Need more Leo knowledge....

This topic was created in the Leo forum by candlz on Tuesday, September 19, 2006 and has 7 replies.
My Mr. Leo and I exchanged the 'I love you's' about a month ago(he said it first). We communicated for a couple weeks after that(email..don't see much of him because of distance). Anyway, for the last couple weeks, I have heard nothing from him(he has done this in the past as well).Do all Leos do this? Is he comfortable knowing he's 'got me', or am I missing something? How can I be 'the best thing that's ever happened to him'(his words) when he acts like this? This drives me insane!!!!!!
Hi everybody, i'm a newbie, but i had to create a message when I read your message candlz. I'm going through a similar sitaution with a leo too. I'm a taurus female. We have been talking since the end of April, I met him online, I live in Texas, he live in Lousiana, we haven't offically met yet (it's a long story), we just been talking on the phone, im messaging, email, send pictures, and he would call me every day during the summer and up until 2 weeks ago, didn't seem like I could breath for a second he was calling so much, and now I'm back in school and looking for a job part-time and he is working now and I can understand us not talking as much because our lives have become busier, but just recently like since 2 weeks ago, he starting acting real distance, he would call once a day after he got off of work just to see how i'm doing and i would do the same vice versa, to now like he is non-existent and doesn't call at all and i'm non-existent to him. Similar to your leo candlz. I text him last wednesday, asking him why haven't he call me and he acted like he didn't know what i was talking about? I haven't talked to him since last friday and I call him sunday, he doesn't answer his phone and doesn't return my phone calls. I text him today, still no reply? He tells me he cares for me, and I do belive him and I care about him alot. but I wonder what is up with the strange behavior? Since talking to him, I feel alot that is said on the board is true about leos and their characteristics, these is my first time in dealing with one and boy i tell ya! I could go deeper, but I heard that taurus and a leo don't mix well. Any leos know why is these behavior occuring?
oh and i want to know too like candlz said are leos comfortable in knowing they have a person and he know I'm not going any where? At least he thinks that, but he don't know this --> taurus! smile
leos have disappearing acts from time to time, and mainly it's not usually because they don't care about the person they're's mostly just a mixture of lazyness, and waiting to see if the other person will come around. If leo feels that he has put in effort (like him saying 'i love you' first) generally he's waiting for the other person to put in the same effort and put yourself on the line (aka calling first.) Leo wants to know he's adored and he's probably waiting for you to call after it leo vanity..but he wants to know that you adore him and would go after him because he's too special to let go. it's kind of annoying once you think about i'm dating a leo now, and im a leo...and we'll go three days sometimes without speaking just to see who'll cave first and call..waiting for that call thats going to say 'i miss you'and really you're right..I can't live without you'
leos are crazy.
one thing you might need to be worried about though is that if i (as a leo) am not going after a significant other full force and no could be because intrest is slipping. leos can be semi flightly..always looking for the next challege to dominate and place in their palace of you must never allow a leo to fully dominate's the challenge which will keep a leo.
This is mainly towards the beginning of a relationship..after a significant time if you've managaged to keep leo he's as loyal to you as ever.
I do the dissapearing act if i feel as though the other person has pulled back. Not because I don't care, but to see if they care enough to pull me back in again. It's not playing games, just testing the waters to see if i'm loved back as much as i love.
Posted by lioness81
I do the dissapearing act if i feel as though the other person has pulled back. Not because I don't care, but to see if they care enough to pull me back in again. It's not playing games, just testing the waters to see if i'm loved back as much as i love.

This trait drives me crazy. I don't understand it at all. It is a TRUE Leo trait regardless of age and maturity. Maybe the distance & tension mimics and feels like passion. That said Libra's (at least this Libra) don't play this particular mind/love game. It really upsets my sense of balance, stability and fairness. Finally though I realize it's a game so I can handle it with Leo's now. Thanks to these boards.
LibraGirl, this is very true. I've done it with my cancer man, especially after I've laid my heart on the table. If I feel he isn't as open as I am or he's pulling back for whatever reason, I'll do the same. It's a protective stance. Doesn't mean I don't care. In fact, I care too much. If I didn't I'd walk away without a glance back.