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Sep 13, 2010Comments: 0 · Posts: 1095 · Topics: 43
I met my leo crush at a club. We noticed each other right off the bat. To me he was the finest most beautiful thing i've seen in a long time. I cant describe to you people how fine this man is to me. But it gets better. He started out by basically not really approaching me right away. Almost like he was watching me. He kept popping up the whole night. Then finally the 3rd time i walked passed him he snuck up behind me and whispered in my ear not to walk by him without saying anything again. i burst out laughing. He scared the shit out of me!LOL. But i was flattered, he wasn't the only one scheming i had already made up my libra mind, that i wasn't leaving the club without at least getting his name. Apparently great minds think alike, and he stayed by side the rest of the night. I mean like Glue!
By the way, he stays in ohio im in michigan, so he's 2 hrs away. BUMMER!I KNOW! Anyway, agreed to meet up the next day, and you better believe as soon as the sun came up, he was ringing my phone. So after drinks, we head back to his hotel, i tried to kep it the mood sensual yet casual, but unfortunately things got a little hot and heavy when we kissed for the first time. I swear i saw stars. I fell right then and there. I was the way he did it. But i dont want to be a fool, and give it up, so i put a hault to the whole thing, and decided to see where his head was at, in matter's of women. He tells me, that he knows he could'nt do long distance because of his last relationship. They argued alot and had trust issues. I told him i wouldn't force him to try, but then he began dropping hints like he wanted me to try and get him to change his mind. Im confused...
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Sep 13, 2010Comments: 0 · Posts: 1095 · Topics: 43
Also, he started saying how he's really feeling me, and thinks im incredibly cute. But i just didn't feel the night would go beyond that particular night. So anyway the next day he left and i texted him telling him to have a safe drive. He texted back "thanks sweetie". I didnt want to get physical because i truly wan to get to know him. Sex too early in any relationship in my opinion, clouds up everything and makes them too serious too fast, or too confusing if your dealing with a woman like me, that cant just have sex for the heck of it, if i do it's special. So the whole week he was at home he didnt call or even text me, i must admitt i was like "dang". It was like he was never on my tip, i was beginning to think my bestfriend is right, and he's interested in me when he's in michigan, due to how he feels about long distance. I honestly wanted to tell him i disagree, and long distance could work with us, if we took it slow, and he'd look beyond our distance. But i didn't want to push it. So anyway, this past weekend he comes back to michigan, he's blowing up my phone again, we only got to spend a little time because he was with his cousin, and my homegirl didn't find his cousin cute, so the catching up was cut short. Now he's gone back, and i want so badly to tell this man im interested, but im afraid of rejection. Im sure he's got a million girls all over him, i dont want to become just another notch on his belt. Please help??
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Sep 13, 2010Comments: 0 · Posts: 1095 · Topics: 43
Hello Libranally! Thank you so much!!
Even though i know i can charm the pants of this leo guy, the trouble is getting him to see past my looks and give my personality a fair shot of interest.(which im guessing he hasn't do to our distance, and me not telling him)but should i have to? I mean im extreamly flattered that his fine butt thinks im soooo cute, however it would make me a little more comfortable if i knew for a fact that he wasnt ONLY interested in sex from me. I'm not dealing with your average sweet, loyal, compassionate, least not right now anyway, im sure he's in there, the trouble is how do i get him out??? , his head is not there right now. I dont know how, but i can just tell. So allow me to desribe this leo, i could be wrong, but this is what i have so far
1. He's fine as all get out doors! (as most leo men are)
2. Suave beyond desription
3. Young (23)
4 A rising NFL football player (groupies already, on top of the admires he already has before he even makes the draft)
Plus, he and his ex from the long distance relationship have only been broken up 5 months, going on 6. I hate to sound childish, but i'm literally terrified to pursue this man. I'm afraid he might diss me. Plus i was always taught that the man pursue's the woman. I do agree with you on the sex thing tho, because slightly before him i had a minor encounter with a leo man. And his sexual appetite was off the charts!! He always wanted me around tho, even took me to meet his moms. He used to want me to lay with him, even though he knew i wasn't giving it up. But eventually he got restless. So how should i approach my current leo, i know they love attention & praise...anything else???