Scorpio woman obsessed with leo man

This topic was created in the Leo forum by scorpio-rose on Monday, December 4, 2017 and has 36 replies.

well a few days ago i asked about a leo guys moon and rising sign placements (that i have been crushing on) and its getting fairly out of hand. I mean i have had crushes, but i was always easily able to separate the feelings, but with this guy im going crazy, i am literally obsessed, but at the same time im not the type to make the first move, but with him i feel like i should just do something. the reason why im refraining is because he is very professional and works as a researcher at my uni (a complete erudite), and i dont want to ruin my chances.. Leos if you could help..

him: leo sun, virgo rising, capricorn moon, capricorn mars.

me: scorpio sun, cancer rising, cancer moon, cancer mars
Posted by CaramelizedCoffee
when a leo is hot and can make a water sign women go nuts!

Ahahaha oh yesss!!! Big Grin

Posted by MiZLeo
My mom's a Scorpio and my dad's a Leo 😁 been married for over 40 years
That's amazing MiZLeo, makes me want to have my happy ever after 😄😍, never thought I'd go for a Leo..
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Leo man: "I got me a scorpio woman"
All his earth is making all your water steam up. It could be great or your emotional bits could eventually start to overwhelm him. Us Leo/caps are kind of robotic in that sense. Not a whole lot of compassion, though we try. On the other had we're very sensitive. It's a really odd combination and pretty frustrating both for us and for our romantic interests.
Posted by sultrykitty
All his earth is making all your water steam up. It could be great or your emotional bits could eventually start to overwhelm him. Us Leo/caps are kind of robotic in that sense. Not a whole lot of compassion, though we try. On the other had we're very sensitive. It's a really odd combination and pretty frustrating both for us and for our romantic interests.
Soo true im boiling!! Big Grin That's some nice Info!! Thank u! 😊
Posted by scorpio-rose
Posted by sultrykitty
All his earth is making all your water steam up. It could be great or your emotional bits could eventually start to overwhelm him. Us Leo/caps are kind of robotic in that sense. Not a whole lot of compassion, though we try. On the other had we're very sensitive. It's a really odd combination and pretty frustrating both for us and for our romantic interests.
Soo true im boiling!! Big Grin That's some nice Info!! Thank u! 😊
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If you are on speaking terms with him, just be cool. Calm, cool, and collected is VERY sexy to us. And we all know how the Scorpio Leo attraction is. I've always had good luck initially with Scorps, it's what happens later that usually leaves me feeling sort of flat.

Posted by sultrykitty
Posted by scorpio-rose
Posted by sultrykitty
All his earth is making all your water steam up. It could be great or your emotional bits could eventually start to overwhelm him. Us Leo/caps are kind of robotic in that sense. Not a whole lot of compassion, though we try. On the other had we're very sensitive. It's a really odd combination and pretty frustrating both for us and for our romantic interests.
Soo true im boiling!! Big Grin That's some nice Info!! Thank u! 😊
If you are on speaking terms with him, just be cool. Calm, cool, and collected is VERY sexy to us. And we all know how the Scorpio Leo attraction is. I've always had good luck initially with Scorps, it's what happens later that usually leaves me feeling sort of flat.

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Well i did initiate a conversation and I did my best to be very poised and asked things to the point, but it seems I may have been too uptight since he didn't reply back after I thanked him for his advice. If I may ask, if you were interested in someone how would u show that?/

Posted by scorpio-rose
Posted by sultrykitty
Posted by scorpio-rose
Posted by sultrykitty
All his earth is making all your water steam up. It could be great or your emotional bits could eventually start to overwhelm him. Us Leo/caps are kind of robotic in that sense. Not a whole lot of compassion, though we try. On the other had we're very sensitive. It's a really odd combination and pretty frustrating both for us and for our romantic interests.
Soo true im boiling!! Big Grin That's some nice Info!! Thank u! 😊
If you are on speaking terms with him, just be cool. Calm, cool, and collected is VERY sexy to us. And we all know how the Scorpio Leo attraction is. I've always had good luck initially with Scorps, it's what happens later that usually leaves me feeling sort of flat.

