Scorp's Achievements

This topic was created in the Leo forum by 037 on Wednesday, October 14, 2015 and has 10 replies.
Tonight is not easy.

Scorp was recognized for a great feat in his job tonight. He has asked me to accompany him and our son to a gala on the weekend and I was going to make excuses because it hurts like a mother! I was there when he was setting up for this, listened to him rant and rave and then encouraged him not to give up. Those times he was just in a mood and bring the spillover home...

I was there through it all. Even when he was nervous at the end and wouldn't listen to anyone because he thought what he had created was insignificant.

I'm very proud of him, but it hurts. It hurts real bad.
If you already said you would go (which isn't clear...?), then keep your word.

No brainer, there.

If not, then just do the right thing.

You'll have a FABULOUS time. smile

I didn't mean for that to sound flip... but obviously, I'm still rooting for you both.

I hate that it's so difficult, but I don't think all this struggle will be for nothing.

Hope you're doing alright.

I did say I'll go, so I'll go.

Maybe, meeting our old friends will numb the pain a little.

Posted by Impulsv
He knows the times he doubted n spilled on to you were tough n his invite in sharing this with you is honoring you having been there.

Which is what is hurting.

I never wanted to stop being there - and now I'll be the civil separated wife there to care for our son while he receives his award. Its driving me crazy thinking about it. I love this man like mad.

Posted by kalin
Posted by 037
I did say I'll go, so I'll go.

Maybe, meeting our old friends will numb the pain a little.


Good luck, jynja
click to expand

Thank you, Kalin. smile
For everything there is a reason....

Attend with your head held high
Posted by Mystik_Enigma
For everything there is a reason....

Attend with your head held high

Thank you, I
Posted by 037
Posted by Impulsv
He knows the times he doubted n spilled on to you were tough n his invite in sharing this with you is honoring you having been there.

Which is what is hurting.

I never wanted to stop being there - and now I'll be the civil separated wife there to care for our son while he receives his award. Its driving me crazy thinking about it. I love this man like mad.

click to expand

' to care for our son while he receives his award'

I guess I would be inclined to minimize the role I was playing, also, if I were in your position.

Just in case.

But since I'm not... some clarity:

It doesn't *have* to be over.

I don't remember much about your situation, but, hey, good luck. Hopefully as time passes and situations change, you'll be able to find peace. Maybe you'll even be able to heal a little bit or find some answers this weekend. As others have said, there are such things as second chances. However, I personally think that holding too strongly on to that hope will make the pain last longer if nothing is meant to come out of the situation. If it's up to you to take him or leave him, then maybe think about taking action. Or just do whatever you think will make you happy. It's your life after all. Not sure if this generic advice even helps. Either way, stay strong!