Mind games :)

This topic was created in the Leo forum by undergrad on Tuesday, June 6, 2006 and has 19 replies.
What are the chances of a leo female winning when playing mind games with a scopr male...??? I am sure there are gonna be lots of "lol" because leos are not supposed to be that good at that but seriously ...do you think the scorp will be always one step forward?
Because seriously....i refuse to give up...have to win this one!! lol
Maybe us being stubborn or our desire to be the best would win over the Scorp intensity? Not sure. I'm sure Purrfect would have the answer with her relationship combination. Winking
Maybe us being stubborn or our desire to be the best would win over the Scorp intensity?
it is actually sth like that that i had in mind... And i hope that works cause otherwise i am just wasting my time..lol
...do you think the scorp will be always one step forward?...
Yes. In my case anyways. Be careful of game playing, especially if you REALLY like him. Because it may come back and bite (sting) you in the ass. Undergrad, you should probably be upfront with him about your feelings before thinking about games. Have you told him anything honestly yet? What would you be winning by hurting him if you won? You still get nothing.
How long have you known him? I should've asked that last time we spoke. Sorry.
..Maybe us being stubborn or our desire to be the best would win over the Scorp intensity?...
No. I still try this one sometimes. Doesn't work. He pushes himself into "seriously don't give a shit" mode and I lose. because I DO give a shit.
i have known him for a couple of weeks. Purrrfect i can't possibly admit feelings before he shows anything at all... that would be suicide... What if he doesn't want anything serious... if i tell him what i want... and don't get the answer i expect from him ..what then?
I only asked him what was going on between us.... which shows that i care about it.... but when he asked me what i want... i said "that is all relevant"... His answer was he hasn't really thought about it... he likes it that we are having a good time etc etc and that too much thinking is bad... etc etc...
ok it is probably more easy to copy past the previous posts
Message posted by: undergrad on 5/14/2006 4:49:45 PM ip: xxx.xxx.xxx.213
ok so i finally followed the advice i was given and started a talk with my scorp guy about what exactly is going on between us...i mean is it just sex or is he actually more serious about it and seeing the whole thing going somewhere. He did not avoid the conversation at all...was willing to clarify things..but ..i don't think we clarified anything at the end...I mean he told me he thinks "it still early to talk about this and said that he doesn't know me that well to be sure...this might last a week, a month, a year etc". He said he actually never thought of what is really going on between us...."I don't think about that stuff"......What should I make out of this? I mean he is right to the extend that people have to wait and see if things will work out between them. After our discussion though i thought he would try to show more interest and try to know be better by seeing me more often...but he kept on in the same slow pace....

Message posted by: undergrad on 5/14/2006 4:53:43 PM ip: xxx.xxx.xxx.213
I don't rush into relationships but i think that if one is really interested in a person he/she wants to be around the other as much as possible..if anything so as to know him better and see if it work between them...So I guess his answer and his attitude mean that he is not in love..but just interested in the sex part???

Message posted by: Dancing Bread on 5/14/2006 5:06:30 PM ip: xxx.xxx.xxx.204
I don't like the sound of this undergrad...To me sex is very important in terms of a relationship...if you two have been involved in a sexual relationship, and he tells you that he hasn't thought about it, I say he is a liar...He has thought about it...any guy would have....
I am wondering his reason for this relationship...he could be afraid of making it serious...so he says he never thought about it...but then again, this could be purely sex...he enjoys it b/c you feel a need, but he doesn't see you feel the need for a serious relationship...
His reason really doesn't matter...what matters is you...so what do you want? Do you want this type of relationship? I mean, there is nothing wrong if you do...you could always date around in the mean time...but if you are looking for more, you need to end it...and telling him it is over, you will probably get a few more answers to your questions...b/c you will see h
...b/c you will see his reaction...if you tell him the relationship is over,

Message posted by: Dancing Bread on 5/14/2006 5:08:39 PM ip: xxx.xxx.xxx.204
b/c you are looking for more...then you will see how he response...if he really does want more, it will force him to engage...if he really isn't looking for more, then he won't...and at least you will know...
Just because scorpios are passionate doesn't mean much to you if you are not part of his passion...

Message posted by: undergrad on 5/14/2006 5:22:48 PM ip: xxx.xxx.xxx.213
He actually asked me what i want..but what i want really depends on how he feels...I am at this stage that I can either fall in love with him or hold back. I told him that I don't know what I really want and that he was right i that we don't know each other well enough yet to make that sort of decision..and maybe he was right that it was too early to make this discussion ...Truth is though I would like him to want more than just sex...as i need to communicate with the other person...talk to him open about stuff...and feel that he is there for me...

Message posted by: undergrad on 5/14/2006 5:27:18 PM ip: xxx.xxx.xxx.213
What i cannot understand is why he never asks me directly to go out with him...he always starts the conversation but never finishes it..I mean I am the one who have to say..."ok so are we meeting tonight"? But then he never makes plans wiht other people and he is always available...
And what's more....He is very sarcastic at times...and very sweet and caring at other times....If i don;t call him..he does...Why does he even bother to be nice if all he cares about is sex?

