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May 11, 2015Comments: 12 · Posts: 1250 · Topics: 77
Have you noticed we live in mad times? So that, some people wear their marriages like cloaks or armors that somehow make them suddenly special and unmarried people are stereotyped and thought irresponsible, immature.. etc?
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Jul 23, 2013Comments: 546 · Posts: 6870 · Topics: 474
I do. It helps if it keeps two people from being empty and devoid.
The woman I fell in love with she was the one I really thought about marriage with. She wasn't my girlfriend though, but she ran off with another guy.. still I hope to be married someday. I want to have kids and I'd want to be married when I do. For legal reasons or just makes more sense and ease. Insurance,, taxes etc.. but yeah being married doesn't increase your love I don't think.. it's optional but it has benefits that just living with a boyfriend/girlfriend don't.
Sorry for the typos using my tablet
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Nov 22, 2015Comments: 0 · Posts: 131 · Topics: 13
Not sure how I feel about it. Not so eager but that's not to say I'm not for it. Guess I'm still waiting for the right guy.