I am a Scorpio gal that just started dating a Leo guy. I'm skittish, because I've heard that he is a player...although this comes from only his jealous EX of course. Okay, so he blows up my phone texting, saying the most sweetest things that have ever been said to me before. Hung out as friends a few times, and have texted for weeks, and talked on phone a few times too. Asked me out a few times, I turned him down. Finally said yes. He starts laying the dirty talk on me via text. I play back. He's magnetic, not gonna lie. But deep down, I'm skittish and wondering if all he wants is a piece of action. We hang out, he starts laying on serious moves, I back up, although the chemistry is out of the roof! Told him I am not ready for that, I want to get to know him first, and feel we are moving way too fast and I've never moved this fast with anyone.. He said he understood. He also knows my track record and I've only been involved in 2 relationships in my life, so very clean past. I don't party, drink, anything like that, not to toot my own horn, but I'm a good girl lol. He knows it. but next day? Starts being withdrawn. No more sweet texts, but yet still texts me first. Still hangs out with me everyday. But has withdrawn somewhat. HELP? I've asked him several times what's up and said I feel he's being withdrawn but he says he's tired, etc etc.....But then says he likes me a lot and still shows complete efforts on hanging out with me every single day, kisses me, etc. But all the sweet texts have stopped and what were novels, became shorter texts. What could be going through his mind?? I've given him the option to back away if he's having second thoughts and we can be friends, etc-- he said no way, he's not. I'm just not ready for sex after only a week of dating, it's not me. I even admitted I know I have ran kinda hot and cold with him, but I start caving then back off out of fear of being played or used (happened many times to me, so yeah, I'm sick of it) I told him I would get there but it's too soon. Also---- I was dating someone and it was serious for six months then he moved to another state, and my Leo knew how much in love I was.... Insight anyone? Could use all the comments and advice I could get! Thanks in advance
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Mar 27, 2013Comments: 20 · Posts: 168 · Topics: 19
STAY AWAY!!!! Only advice from one scorp to another and one who recently gave up the ghost on leo man. He still trys to reel me back in....shaking my head......He will pardon my language but "mind fuck" you until you can't take it anymore and without any explanation. A very shallow man at that. I am very fond of a few leos on here but as for him he is written off.
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Mar 27, 2013Comments: 20 · Posts: 168 · Topics: 19
He will reel you in only to pull away. Once the chase is over he will lose interest. My new theory on men in general, you lose interest I'm gonna lose interest and exit.
(Sorry, got cut off!)
* too. But, like Neurath explained, I noticed with him he is now shifting gears to a more formal stage of dating. No more sweet good morning and evening texts, no more flattery, and he went completely cold with being intimate too (Which in a sense was kind of a let down from all of the chemistry because he's just so damn irresistible, but I feel this is probably a better route to make our friendship in the beginning more solid). We do hangout yes, and we actually do things that make us challenge each other to be better and get a better connection and friendship going. I see this as trying to understand it from his point of view (since the majority of Leo men fear commitment), and it is making our connection stronger.
Trust me, if a Leo is putting forth action instead of just talking (as in still making effort to hang out with you), it's a good sign. (At least from my experience thus far!)