
This topic was created in the Leo forum by banini on Thursday, February 8, 2007 and has 7 replies.
I came to a moment of clarity recently. I think it was last night. I said to myself, "all I want is someone to play with". And then I thought about it some more, and I realized that probably one of the main reasons I've had crushes on the girls I've had crushes on was because they seemed like they would be really fun to play with in one way or another. So, I just need to find someone I can play with. It's all I really want. Thats all. I don't want to see any comments like, if you want other people to want to play with you, you first need to want to play with yourself, because, hehehehehe. NM!
So, where will Banini find his playmate?
I actually feel the same way, I don't want all the heavy issues that come with relationships, I just want someone to play with and feed my great energy off of the other person. Seems everyone makes relationships so hard and complicated instead of enjoying one another these days.
So don't feel like your wrong for feeling this way, I feel this way also (:
I agree. This is why I have switched from business guys to artistic/creative men. Even talking about heavy subjects, not personal subjects, is a form of play.
She is out there Banini. I think sometimes we need to clearly define who we are, so we know who we want. Only when we know that, can that person appear.
"Seems everyone makes relationships so hard and complicated instead of enjoying one another these days."
so true. i hate that Tongue.
lol @ chocolate
At this point, I would be very happy with just one ... the right one for me. "I will leave it to the other girls to play." Winking
Yes. I am looking for my forever home. lol!
At this point, I would like my lifemate to appear. It is time. I am ready now. smile
thanks honey! More prey for the other ladies.