Showing Feelings

This topic was created in the Leo forum by Jessica777 on Tuesday, January 31, 2012 and has 3 replies.
Hello fellow lion's, lioness and other members of dxp.. I have a little questions.. Well more like wanting to know other peoples view on showing their feelings or emotions to their lovers. I realized that I tend to show my feelings only when im certain of the others feelings about me.. Meaning that I give what I receive.. If my lovers or the person im seeing acts shaddy I automatically go into a shaddy mode.. If they display affection I tend to be comfortable enough to display mine. Its like some sort of observation I do before showing how I feel about the person. Is that a Leo trait? Do any other Leo's act this way? Just curious smile
Yes Jessica, that's pretty much what I'm like. I thought it was because of my Cancer moon, as they are generally very protective of their feelings, but appearently not. I'm pretty much like a mirror.
Kitty and Enfant: Thx for the feedback, Im glad im not the only one feeling this way... I guess it could sometimes be a positive trait for our own wellbeing.. As to have some sort of defence mechanism not to get hurt. However I recently noticed it could also backfire on us .. Especially dealing with other signs whom are also protective of their feelings. ( Cancer's)