Well i did initiate a conversation and I did my best to be very poised and asked things to the point, but it seems I may have been too uptight since he didn't reply back after I thanked him for his advice. If I may ask, if you were interested in someone how would u show that?/

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Lol, depends. I tend to be pretty forward but it takes a while (like months) for me to be sure I'm making the right choice. Just keep being friendly but not too available. If he's interested, he'll ask you out or start flirting a little. We tend to be sarcastic so if he feels comfortable with you, he may actually start teasing you. Don't take it the wrong way. smile

Posted by sultrykitty
Posted by scorpio-rose
Posted by sultrykitty
Posted by scorpio-rose
Posted by sultrykitty
All his earth is making all your water steam up. It could be great or your emotional bits could eventually start to overwhelm him. Us Leo/caps are kind of robotic in that sense. Not a whole lot of compassion, though we try. On the other had we're very sensitive. It's a really odd combination and pretty frustrating both for us and for our romantic interests.
Soo true im boiling!! Big Grin That's some nice Info!! Thank u! 😊
If you are on speaking terms with him, just be cool. Calm, cool, and collected is VERY sexy to us. And we all know how the Scorpio Leo attraction is. I've always had good luck initially with Scorps, it's what happens later that usually leaves me feeling sort of flat.

Well i did initiate a conversation and I did my best to be very poised and asked things to the point, but it seems I may have been too uptight since he didn't reply back after I thanked him for his advice. If I may ask, if you were interested in someone how would u show that?/

Lol, depends. I tend to be pretty forward but it takes a while (like months) for me to be sure I'm making the right choice. Just keep being friendly but not too available. If he's interested, he'll ask you out or start flirting a little. We tend to be sarcastic so if he feels comfortable with you, he may actually start teasing you. Don't take it the wrong way. smile

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Ohhh okay!!😄 now I'm excited (I'm a simpleton)!! Ahahaha thank you!!

Ask him out for a drink and see what he does with it.
Posted by Chuckcem
Ask him out for a drink and see what he does with it.

Hello Chuckcem 😊

Honestly he doesn't seem like a person who would accept 😐 cause it feels like he hasn't opened up yet, and I really don't want to make a wrong move.

No, cap moons want to lead. I wouldn't jump the gun on this. Think getting to know work. If he can see you fitting into his world for any reason, he'll make space. But that can take some time as he mulls over the idea. But you're not even there yet. Maybe on the radar, but nowhere near "let's go out".
I feel the same way sultrykitty, he's too poised and mature, I have to mentally prepare myself just to be able to talk to him.
Posted by MiZLeo
Posted by scorpio-rose
Posted by Chuckcem
Ask him out for a drink and see what he does with it.

Hello Chuckcem 😊

Honestly he doesn't seem like a person who would accept 😐 cause it feels like he hasn't opened up yet, and I really don't want to make a wrong move.

Asking will help him open up. Sometimes we need to know the other person is interested.
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That's true!! But I feel as if I need to take this one very slow, (I'm fine with it though, also very serious about him) and since we don't see each other often, being friends is my first priority, if he would accept that is.

Posted by CaramelizedCoffee
Posted by sultrykitty
No, cap moons want to lead. I wouldn't jump the gun on this. Think getting to know work. If he can see you fitting into his world for any reason, he'll make space. But that can take some time as he mulls over the idea. But you're not even there yet. Maybe on the radar, but nowhere near "let's go out".
A leo cap moon came to Seattle and asked to hang out with me lol. we hung out, but after i gave him the cold shoulder, he never wanted to hang out again , even though he was here for like 3-4 days
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Yeah, we know pretty quick whether it's gonna work or not. And it may not even be you, it's all about whether you're going to fit in our lives or not. Like do we have common goals, or do we live in the same city, things like that. We can get a sense of that pretty quickly just by spending some time either with you or by watching you be you.

We usually know a lot about a person before we ever approach you as a romantic interest.

Posted by CaramelizedCoffee
Posted by sultrykitty
Posted by CaramelizedCoffee
Posted by sultrykitty
No, cap moons want to lead. I wouldn't jump the gun on this. Think getting to know work. If he can see you fitting into his world for any reason, he'll make space. But that can take some time as he mulls over the idea. But you're not even there yet. Maybe on the radar, but nowhere near "let's go out".
A leo cap moon came to Seattle and asked to hang out with me lol. we hung out, but after i gave him the cold shoulder, he never wanted to hang out again , even though he was here for like 3-4 days

Yeah, we know pretty quick whether it's gonna work or not. And it may not even be you, it's all about whether you're going to fit in our lives or not. Like do we have common goals, or do we live in the same city, things like that. We can get a sense of that pretty quickly just by spending some time either with you or by watching you be you.

We usually know a lot about a person before we ever approach you as a romantic interest.

No, SK, he knew that he wasn't going to work out in my life, because i wouldn't let him work out in my life

not the other way around

he's not for me

stop being so delusional

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LOL, sure, no problem. Big Grin

Posted by scorpio-rose
Posted by Chuckcem
Ask him out for a drink and see what he does with it.

