Star signs clash, but our moon signs are the same as each others Star signs?

This topic was created in the Leo forum by Novak8 on Monday, April 4, 2016 and has 7 replies.
(Sorry for the repost!) Im a Leo (almost nothing like a typical leo though) and he's a Scorpio (VERY typical Scorpio), and I know these signs are supposed to be the worst matches but we're fine? Although a lot of the problems in our relationship do arise from some of the things that are apparently typical of Leo-Scorpio couples, I feel like we're perfect together-like we're soul mates. I was wondering if our moon signs being the same as the other's star sign has anything to do with further compatibility. Like even though the Leo/Scorpio pair is supposed to be the worst, would that then cancel out or something?

Me: Leo sun, aug 1 1998, Scorpio moon
Him: Scorpio sun, nov 20 1997, Leo moon

if that helps at all...

Scorpio and Leo being a non-compatible match is a myth, Leo. On the plus side, though, the relationship will work better to the both of you guys' advantage given that Scorpio men/Leo women tend to fair a whole hell of a lot better than the other way around, based on what I've seen from my experience.

I dunno enough about the moons enough to speak on the matter, however, though. But that's pretty unique on how the sun and moon signs differentiate the way that they do from one another for you two.

Stay in school.
Lol stay in school many options ahead.
Lol but it's hard finding the opposite of what we need in life. I mean leo/score and scorp/Leo it is supposed to be astrologically wise yes finding the opposite is a plus like you've found and you know what your problems are so work it out. You only get a few chances to work something like this out due to your charts.i mean soul mates or twin flames.
It has to be more than just emotionally only you know if he is compatible by spending time and how they treat you inside the house and outside too.
Posted by FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428
It has to be more than just emotionally only you know if he is compatible by spending time and how they treat you inside the house and outside too.

yup. this.

also, leo/scorpio is great, I don't know any female scorpio/male leo in real life that has lasted or are good together, only the ones that come to mind are the bad relationship ones,like Arnold Schwarrzzenneger and Maria Shriver and they were together a very very long time but he was NOT good to her. She was oblivious about his going ons.

and the other one, the leo woman died because the scorpio went cray (See Oscar Pistorius and Reeva Steencamp)

the one that stayed together is Leo Bill Clinton and Hilary Clinton Scorpio, but most people don't see them as a good couple because of his going ons in the past, and most people think it's just a relationship where they just stick together despite all the unhappiness. Well at least he's not doing Monica Lewinsky anymore.

but the most healthy one that I've seen is the Eva Torres/ Rene Gracie one.

they are a cute couple!! the one thing about them is that she has virgo and he has virgo too, (they both share virgo) and he has Capricorn to trine her virgo. Plus he's got Libra venus and she's got Gemini moon to his libra venus. there are trines and opposites in their chart. And the sun/Saturn energy is together. It is harmoniously. So if you got the SERVING signs, then you're good to go.

I think they are soooo cute together.

Posted by TrueFantasy
Kylie Jenner and Tyga are like that. So this match should be fine. You could also find out your Mercury, Venus and Mars signs to see if they're compatible.

Otherwise, If you truly like each others company then fuck what the stars say smile

That's true. Because you're the coolest Virgo I ever met. Like, ever.