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May 01, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 286 · Topics: 46
People who say they are handsome, cut, sexy pretty whatever.....are they overconfident, full of themselves or just plain confident (last one is positive)?
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Mar 28, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 363 · Topics: 21
I think it depends on the person. By listening to what else the person has to say, I would be able to get an idea if the person is bragging. But IMHO, if a person has to 'say' these things about themselves, they probably don't feel that confident and are trying to make themselves look good to themselves and others.
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Sep 28, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 7602 · Topics: 89
*** But IMHO, if a person has to 'say' these things about themselves, they probably don't feel that confident and are trying to make themselves look good to themselves and others.
People assume this but it isn't always the truth. I think sometimes people say this to feel better about the fact that they lack that degree of confidence. It really depends on the inflection.
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May 01, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 286 · Topics: 46
does it normally though sound bad when a person says or makes it too obvious by his behaviour that he is overconfident?
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Sep 19, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 492 · Topics: 123
Let me take this from the angel of an age old saying!
"you annot expect anyone to love u unless u love yourself"
There is a definite difference between confidence and arrogance! I think I am attractive but also always keep in mans meat is another man's poison!
Another point to ponder is did u ever notice at a night club or a pub or any social gathering...there's 1 or 2 ppl who ae pretty average looking but somehow every dude or chick in the place is acting like they're gorgeous? It's because they BELIVE they are gorgeous...self love NOT arrogance!
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Jan 18, 2005Comments: 3 · Posts: 15387 · Topics: 830
There are people of average looks who have a certen poise about them an easy self possessed assurance of manner. gracious tact in coping or handling interactions between themself and others. This goes beyound good looks they are de bonne grace.
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Mar 15, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 5038 · Topics: 65
'if a person has to 'say' these things about themselves, they probably don't feel that confident and are trying to make themselves look good to themselves and others...'
not neccesarily... i know some really HOT good looking people who know they r Freakin' hot and r VERY VERY confident about their looks....
actions speak louder than words. some of my friends claim they/re cute, handsome, etc, but they act otherwise. and then there are people who verbally downplay themselves yet prance around like their IT. but as archer stated, " u think they are?"
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Sep 28, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 7602 · Topics: 89
im not blonde, i don't have blue eyes ( what this society considers as 'BEAUTIFUL')
Don't kid yourself! Tons and tons and tons of men love brunettes. In fact, I secretly wonder if men prefer brunettes.
The thing is ... as women ... men have such a wide variety of what they find attractive that women really shouldn't worry about it. As long as you dress well and keep yourself groomed nicely, men will find you attractive. Add a bit of confidence knowing this ... men will think you are a knock-out.
I, seriously, think people should be nicer to themselves and compliment themselves more. If you are happy and love yourself, you don't need to knock someone else down to feel better about yourself.
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Mar 15, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 5038 · Topics: 65
'...If you are happy and love yourself, you don't need to knock someone else down to feel better about yourself....'
little sparrow,
i totally agree with ya...... we need to love ourself, appreciate our bodies and compliment ourselves more often.... i have this awesome uncle who says ' everytime you accomplish something pat yourself on your shoulder coz NO ONE else will do it....' LOL... hes sweet...... i personally dont think self love is Vanity... we need to love oursleves, be confident and proud of ourselves, whats wrong in that???
but ya we should treat everyone nice too.... this superior or hotter-than-thou attitude is sooooo irritating...if ur hot..fine dont look down on others coz you think your a Stud or hottie....
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Mar 15, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 5038 · Topics: 65
'...Tons and tons and tons of men love brunettes. In fact, I secretly wonder if men prefer brunettes....'
personally i have seen that dark haired men go for blondes...always.. they find blondes attractive... whereas blonde guyz go for brunettes... thatz my personal experience.. i always attract blondes...
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Jun 26, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 217 · Topics: 26
Maybe theyre being honest?
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Aug 20, 2005Comments: 1 · Posts: 2571 · Topics: 154
Oh wow, yes I'm going to have to agree with that Aprilbaby. People are so intolerant of a little 'arrogance' I see it happen all the time. Not with me cuz I'm not arrogant or go around saying I'm pretty... ppl can make their own opinions on that, it's all cool. But there is definitely guys and girls out there who know their beautiful and feel confident about themselves and it seems like other ppl automatically dislike them, start the shiet-talking and dirty looks (especially chics) I personally don't understand it, because unless they're looking down on you or something, there's no problem... they ARE beautiful, they know it, I know it and everyone who can see knows it. It's part of their character, if we weren't so quick to judge we might find out that they're pretty cool ppl. Some ppl actually come off as conceited and self-centered as a rEaCtIoN to others quick to judge attitudes. Ppl aren't stupid, you can sense those who are already hating you.
As a matter of fact, I think that many times goodlooking guys and girls are automatically labeled 'conceited' without even having had a chance to interact with them. Lot of times these amazingly handsome guys are soooo cool personality wise, same with the chics. Anywayyyyy, even a little arrogance never hurt anyone... it's a character trait really. I've seen tons of 'ugly' arrogant peeps but no one is really offended by them, beauty is offensive ???? Haterzzzz
But ya I get it... no one likes a conceited snob who looks down on others less beautiful. I'm just saying that many times it's not even the case.