Hello Chuckcem 😊

Honestly he doesn't seem like a person who would accept 😐 cause it feels like he hasn't opened up yet, and I really don't want to make a wrong move.

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You won't know until you try. Leo men respond to direct people. This is especially true in a professional setting because we Leos tend to be focused on our careers. So subtlety and beinging nice in the workplace has a good chance going over our heads. We'll need more of a direct sign to know that you aren't just being polite. Examples from women I've dated:

-Scorpio Woman (college): Told me that I shouldn't date a friend of hers. Then proceeded to my college dorm everyday and hang out. (I only added this since you're a Scorpio). I eventually asked her out.

-Sag Woman (work): Told my friends she was interested, who told me a month later. Eventually she told me too.

-Capricorn Woman (work): Told her friends that she was interested, who then told me months later. I confronted her that night and she told me to my face.

-Libra Woman (work): First said that I should go to one of her fitness classes. Then started asking me all sorts of questions about myself. Then told me repeatedly that I should call her. I eventually asked her out after a few months.

So unless you want to wait several months to get this Leo's attention, it's best to be direct. I've known more direct women who didn't have to wait this long to get my attention, while less direct women never truly ceased the opportunity.
Posted by CaramelizedCoffee
Posted by sultrykitty
Posted by CaramelizedCoffee
Posted by sultrykitty
Posted by CaramelizedCoffee
Posted by sultrykitty
No, cap moons want to lead. I wouldn't jump the gun on this. Think getting to know work. If he can see you fitting into his world for any reason, he'll make space. But that can take some time as he mulls over the idea. But you're not even there yet. Maybe on the radar, but nowhere near "let's go out".
A leo cap moon came to Seattle and asked to hang out with me lol. we hung out, but after i gave him the cold shoulder, he never wanted to hang out again , even though he was here for like 3-4 days

Yeah, we know pretty quick whether it's gonna work or not. And it may not even be you, it's all about whether you're going to fit in our lives or not. Like do we have common goals, or do we live in the same city, things like that. We can get a sense of that pretty quickly just by spending some time either with you or by watching you be you.

We usually know a lot about a person before we ever approach you as a romantic interest.

No, SK, he knew that he wasn't going to work out in my life, because i wouldn't let him work out in my life

not the other way around

he's not for me

stop being so delusional

LOL, sure, no problem. Big Grin


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Better luck next time, CC!

Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by scorpio-rose
Posted by Chuckcem
Ask him out for a drink and see what he does with it.

Hello Chuckcem 😊

Honestly he doesn't seem like a person who would accept 😐 cause it feels like he hasn't opened up yet, and I really don't want to make a wrong move.

You won't know until you try. Leo men respond to direct people. This is especially true in a professional setting because we Leos tend to be focused on our careers. So subtlety and beinging nice in the workplace has a good chance going over our heads. We'll need more of a direct sign to know that you aren't just being polite. Examples from women I've dated:

-Scorpio Woman (college): Told me that I shouldn't date a friend of hers. Then proceeded to my college dorm everyday and hang out. (I only added this since you're a Scorpio). I eventually asked her out.

-Sag Woman (work): Told my friends she was interested, who told me a month later. Eventually she told me too.

-Capricorn Woman (work): Told her friends that she was interested, who then told me months later. I confronted her that night and she told me to my face.

-Libra Woman (work): First said that I should go to one of her fitness classes. Then started asking me all sorts of questions about myself. Then told me repeatedly that I should call her. I eventually asked her out after a few months.

So unless you want to wait several months to get this Leo's attention, it's best to be direct. I've known more direct women who didn't have to wait this long to get my attention, while less direct women never truly ceased the opportunity.
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Normally, I defer to you for a male Leo's perspective. But I'm telling you, we (Leo/cap) are more Cappy than Leo. She will probably torpedo her chances if she just comes right out and asks him out. We get plenty of attention; we prefer to be the one in the drivers seat.

