Signed Up: Feb 21, 2015 Comments: 1412 · Posts: 2819 · Topics: 78
Any leos finding new love these days?? or started a relationship? i recently stared dating again and it feels so good i might want a relationship in the next year or so..
What do you think about a lack of jealousy in a relationship? Does it mean that the guy or girl is really secure and trusts their partner? Or would it signal a lack of interest if there wasn't at least a little jealousy? Obviously, obsessive jealous
Who else excited to see this movie? I am all warm and fuzzy inside watching the trailer, and I look forward to seeing it with my sister and/or boyfriend. :D I really do enjoy stories like this.
Hey guys, I'm starting up a lash business but when I open a store front I want to be able to offer hair and blowouts as well as makeup. I'm having a hard time coming up with a name for my business... Any ideas? Looking for something creative and unique an
I realized that there are ALOT of libras that are middle class or rich, but online there are so many quotes saying that they are one of the most laziest sign.
This female gem and I started off in a bad place but we ended up cool I guess. At this current state its confusing though and I would like some clarification on what to do. She admitted that she hated me in the pass but I guess now she tolerates me. I wou
i work with a scorpio guy, he' s so friendly with everybody, cracks jokes and very talkative, anyways a few weeks ago i hanged out with him , we had a nice conversation until he told me sth i didnt like, i didnt comment on it but the atmosphere changed an
So ive been talking to this guy for about a year (he knows that im interested btw) now at first he was cold and had basically no expressions, after time the more time we spent together he slowly started to open up to me about his family life and certain p
Ok so ive known this capricorn male for about a year now and he knows that i like him...his friends somtimes throw subtle hints around but hes just so unpredictable (unusual right?) he has those moments were he could be hurtful with his words but im not s
So I was watching "The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt" and there is this Vietnamese guy called "dong" and he is so cute. Too bad we dont get to see much cute ones