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Feb 04, 2012Comments: 0 · Posts: 3039 · Topics: 111
i think you need to give the guy a break. he's got alot going on. i would totally back off if i were you cos you're already sounding a little demanding when you barely know him. what he's going through is a big deal and his kids are the same ages as mine...and it's HARD!! he's not only got to deal with his marriage ending from his own point of view...but also from his kids' and it can prevent you from developing feelings for someone else altogether...there's just not enough time to be able to date someone when you have 2 teenage kids cos they might have their own issues with it.
so i would back off before he tells you to.
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Feb 04, 2012Comments: 0 · Posts: 3039 · Topics: 111
yeah...gameplans are crap per se. you MUST behave naturally, even if it comes over as needy to him cos you're being true to yourself. the thing about playing games is that you're not being you and doing what your gut tells you to and so you're not being honest with the other party about who you are. how can you base a relationship on a forced persona?
so really what i'm saying is that any advice that's given here is just that and you have to make your own mind up what your gut tells you.
my leo....well, not quite mine yet...sent me an email shortly after his birthday saying that he always felt really depressed around his birthday and that he would see me on the other side of his head fuck. it turned out to be a red herring cos actually, he was getting back with his ex but the point is, i replied that i respected that and that he knew where i was if he needed me and i remember writing...'i doubt i'll find anyone as great as you in the short term' and i meant it.
and then i left it for him to contact me, which he did two weeks later.
you have to give people room to be themselves and concentrate your efforts on being you. long term relationships can take forever to make it off the ground so there's no hurry. be patient with him and remain consistently there to support him when he needs it. respond to his contact or if it's been a while, initiate it yourself but just in a hi, how are you type way...nothing deep or heavy.
you get in his face and on his case now and he'll back off for good. i know exactly how much he has on his shoulders cos it's my life too and the last thing i want to hear...and i hear it alot from people i'm sposed to be 'dating' that i'm wrong to put my kids first...that i'm denying them my time in favour of my kids like it's a crime. that i owe myself 'me time' when i'm lucky if i get enough time to use the bathroom. i tell you one sorts out the wheat from the chaff very quickly.
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Jun 22, 2011Comments: 0 · Posts: 2346 · Topics: 71
I saw yes to blame it on the retrograde. Its currently messing with my mind and that of the leos here I know. I cannot wait till its over!!!!
Hey... so thank you to you guys for knocking me down a couple of notches... (take that lightly... I wasn't mad at your guys, I really appreciate the bluntness).
I was freaking out unnecessarily. It has been going well between us. Just slower than normal, but it's building. And that's what's important.
Honestly, I still sometimes get bummed when we can't hang out. But I always eventually get over it.
Most importantly, he did kinda reassure me that he wants to build up towards something, even though he's got a lot going on. He's just a type of person that doesn't really say what he's thinking. And (stupidly) I figured he's a Leo and so that he's a man that will show and tell his emotions. So when he wasn't doing that, I was freaking out, hence my original post.
Now he jokes about it, along with other flaws that I have. I figure as long as I keep it in check, he wont be too pissed...
Thanks again!