very adamant about hanging out for hours every single day. I do like time to explore and be on my own, and I know Leos have an adventurous side, so it is just a desire for attention or admiration? I'm not sure I understand.

I don't know.

I do know that most Saturday mornings, I wake up and I need attention. lol

No clue why on THIS day, every week, but I do... however, I also need alone

time and I need it frequently, so not sure where they are coming from.

My favorite Virgo ex always had a way of explaining what he needed/wanted

without hurting my big, fat feelings-- it usually went

Sweetie, I LOVE you... but I need to ____________________.

Ex. have a cup of coffee and not talk for the first few minutes of the day.

He has a LEO moon, and he would always have this look like it was just a

damn shame that it had to be that way... but it works.

You should try it.... or something else-- whatever, just do it before this turns

into a resentment against the people that are important to you.


Posted by GreyWiz
why do you need attention? don't you feel ashamed saying that?

Personally, as an Aries sun and Cap moon, I could live like a hermit in the woods..
Maybe not every single day but frequently yes.
I have to admit, even though the know it all attitude gets tiring; I do adore the attention Leo's lavish on their love ones.
Not really but I only have two placements in Leo and I have Virgo placements in 9th in relational and communicative planets so I appreciate space a lot.
I say yes.. If I like you, I want you around. It's as simple as that. I don't necessarily need you to be physically present, especially as I am introverted and need my own space, but I would expect daily contact for sure
Posted by chattyleo
I say yes.. If I like you, I want you around. It's as simple as that. I don't necessarily need you to be physically present, especially as I am introverted and need my own space, but I would expect daily contact for sure

Contact, yes... that's a little different than a constant presence, though.

You covered it nicely.

Well no. I think that depends from person to person. My boyfriend is also Aries. I love to get attention from him, but the frequency depends. I don't necessarily have to see of hear him every day.
But in case the Aries guy makes it a habit to contact the Leo woman every day, and suddenly stops contacting her after a while or the frequency of the contact gets less than used to be, in that case the Leo starts to wonder what's going on or what she has done wrong. She starts to ask the attention which she got used to. But if an Aries guy succeeds from the beginning to let her feel that he cares about her and even when he doesn't contact her every day, he is still there for her, in that case a leo woman can take pace with the fact of not having contact every day. If you don't want to have contact every day, be like that from the beginning. Don't spoil her with attention in the beginning and then afterwards reduce contact of texting or calling. It's true that Leo woman like attention, but you can give her this feeling too without having contact each day. Make her feel safe and cared for.
Posted by MiZLeo
Posted by DonnaElvira77
Posted by MiZLeo

Posted by MiZLeo

I love the way you just admit that proudly just like that.


My venus is there. I'm like worship me!

lol. Venus in Leo too. I'm an attention whore sometimes. I do like my alone time too. I don't need to necessarily see my loved ones every single day for hours at a time but I have to talk to them every day.
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But do you have to see your partner everyday? Or be in contact with them? Is that different. You have the same placements as my girlfriend and she loves attention. She will literally purr. Lmao
Posted by MiZLeo
Posted by PancakeFace
Posted by MiZLeo
Posted by DonnaElvira77
Posted by MiZLeo

Posted by MiZLeo

I love the way you just admit that proudly just like that.


My venus is there. I'm like worship me!

lol. Venus in Leo too. I'm an attention whore sometimes. I do like my alone time too. I don't need to necessarily see my loved ones every single day for hours at a time but I have to talk to them every day.

But do you have to see your partner everyday? Or be in contact with them? Is that different. You have the same placements as my girlfriend and she loves attention. She will literally purr. Lmao

I don't HAVE to see them everyday but I would want to if I really like them, but I need space too at times. I do expect contact in form of text or phone or email everyday tho....unless I know ahead of time that he might not be able to. It's not a control thing having to know what he is doing but more of a if you give me attention and then stop then I wonder if something is wrong.
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Gotcha! I notice that with my cat. Sometimes she can be a little skeptical in the morning before I tell her I love her. If we haven't spoken in a while. But then she warms up.