Posted by CaramelizedCoffee
Posted by sultrykitty
Posted by CaramelizedCoffee
Posted by sultrykitty
Posted by CaramelizedCoffee
Posted by sultrykitty
Posted by CaramelizedCoffee
Posted by sultrykitty
No, cap moons want to lead. I wouldn't jump the gun on this. Think getting to know work. If he can see you fitting into his world for any reason, he'll make space. But that can take some time as he mulls over the idea. But you're not even there yet. Maybe on the radar, but nowhere near "let's go out".
A leo cap moon came to Seattle and asked to hang out with me lol. we hung out, but after i gave him the cold shoulder, he never wanted to hang out again , even though he was here for like 3-4 days

Yeah, we know pretty quick whether it's gonna work or not. And it may not even be you, it's all about whether you're going to fit in our lives or not. Like do we have common goals, or do we live in the same city, things like that. We can get a sense of that pretty quickly just by spending some time either with you or by watching you be you.

We usually know a lot about a person before we ever approach you as a romantic interest.

No, SK, he knew that he wasn't going to work out in my life, because i wouldn't let him work out in my life

not the other way around

he's not for me

stop being so delusional

LOL, sure, no problem. Big Grin


Better luck next time, CC!

still hoping for that leo sun taurus moon

can't stop thinking about him

i think an aqua or someone else got his heart
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Posted by sultrykitty
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by scorpio-rose
Posted by Chuckcem
Ask him out for a drink and see what he does with it.

Hello Chuckcem 😊

Honestly he doesn't seem like a person who would accept 😐 cause it feels like he hasn't opened up yet, and I really don't want to make a wrong move.

You won't know until you try. Leo men respond to direct people. This is especially true in a professional setting because we Leos tend to be focused on our careers. So subtlety and beinging nice in the workplace has a good chance going over our heads. We'll need more of a direct sign to know that you aren't just being polite. Examples from women I've dated:

-Scorpio Woman (college): Told me that I shouldn't date a friend of hers. Then proceeded to my college dorm everyday and hang out. (I only added this since you're a Scorpio). I eventually asked her out.

-Sag Woman (work): Told my friends she was interested, who told me a month later. Eventually she told me too.

-Capricorn Woman (work): Told her friends that she was interested, who then told me months later. I confronted her that night and she told me to my face.

-Libra Woman (work): First said that I should go to one of her fitness classes. Then started asking me all sorts of questions about myself. Then told me repeatedly that I should call her. I eventually asked her out after a few months.

So unless you want to wait several months to get this Leo's attention, it's best to be direct. I've known more direct women who didn't have to wait this long to get my attention, while less direct women never truly ceased the opportunity.

Normally, I defer to you for a male Leo's perspective. But I'm telling you, we (Leo/cap) are more Cappy than Leo. She will probably torpedo her chances if she just comes right out and asks him out. We get plenty of attention; we prefer to be the one in the drivers seat.

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That all depends on the guy. For a Cap Moon guy she'll need to talk to him in private. I agree Cap Moons take more time, so basically she can't be too emotional. Cap Moons want an emotional connection, but aren't the best and displaying this. His professional life will also be VERY important to him. So he may not breach the personal/professional barrier on his own. That means she'll probably make the first move.

Basically if she has the means to ask him a professional question, start a conversation and then say, "I appreciate you taking the time and I know you're busy. Would you be available to continue this conversation later over coffee?" will give her the opening she needs to get him out of the workplace.

Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by sultrykitty
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by scorpio-rose
Posted by Chuckcem
Ask him out for a drink and see what he does with it.

Hello Chuckcem 😊

Honestly he doesn't seem like a person who would accept 😐 cause it feels like he hasn't opened up yet, and I really don't want to make a wrong move.

You won't know until you try. Leo men respond to direct people. This is especially true in a professional setting because we Leos tend to be focused on our careers. So subtlety and beinging nice in the workplace has a good chance going over our heads. We'll need more of a direct sign to know that you aren't just being polite. Examples from women I've dated:

-Scorpio Woman (college): Told me that I shouldn't date a friend of hers. Then proceeded to my college dorm everyday and hang out. (I only added this since you're a Scorpio). I eventually asked her out.

-Sag Woman (work): Told my friends she was interested, who told me a month later. Eventually she told me too.

-Capricorn Woman (work): Told her friends that she was interested, who then told me months later. I confronted her that night and she told me to my face.

-Libra Woman (work): First said that I should go to one of her fitness classes. Then started asking me all sorts of questions about myself. Then told me repeatedly that I should call her. I eventually asked her out after a few months.

So unless you want to wait several months to get this Leo's attention, it's best to be direct. I've known more direct women who didn't have to wait this long to get my attention, while less direct women never truly ceased the opportunity.

Normally, I defer to you for a male Leo's perspective. But I'm telling you, we (Leo/cap) are more Cappy than Leo. She will probably torpedo her chances if she just comes right out and asks him out. We get plenty of attention; we prefer to be the one in the drivers seat.

