We met in the beginning of summer and wanted to hang out one night, both said we didnt want to be in relationship. but he & I had this attraction towards each other that we kissed for a good 20 minutes...anyways I made the mistake of sleeping w/ him on th
Ok so there's this Scorpio he's just my type like instant attraction now we aren't friends but we have mutual friends so we've hung out a few times but he seems pretty distant . I used to date a close friend of his which I didn't know they were friends un
We only met once at a party and she added me on Facebook and Snapchat right after. Not really any contact since but I did message her on Snapchat with something a few days before her birthday and she responded well to it (no dead replies or anything l
For this essay we're going to imagine we're stuck on a tropical island. You hear the voice of the astro Gods who tell you to pick one sign to represent each element. Only here's the catch, you're either picking a group of people that can engineer a way of
...as I was reading through this, I was sure the dude was a fixed sign. Wouldn't you know, I was right. Hilarious. You goddamn persistent pests!
I am a leogirl and met this gemini guy in my travels to asia. We hit it off through intellectual conversations and next thing I know he came to me island hopping for a good 5days. I got to know his serious side during these days and ofcourse we had sex li
We really need an edit button for posting When deleting threads they should go away, not just sit there with an annoying line through them The mobile view sucks, it is not navigation friendly at all
I always find scorpio men staring at me, and I don't know if they find me attractive or interesting or just weird. Sometimes they intimidate me and try to look way and I know they know I got intimidated. Just curious
I had about a year ago, a nightmare in which I was home and saw my front door wide open with a creepy guy staring at me evilish but didn't try to come in, I got scared and I closed the door immediately but he was stil there, then I minded my own business