Message posted by: Dancing Bread on 5/14/2006 5:51:17 PM ip: xxx.xxx.xxx.204
Why does he even bother to be nice if all he cares about is sex?"
So you are saying you will have a sex relationship with a man who is mean?

Message posted by: JuiCy* on 5/14/2006 5:55:51 PM ip: xxx.xxx.xxx.223
a point to that, not saying its what it is...but what guy who is semi smart about woman is going to be mean to her, if he wants sex?..think about it. Bc i'm sure you would then not want nothing to do with him if he was an a-hole.
so that was about it....
so honesty did not work out... and since i am not prepared to let go yet.. i have to resort to mind games..... lol
although i have to say it is not much fun playing mind games with a scorp... because he just doesn't play them well.... I mean he just does what i do but with double intensity. for example if i call him or text him he will do the same... if i ignore him he will double ignore me.... too hard!!! too stubborn!!
brahn we r not in a relationship yet.... so i can't be too clear about my feelings .. don't want to get hurt..
And just me asking him what is going on between us twice shows that i care about it... he hasn't done the same.. hasn't been clear about things... and moreover he hasn't shown very much....
SO mind games it is... the only question now is.... How can a leo win at that? All tips and advice welcome...
Message posted by: branh0913 on 6/7/2006 2:55:32 AM ip: xxx.xxx.xxx.58
Relationships are built around honesty. If he isn't willing to be honest, then perhaps you should just let him go. I fail to see where playing games will change much of anything
that is actually true and i know that... It is just that i have set my mind on winning this.... even though it may sound stupid... and worthless and a waste of time to everybody else...Don;t you know when there are some times in your life when you just need to feel that have to pursue sth... if not anything else just to prove some stuff to yourself...
It seems like you could simply like the chase than the actual goal.
I am not gonna lie... You are most possibly right.... But can you honestly tell me that you have never that done at least once?
Sure you get the satifiscation of deceiving people...
No it is not about that with me.... I don't think about that ... and i definitely don't get and don't seek that kind of satisfaction.... And never in my life was i the one who started playing mind games.. I am always straight forward in the beginning... but if the other person is really sweet at some times and then gives me a cold shoulder at other times playing mind games... then I get angry and sad.... and that is when i start doing the same to him... you know why though... Because he shows me that he does not respect me as a person... So it is not the satisfaction of deceiving people but more the satisfaction of teaching the guy a lesson....namely not to play with other peoples feelings esp when those feelings are true
Btw don;t get me wrong... i totally agree with what you say and i honestly think that mind games is the biggest problem in relationship and it is totally unnecessary and uncalled for...and i would definitely give the same advice you gave me to other people if they told me they were thinking about playing games ... But is it not always like that=> It is easy to give advice to others and hard to follow it when you are stuck in a situation... because then you get emotional and it is not easy to just follow the logic
by the way brahn ...i heard pisces is the most unfaithful sign.. I have some friends of mine (pisces females) they all told me the same thing... that their mind was never set on just one person.. SO you might actually be better off not dating that pisces girl anymore Winking
.... and that is when I start doing the same to him...

undergrad, don't think that nobody understands where you are coming from. Every time I feel like I want to hurt him the way he hurt me I always end up hurting myself more in the end. And if I did hurt him it just made things worse on his end and he never admitted it (then anyways). The only way you "win" anything is to just drop the whole thing all together. The others have given some good advice. You won't be winning anything if this is all you want. Especially if you don't even know him. I don't know what else to tell you hun. I'm sorry.
thanks you guys.. i know that you are right... Chocolate i came out of a very long relationship as well (not as long as yours) and this scorp knows that ...he actually has asked me lots of things on this subject and made up his mind that I seem to be very hurt by the break up with my ex... So what you said helped a lot... I will try to cast aside my ego and try to drop the whole thing ....
P.S to chocolate: i think that was db's advice as well.. it think what he said was" DRop him" lol
thanks chocolate!
I have a question though... I was going out with some friends and I asked him if he wanted to come along... He said he would give me a call later.... Eventually he did not come to meet us... After that I have been avoiding him... cause i thought you know i made a move.. it's his turn now... Result was we have no contact at all now!! SO now wouldn't it be just pathetic if I text him or talk to him first.... Question sounds childish... ain't it? lol Winking
....those scorps are very emotional, deep,senstive people.
i am seriously starting to doubt that! When i tell sb (who invites me some place with his/her) ....i am gonna give them a call then the least i can do is send a msg telling them i will not be able to make it.... His behaviour showed me that he doesn't give a s*** about me and he was totalling ignoring me!!!
that's why he was drilling you with those questions to see where you were at and should he proceed or not. (LOL)
... and then what decided not to proceed... I told him that i am totally over my ex... and my ex is also 1000 miles away so i don't think that he fears that i am gonna get back together with him... SO he has his confirmations.... Maybe he just doesn't like me any more... It is sad and difficult to accept it but it might be the truth and I might have to see it eventually... Sad

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