I need your advise please, my leo is pushing me away but frankly I started it, we know each other from a year and a half within this year I am the one who always started to communicate, but am not of the type that is so clingy to call so many times a day, so whenever he is not answering I don't ask about him after a while he comes back asking where were you?! I took a distance once and he brought me back
Despite of his way of being caring and then cold through this year I kept communicating and we met once
After that I felt I need to speak out how I feel and I did
And in order to keep my pride I told him as long as you don't feel the same I have to step back for a while
He called trying to make me not to do that and he didn't say anything if he has anything for me or not
So kept a distance again in this while he called that he doesn't want to lose me and me around
I accepted it hoping that he might have some feelings for me
Yet he kept flirting with his friends(girls)
That was so hard for me so I told him i have to go its too much for me to accept and I need to go
Then blocked him from Facebook in order not to follow his activities on it
After a month I couldn't bear being so far from him so I called and he was really nice and told me to send him a friend request again
However since this day he never answered my texts or calls
After like 10 days he put a profile Pic on WhatsApp with a gift! I asked him what is this he didn't answer
Asked him to tell me if he is in a relationship just say it, the answer was something like that!
So I pulled myself away again, but after this I realized there is no relationship or anything but he is just pushing me away
Can you help me, do you think he ever had anything for me, I felt like so, if not why he kept coming back to me and why now he is pushing me away
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Aug 24, 2011Comments: 17 · Posts: 5119 · Topics: 78
Well it seems like neither one were very direct with one another, however it seems as if you told him how you felt and he want to flirt with other women. That alone is a good reason to move on and not worry about him. Blocking him just to unblock him later was silly on your part since that basically shows that you're unsure what you want. I advice you leave this guy alone and look for someone who will reciprocate your feelings.
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Jan 27, 2019Comments: 2 · Posts: 1548 · Topics: 27
Leave this yo-yo alone. Stop letting him toy with your feelings. It's okay to be sad or a little hurt but don't open the door to have you manipulate you behind it. I mean, he's ignoring you. That's pretty rude and disrespectful. Who wants or needs a rude, disrespectful ass for a man? Yeah. No thanks. Keep your dignity in tact and move forward towards healing and finding someone more compatible and respectful.
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Sep 13, 2013Comments: 800 · Posts: 826 · Topics: 6
he didn't push you away.. you pulled away
stay away
he has enough attention to feed himself
if you go back, you are playing the same game