That all depends on the guy. For a Cap Moon guy she'll need to talk to him in private. I agree Cap Moons take more time, so basically she can't be too emotional. Cap Moons want an emotional connection, but aren't the best and displaying this. His professional life will also be VERY important to him. So he may not breach the personal/professional barrier on his own. That means she'll probably make the first move.

Basically if she has the means to ask him a professional question, start a conversation and then say, "I appreciate you taking the time and I know you're busy. Would you be available to continue this conversation later over coffee?" will give her the opening she needs to get him out of the workplace.

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That I can see, yes.

Posted by lesenfantterribles
cap & cancer are opposing signs... just.... maybe... something to consider
Also true.

Posted by MiZLeo
Posted by scorpio-rose
Posted by MiZLeo
Posted by scorpio-rose
Posted by Chuckcem
Ask him out for a drink and see what he does with it.

Hello Chuckcem 😊

Honestly he doesn't seem like a person who would accept 😐 cause it feels like he hasn't opened up yet, and I really don't want to make a wrong move.

Asking will help him open up. Sometimes we need to know the other person is interested.

That's true!! But I feel as if I need to take this one very slow, (I'm fine with it though, also very serious about him) and since we don't see each other often, being friends is my first priority, if he would accept that is.

Don't get friend zoned.

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Ahahahaha I shall do my best!!
Posted by CaramelizedCoffee
Posted by scorpio-rose
Posted by MiZLeo
Posted by scorpio-rose
Posted by Chuckcem
Ask him out for a drink and see what he does with it.

Hello Chuckcem 😊

Honestly he doesn't seem like a person who would accept 😐 cause it feels like he hasn't opened up yet, and I really don't want to make a wrong move.

Asking will help him open up. Sometimes we need to know the other person is interested.

That's true!! But I feel as if I need to take this one very slow, (I'm fine with it though, also very serious about him) and since we don't see each other often, being friends is my first priority, if he would accept that is.

the last time i took chuckcems advice and everyone else, the fake leo sun taurus moon said sure he'll hit me up

than acted like i never existed

don't ever CHASE A LEO or ask them of anything!

let them chase you
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Let him chase me, I like your idea 😁
Posted by sultrykitty
Posted by CaramelizedCoffee
Posted by sultrykitty
No, cap moons want to lead. I wouldn't jump the gun on this. Think getting to know work. If he can see you fitting into his world for any reason, he'll make space. But that can take some time as he mulls over the idea. But you're not even there yet. Maybe on the radar, but nowhere near "let's go out".
A leo cap moon came to Seattle and asked to hang out with me lol. we hung out, but after i gave him the cold shoulder, he never wanted to hang out again , even though he was here for like 3-4 days

Yeah, we know pretty quick whether it's gonna work or not. And it may not even be you, it's all about whether you're going to fit in our lives or not. Like do we have common goals, or do we live in the same city, things like that. We can get a sense of that pretty quickly just by spending some time either with you or by watching you be you.

We usually know a lot about a person before we ever approach you as a romantic interest.

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Honestly speaking your predictions seem on point with his personality that I have observed!! Very good insight!!😄😆
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by scorpio-rose
Posted by Chuckcem
Ask him out for a drink and see what he does with it.

Hello Chuckcem 😊

Honestly he doesn't seem like a person who would accept 😐 cause it feels like he hasn't opened up yet, and I really don't want to make a wrong move.

You won't know until you try. Leo men respond to direct people. This is especially true in a professional setting because we Leos tend to be focused on our careers. So subtlety and beinging nice in the workplace has a good chance going over our heads. We'll need more of a direct sign to know that you aren't just being polite. Examples from women I've dated:

-Scorpio Woman (college): Told me that I shouldn't date a friend of hers. Then proceeded to my college dorm everyday and hang out. (I only added this since you're a Scorpio). I eventually asked her out.

-Sag Woman (work): Told my friends she was interested, who told me a month later. Eventually she told me too.

-Capricorn Woman (work): Told her friends that she was interested, who then told me months later. I confronted her that night and she told me to my face.

-Libra Woman (work): First said that I should go to one of her fitness classes. Then started asking me all sorts of questions about myself. Then told me repeatedly that I should call her. I eventually asked her out after a few months.

So unless you want to wait several months to get this Leo's attention, it's best to be direct. I've known more direct women who didn't have to wait this long to get my attention, while less direct women never truly ceased the opportunity.
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Oh wow, they were quite direct, this is a bit confusing, I like the advice that I should let him chase me, but if I don't do something he probably won't see me as anything, 😣 arghhh!

