Sex .. with Leo in Venus and Mars

This topic was created in the Leo forum by cappysweetie on Saturday, February 14, 2009 and has 28 replies.
Okay, he's the question,
Is it typically for those born with this placement together to want it 3 to 4 times a day?
Is going all night none stop typical for those with both venus and mars in leo?
Yep! Mars in leo is second after mars in scorp and 1st decan aries, as the most sexual placement that can be. Now imagine someone with a stellium in leo: venus, mars and jupiter at 1 degr orb--- aka all night longer and another quicky in the morning after. LOL
OMG, if only you had of replied earlier ... I would have been prepared lol!!! But it was amazing, to say the least smile smile smile
show off Tongue
LOL!!! I was just asking Zena Tongue
At the time, I didn't know what I was end for that evening so I just wanted to cover all the bases. But I didn't get any answers until after the fact so I went in with my eyes closed lol
Lol @ you going crazy about working out this Virg dude..
Yes Mars Leo is second to Mars in Scorpio as the most sexual of the zodiac..I am surprised he hasn't raped you
Coming from a Mars in Scorpio...I can imagine how he feels..and on top of that he's male..(thankfully for your sake! man has a Mars in Scorpio..and a Venus in Scorpio..
Turns out I have Mars in Leo too. Now I can blame it on the stars. Things I learned on the way is you do not grope the secretary, 'no' actually means no and the vacuum cleaner is NOT a toy.
Lol @ you going crazy about working out this Virg dude..
Yep smile Actually, I was away from DXP for a while and I could ask questions. I'm just making up for lost time now haha.
We are a pretty good match intimately but we are running into distress everywhere else.
Yes Mars Leo is second to Mars in Scorpio as the most sexual of the zodiac..I am surprised he hasn't raped you
Well ...........
.... lol, all I will say is that I'm glad I gave my consent LOL!

Coming from a Mars in Scorpio...I can imagine how he feels..and on top of that he's male..(thankfully for your sake! man has a Mars in Scorpio..and a Venus in Scorpio..
WOOO HOOOO!!!! Oh dear god, my goodness Tongue Tongue Tongue

Well, i have Mars, Venus in Leo and my libido is huge!!! I tend to think and feel horny almost all the time and im a girl hmmmm
but when it comes to real sex activity, i can only go for 1-3 times maximum a day or a night not all night long hmmm why bother staying up all night and feel so sleepy and tired and not be able to performance that well when there is still tomorrow?? Lets sleep first!! Haha
LOL @ GB..haha..
Well it means that you just want it quick..there and waiting, no patience whatsoever..wham bham and now leave me the fuck alone..LOL..
Oh and top of's aggressive...
Mars in Leo?
you bring back some very happy memories. smile
Ha ha ha!
I was going to type if he was Mars in Leo I bet he wasn't joking about the 10 incher, but I just went and read that thread and see that he wasn't.

Is a 10 incher really practical if he's got Mars in Leo? Can't be very pleasent in the long run, especially if he wants to use it on regular basis Winking
LOL @ CS!!!
my libra has mars in leo, and i am talking all night non stop so I know how you feel smilesmilesmile
my libra has mars in leo, and i am talking all night non stop so I know how you feel
Yeah ... they cum alot, you know? lol. Seriously, no joke. And YES! constant everything, its unreal ...
Yeah ... they cum alot, you know? lol. Seriously, no joke. And YES! constant everything, its unreal ...
haha I once joke he was a water fountain xD
Posted by OFA
CS...In any relationship that is new-ish, sex is a frequent, daily activity! When my Aries and I first got together, we would be doing it several times in a day, now it's like if it happens one time, it doesn't happen again for several days :/ It's so weird how your body will produce all these different hormones at different stages, I wish I still had mine from when we first started dating!!

Oh yes, I know that, but its a bit different now because I'm ... busier than I was when I was a freshie. I'm not around enough to screw that much LOL! You see, plus I'll be too tired to do anything else, but lay where we are, with him.
That happened once ... my whole day was shot :O hahaha, I didn't post it on DXP because there was no time to lol
Actually ... to be honest, I wouldn't mind it if there wasn't this little problem he has with certain things. It scared me OFA because I didn't know what to do at that point because he started having a problem with it.

See, I believe in using condoms ALL THE TIME. Recently, he expressed is disdain for condom usage and that bothered me because I cannot take birth control and THERE'S NO WAY IN THE WORLD HE WOULD EVER touch me without a condom.

So yeah, messing around with a guy who doesn't really like condoms scared me away totally ... he soooooo should have expressed that from the start.
My cancer sweetie has a venus in leo and let tell you he is the ONLY guy that has ever put me to sleep after sex. He has so much stamina. People joke about our age difference because he's 12 years older then me, but don't let the age fool you. He has more energy than three 18 year old guys put together lol.
as u r blowing him just slip the condom on real quick and straddle him while he's in a daze and just like majic make him bust a good nut..
job well done and walk away with a smile.
* For once I agree with sparrow
I think we are both a little uncomfortable with this Shaks. I think we both are. Tongue
Too bad about the Virgo sun ... otherwise I may have had to take a closer look at you Shaks. Winking
*smacks your bottom*
i was with a guy who was a Libra but his moon and venus were in Leo and his mars in scorp. His drive was nothing to boast about... it was good but not far off average.
imagine how i feel! i have mars in scorp and venus in leo! the combination is insane! i consider myself to have a moderately high libido but i'm no nympho. i am not one to partake in all-night, marathon sex either. i can go up to 45 mins and i'm good. there's a whole lotta moving around when i have sex so it doubles as a work-out. my taurus partner and i are drenched by the time we're done. god, i can't wait to see him tomorrow...
Well sortilege i have mars in virgo to plus venus it does give us a huge sex drive if ur mars is in ur sun sign its like having a fire mars which is the most sexual... so mars in scorpio is not high in the sex drive unless ur sun is is in is the sign of sex. so if u have an aries mars which is at the top bc its the ruler of mars or leo or sag mars ur sex drive will be high no matter ur sun sign.. but if its in ur sun sign it puts it to a whole new level.. cappy pray u never f a virgo with mars in virgo to lol
Okay, sorry to resurrect an year old thread but I was googling this and this thread came up...
So, if your Mars is in Aries and your Venus is in Leo -- is this a recipe for a nympho?
What if it's Mars in Scorpio and Venus in Leo?
Posted by Samiamascorpio
Yummy my Leo has Mars and Venus in Leo, definitely lasts a long time and yes he is very well endowed indeed. Mmmmm I wish he was here right now haha he is soooo sexy smile.
Seksi, my Leo is extremely romantic an also very sexual at the same time, I will admit there are times his sexual appetite is almost insatiable, and there are also times he just wants to be romantic and not as sexually intense. I enjoy every minute.. Every second of it and I always wants more from him, I know I am blessed smile

Yeah, we both have Venus in Leo so we're highly sexed too. I think Seksi was referring to Leo suns. I've never been with a Leo romantically. I guess my Venus in Leo clashes with them because it becomes a competition on who gets the spotlight.

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