Scorpio with a two part question about her Leo guy

This topic was created in the Leo forum by Scorpiogrl62 on Monday, April 1, 2013 and has 8 replies.
Okay Leo board, I'm back to pick your collective opinions again. Yay! Right? XP
Anyways, I'm (a lovely scorpio lady) now with a Leo guy. For those of you who haven't stumbled on the soap opera that led up to this, it's really not that important except for a few points.
* He was pretty heartbroken over his ex and is still rather hung up on her. (Something that we've openly discussed)
* We became friends and then friends-with-benefits
* He decided that he wanted to "move on" and that he wanted to try and see how things went with me. That he thought it would be pretty easy to add on to what we already had and "legitimize it".
So we've been "legitimized" for about a week now (known each other for over 3 month). Not a lot of time, I know, and I was honestly happy to just let things move at a natural pace and not worry about labeling anything. However an incident occurred that led to us having a discussion about it. We basically settled on that we were dating monogamously. His words being, "I don't want to date anyone else but you, but I'm not looking to be anyone's boyfriend either."
I guess I just want to know what ya'll lovely people think that means, if anything.
The second part of my query is if I'm.....hmm....wasting time with him. Jeeze, that sounds bad. I really jut mean that I like him, a lot. I read somewhere that Scorpio is drawn to Leo like a moth to the flame, and it's just as deadly an attraction. He's just openly hung-up on his ex and while we've discussed it and I'm understanding, I don't want to spin my wheels on a hopeless cause. He's a bit broken because of it and I think at least a little emotionally unavailable. He's trying though, which is why I haven't just walked away (well part of the reason anyway).
I'm wandering if, all other possible circumstances aside, it's just a matter of patience. If I wait, support, and just generally be here for him as he works through this, is it possible that he will be able to commit to me? Or will I just be fixing him for some other lucky girl?
Leave him, let him come to you.
I've kind of already done that. I had started casually seeing another man about a week before he decided that he wanted to "throw his hat into the ring" as well. I've no desire to play out my line too much and lose him. He actually broke up with the ex he's hung up on because she kept her feelings too close to her chest. And revealed them too late, I've no want to repeat that.
I feel like I should add a couple of other points as well.
*He's much more physically affectionate in public now, as well as outright speaking about us being together in front of others.
*His friends all know that "something" is happening between us. Which I discovered after a female friend of his berated another gal pal for being flirty with him.
*Since "legitimizing" we've spent nearly every free moment together. Which is a lot of time together over these past two weeks.
Hey Jynja!Laughing, I'm liking the new pic.
I'm mostly just following my gut (intuition) at this point, it's done me pretty good so far. But then sometimes I get all doubting and end up asking all my friends and the internet (XP).
I've never posted his chart no, and honestly wouldn't really know how to go about it. Not sure I could get much birth information from him though as he's well aware of my great love for astrology and would likely be suspicious.
@xMoonMan - I'm always happy to hear anyone's thoughts. I just post in the Leo board because I'm trying to get a better view for how they think specifically.
I just know that I can only hold back my own emotions for so long before there's no turning back. It's already been a bit of a complicated situation, and I don't want to invest in something that's never going to go anywhere. And while I know that you can never tell with a romance, I mean that it was obviously never going anywhere. smile
I'm down on Leo men right now after reading all I've read lately run while u can before he puts his sirens song in your heart

Just my thoughts. I am in a middle of a separation/divorce with my Leo man and I am Leo woman. I have been married to him since I was 19 and him 23 for 14 years. So I have been out of the dating scene for MANY years and not in yet. No thank you. But here is my warning. At least from my Leo guy. They will have that "one" that will always have that part of their heart. We went through a separation early in our marriage, by year two. He had an affair, while I had his infant daughter and pregnant with his next child. Nice, I know, but we were both so young when we got married and didn't get what it took to make a marriage work, and actually became stronger when we did get back together 7 months later. But I told chick from the start. You may have him now, but I am the ONLY Mrs. X. I have his heart and it will always be mine. I have found out he has made a connection with a person from high school who is a Scorpio,and is trying her before he left the country. He may even try her when he comes back. But I also know he wants me back and I know, I will always be the "One" for him. Us Leo's at least in my experience even with me, have that "One" that will always be in our heart, even though we are not with them and may never ever be. So if you understand that in him and accept it and allow him to lick his wounds especially if she is that "one", and come to the point that we do where we say OK, enough is enough. It was great, it was beautiful, I don't have no regrets but I am ready to move on with my life and put this experience where it belongs in the past, you should be good. We are loyal creatures and when we deem someone worthy of ourselves we do give them everything to make them happy. He may not be ready to do that for you yet, and we will hold back until we know we are capable of doing it.