Chuckcem thank you for your advice I shall take every input and then use them according to the situation 😄
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by sultrykitty
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by scorpio-rose
Posted by Chuckcem
Ask him out for a drink and see what he does with it.

Hello Chuckcem 😊

Honestly he doesn't seem like a person who would accept 😐 cause it feels like he hasn't opened up yet, and I really don't want to make a wrong move.

You won't know until you try. Leo men respond to direct people. This is especially true in a professional setting because we Leos tend to be focused on our careers. So subtlety and beinging nice in the workplace has a good chance going over our heads. We'll need more of a direct sign to know that you aren't just being polite. Examples from women I've dated:

-Scorpio Woman (college): Told me that I shouldn't date a friend of hers. Then proceeded to my college dorm everyday and hang out. (I only added this since you're a Scorpio). I eventually asked her out.

-Sag Woman (work): Told my friends she was interested, who told me a month later. Eventually she told me too.

-Capricorn Woman (work): Told her friends that she was interested, who then told me months later. I confronted her that night and she told me to my face.

-Libra Woman (work): First said that I should go to one of her fitness classes. Then started asking me all sorts of questions about myself. Then told me repeatedly that I should call her. I eventually asked her out after a few months.

So unless you want to wait several months to get this Leo's attention, it's best to be direct. I've known more direct women who didn't have to wait this long to get my attention, while less direct women never truly ceased the opportunity.

Normally, I defer to you for a male Leo's perspective. But I'm telling you, we (Leo/cap) are more Cappy than Leo. She will probably torpedo her chances if she just comes right out and asks him out. We get plenty of attention; we prefer to be the one in the drivers seat.

That all depends on the guy. For a Cap Moon guy she'll need to talk to him in private. I agree Cap Moons take more time, so basically she can't be too emotional. Cap Moons want an emotional connection, but aren't the best and displaying this. His professional life will also be VERY important to him. So he may not breach the personal/professional barrier on his own. That means she'll probably make the first move.

Basically if she has the means to ask him a professional question, start a conversation and then say, "I appreciate you taking the time and I know you're busy. Would you be available to continue this conversation later over coffee?" will give her the opening she needs to get him out of the workplace.

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Ohhh!!! This is the perfect ice breaker!! 😄
Posted by seraph
Posted by scorpio-rose

well a few days ago i asked about a leo guys moon and rising sign placements (that i have been crushing on) and its getting fairly out of hand. I mean i have had crushes, but i was always easily able to separate the feelings, but with this guy im going crazy, i am literally obsessed, but at the same time im not the type to make the first move, but with him i feel like i should just do something. the reason why im refraining is because he is very professional and works as a researcher at my uni (a complete erudite), and i dont want to ruin my chances.. Leos if you could help..

him: leo sun, virgo rising, capricorn moon, capricorn mars.

me: scorpio sun, cancer rising, cancer moon, cancer mars
Your obsession will be your undoing in the long run. You’re hanging on too tight.

Obsession is to be tempered as soon as possible, and, ideally, to be reserved for projects, self-inquiry, and knowledge-gathering, not for people. Being obsessed with something (someone) so variable and out of your control is a recipe for needless suffering.

Besides all that, display a little open interest, a little flirting - anyone can manage this, especially a woman - and he’ll either be interested or he won’t. Don’t do anything stupid, though. Common sense is your friend.

With very, very few exceptions, don’t chase men. If you think *you* are the exception, don’t chase men.
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Trust me seraph if I could undo these feelings I would, but yes thanks to everyone's input I'm going to choose the best possible to approach him!!
Posted by lesenfantterribles
cap & cancer are opposing signs... just.... maybe... something to consider
Yes but don't opposites attract?? Like he might see in me something he lacks on the emotional front? I don't know....
Posted by GC02
IT ain’t gonna work.
😨 how can you be so sure??
Posted by scorpio-rose
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by scorpio-rose
Posted by Chuckcem
Ask him out for a drink and see what he does with it.

Hello Chuckcem 😊

Honestly he doesn't seem like a person who would accept 😐 cause it feels like he hasn't opened up yet, and I really don't want to make a wrong move.

You won't know until you try. Leo men respond to direct people. This is especially true in a professional setting because we Leos tend to be focused on our careers. So subtlety and beinging nice in the workplace has a good chance going over our heads. We'll need more of a direct sign to know that you aren't just being polite. Examples from women I've dated:

-Scorpio Woman (college): Told me that I shouldn't date a friend of hers. Then proceeded to my college dorm everyday and hang out. (I only added this since you're a Scorpio). I eventually asked her out.

-Sag Woman (work): Told my friends she was interested, who told me a month later. Eventually she told me too.

-Capricorn Woman (work): Told her friends that she was interested, who then told me months later. I confronted her that night and she told me to my face.

-Libra Woman (work): First said that I should go to one of her fitness classes. Then started asking me all sorts of questions about myself. Then told me repeatedly that I should call her. I eventually asked her out after a few months.

So unless you want to wait several months to get this Leo's attention, it's best to be direct. I've known more direct women who didn't have to wait this long to get my attention, while less direct women never truly ceased the opportunity.
Oh wow, they were quite direct, this is a bit confusing, I like the advice that I should let him chase me, but if I don't do something he probably won't see me as anything, 😣 arghhh!

Chuckcem thank you for your advice I shall take every input and then use them according to the situation 😄
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Not all Leos chase. Some may choose to observe you to see if you're "worth it". We are looking for our king/queen after all, so we have to remain somewhat cautious. We usually do this when we highly value ourselves and/or know that we could jeopardize something (like our jobs) by pursuing you.

So if you choose to wait for a Leo to chase, it may take A WHILE. Also know that if a Leo is judging you, it's to see how direct you are being anyway. So being direct only helps you with a Leo. If you've ever watched a lion hunt, you'll understand what I'm saying. Lions don't just run after anything and everything. Lions wait patiently for the right moment. Then they inch in closer by stalking their pray. Then they go for the most direct route. Same concept. Just inch yourself closer and he'll pick up the scent.

This is not to say that you should vomit all of your feelings (far from it). If you want something to happen with this Leo, you may have to steer him in the right direction

Posted by scorpio-rose
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by sultrykitty
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by scorpio-rose
Posted by Chuckcem
Ask him out for a drink and see what he does with it.

Hello Chuckcem 😊

Honestly he doesn't seem like a person who would accept 😐 cause it feels like he hasn't opened up yet, and I really don't want to make a wrong move.

You won't know until you try. Leo men respond to direct people. This is especially true in a professional setting because we Leos tend to be focused on our careers. So subtlety and beinging nice in the workplace has a good chance going over our heads. We'll need more of a direct sign to know that you aren't just being polite. Examples from women I've dated:

-Scorpio Woman (college): Told me that I shouldn't date a friend of hers. Then proceeded to my college dorm everyday and hang out. (I only added this since you're a Scorpio). I eventually asked her out.

-Sag Woman (work): Told my friends she was interested, who told me a month later. Eventually she told me too.

-Capricorn Woman (work): Told her friends that she was interested, who then told me months later. I confronted her that night and she told me to my face.

-Libra Woman (work): First said that I should go to one of her fitness classes. Then started asking me all sorts of questions about myself. Then told me repeatedly that I should call her. I eventually asked her out after a few months.

So unless you want to wait several months to get this Leo's attention, it's best to be direct. I've known more direct women who didn't have to wait this long to get my attention, while less direct women never truly ceased the opportunity.

Normally, I defer to you for a male Leo's perspective. But I'm telling you, we (Leo/cap) are more Cappy than Leo. She will probably torpedo her chances if she just comes right out and asks him out. We get plenty of attention; we prefer to be the one in the drivers seat.

That all depends on the guy. For a Cap Moon guy she'll need to talk to him in private. I agree Cap Moons take more time, so basically she can't be too emotional. Cap Moons want an emotional connection, but aren't the best and displaying this. His professional life will also be VERY important to him. So he may not breach the personal/professional barrier on his own. That means she'll probably make the first move.

Basically if she has the means to ask him a professional question, start a conversation and then say, "I appreciate you taking the time and I know you're busy. Would you be available to continue this conversation later over coffee?" will give her the opening she needs to get him out of the workplace.

Ohhh!!! This is the perfect ice breaker!! 😄
click to expand
Can't remember if I sent this to you, but in case you wanted to read up on the Scorpio Woman/Leo man dynamic, I've responded to a few posts on the topic:



Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by scorpio-rose
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by sultrykitty
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by scorpio-rose
Posted by Chuckcem
Ask him out for a drink and see what he does with it.

Hello Chuckcem 😊

Honestly he doesn't seem like a person who would accept 😐 cause it feels like he hasn't opened up yet, and I really don't want to make a wrong move.

You won't know until you try. Leo men respond to direct people. This is especially true in a professional setting because we Leos tend to be focused on our careers. So subtlety and beinging nice in the workplace has a good chance going over our heads. We'll need more of a direct sign to know that you aren't just being polite. Examples from women I've dated:

-Scorpio Woman (college): Told me that I shouldn't date a friend of hers. Then proceeded to my college dorm everyday and hang out. (I only added this since you're a Scorpio). I eventually asked her out.

-Sag Woman (work): Told my friends she was interested, who told me a month later. Eventually she told me too.

-Capricorn Woman (work): Told her friends that she was interested, who then told me months later. I confronted her that night and she told me to my face.

-Libra Woman (work): First said that I should go to one of her fitness classes. Then started asking me all sorts of questions about myself. Then told me repeatedly that I should call her. I eventually asked her out after a few months.

So unless you want to wait several months to get this Leo's attention, it's best to be direct. I've known more direct women who didn't have to wait this long to get my attention, while less direct women never truly ceased the opportunity.

Normally, I defer to you for a male Leo's perspective. But I'm telling you, we (Leo/cap) are more Cappy than Leo. She will probably torpedo her chances if she just comes right out and asks him out. We get plenty of attention; we prefer to be the one in the drivers seat.

That all depends on the guy. For a Cap Moon guy she'll need to talk to him in private. I agree Cap Moons take more time, so basically she can't be too emotional. Cap Moons want an emotional connection, but aren't the best and displaying this. His professional life will also be VERY important to him. So he may not breach the personal/professional barrier on his own. That means she'll probably make the first move.

Basically if she has the means to ask him a professional question, start a conversation and then say, "I appreciate you taking the time and I know you're busy. Would you be available to continue this conversation later over coffee?" will give her the opening she needs to get him out of the workplace.

Ohhh!!! This is the perfect ice breaker!! 😄
Can't remember if I sent this to you, but in case you wanted to read up on the Scorpio Woman/Leo man dynamic, I've responded to a few posts on the topic:



click to expand

Thank you this was really helpful!! Okay so I'll try being more direct 😆 let's see where it takes me!! Wish me luck!! 😄

Posted by scorpio-rose
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by scorpio-rose
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by sultrykitty
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by scorpio-rose
Posted by Chuckcem
Ask him out for a drink and see what he does with it.

Hello Chuckcem 😊

Honestly he doesn't seem like a person who would accept 😐 cause it feels like he hasn't opened up yet, and I really don't want to make a wrong move.

You won't know until you try. Leo men respond to direct people. This is especially true in a professional setting because we Leos tend to be focused on our careers. So subtlety and beinging nice in the workplace has a good chance going over our heads. We'll need more of a direct sign to know that you aren't just being polite. Examples from women I've dated:

-Scorpio Woman (college): Told me that I shouldn't date a friend of hers. Then proceeded to my college dorm everyday and hang out. (I only added this since you're a Scorpio). I eventually asked her out.

-Sag Woman (work): Told my friends she was interested, who told me a month later. Eventually she told me too.

-Capricorn Woman (work): Told her friends that she was interested, who then told me months later. I confronted her that night and she told me to my face.

-Libra Woman (work): First said that I should go to one of her fitness classes. Then started asking me all sorts of questions about myself. Then told me repeatedly that I should call her. I eventually asked her out after a few months.

So unless you want to wait several months to get this Leo's attention, it's best to be direct. I've known more direct women who didn't have to wait this long to get my attention, while less direct women never truly ceased the opportunity.

Normally, I defer to you for a male Leo's perspective. But I'm telling you, we (Leo/cap) are more Cappy than Leo. She will probably torpedo her chances if she just comes right out and asks him out. We get plenty of attention; we prefer to be the one in the drivers seat.

That all depends on the guy. For a Cap Moon guy she'll need to talk to him in private. I agree Cap Moons take more time, so basically she can't be too emotional. Cap Moons want an emotional connection, but aren't the best and displaying this. His professional life will also be VERY important to him. So he may not breach the personal/professional barrier on his own. That means she'll probably make the first move.

Basically if she has the means to ask him a professional question, start a conversation and then say, "I appreciate you taking the time and I know you're busy. Would you be available to continue this conversation later over coffee?" will give her the opening she needs to get him out of the workplace.

Ohhh!!! This is the perfect ice breaker!! 😄
Can't remember if I sent this to you, but in case you wanted to read up on the Scorpio Woman/Leo man dynamic, I've responded to a few posts on the topic:



Thank you this was really helpful!! Okay so I'll try being more direct 😆 let's see where it takes me!! Wish me luck!! 😄

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Best of luck. Pace yourself and you'll be fine.