Stood me up?

This topic was created in the Leo forum by aquaglass on Friday, June 9, 2017 and has 26 replies.
If any of you have read on my last post about the leo man i've been dating, here ks a lil update about it.

So after my busy schedule and me not being able to meet him every time he asked me out.

Yesterday we had a talk, it was a nice day we talked a lot on chat, he even gave me some lil credits to my mobile number for internet quota. We talked about random things, about our expectations on us and such.

He asked me out for a movie, since two days ago. And asked me again yesterday.

Which then ok i agreed.

And he said he would come to my area and we gonna watch movie and have a dinner close to where i live.

He called me in the evening, then my friends came over. So we continued chatting.

Later at night, he sounds like pretty horny and said that he's browsing on a porn site.

And we're talking about it for fun. Till he asked me for a video call.

We have had a sexy vid call before. He liked it and asked for it a lot since then. But i couldn't do thar for some schedule reasons and me being lazy for video.

I told him i don't feel like video calling, i'd rather do it in real person. He said ok, i said sorry. Then he just read my chat, with no reply.

I still keep myself cool. Then today, because we supposed to meet and go out. I chat him again told him that if we're gonna make it today, then let me know.

I saw him online, but he doesn't reply my chat.

Sooo, he stood me up?
Posted by aquaglass
If any of you have read on my last post about the leo man i've been dating, here ks a lil update about it.

So after my busy schedule and me not being able to meet him every time he asked me out.

Yesterday we had a talk, it was a nice day we talked a lot on chat, he even gave me some lil credits to my mobile number for internet quota. We talked about random things, about our expectations on us and such.

He asked me out for a movie, since two days ago. And asked me again yesterday.

Which then ok i agreed.

And he said he would come to my area and we gonna watch movie and have a dinner close to where i live.

He called me in the evening, then my friends came over. So we continued chatting.

Later at night, he sounds like pretty horny and said that he's browsing on a porn site.

And we're talking about it for fun. Till he asked me for a video call.

We have had a sexy vid call before. He liked it and asked for it a lot since then. But i couldn't do thar for some schedule reasons and me being lazy for video.

I told him i don't feel like video calling, i'd rather do it in real person. He said ok, i said sorry. Then he just read my chat, with no reply.

I still keep myself cool. Then today, because we supposed to meet and go out. I chat him again told him that if we're gonna make it today, then let me know.

I saw him online, but he doesn't reply my chat.

Sooo, he stood me up?
Drop him. Something's off. You didn't have cyber sex with him, but offered to do it in person and he's not responding. That's both weird and a bad sign.
lol he doesn't stood me up tho, he just chat me.

But he said that he thinks today wouldn't be that convenient. Because i have to back and work again at 8pm. And since he can drive to my town in late afternoon then he doesn't think we would have much time for the movie and dinner thing that he has planned at first.

And he suggesting to reschedule the date.

Well i told him about my sudden urgent work late last night tho, so yeah.

But i have managed to do the work tomorrow instead tho, and i just told him about it.
Well then see what happens when you reschedule with him.
Does that sound legit?
If you have to end the date early due to work, it makes sense to postpone the date until your schedule is more open. There's nothing wrong with rescheduling as long as the person who canceled suggests it.

As for the guy's character, did you notice a significant drop off in communication after you denied him video chat ex the last time?
Posted by Chuckcem
If you have to end the date early due to work, it makes sense to postpone the date until your schedule is more open. There's nothing wrong with rescheduling as long as the person who canceled suggests it.

As for the guy's character, did you notice a significant drop off in communication after you denied him video chat ex the last time?
Yes, i have friends came by after he called me last evening. While we're still chatting, she asked me to help her with her work.

Then i immediately told him, it was like 10pm last night. And we've been talking about the date since two days ago.

He said fine. Work is important and we can meet up next time.

But i told him i'd like to meet and hangout with him before 8pm. Which then he kinda ok with that but we didn't really fix it up.

Well it wasn't my first time refusing the vidcall. And he's cool with it. There are times when i know that he's horny and sent me some sexy stuff. But soon after he knew that i'm not really buy it, he appologized.

Last night he told me that he wants to see me on vids. I told him i couldn't. He said ok if i don't want to. Then i said sorry, and he just read my chat with no reply.

Now we're chatting again, like nothing really happened. He said sorry for the slow reply as he's at work. He told me that we'll arrange another date again. Cause now he has to go somewhere else, cause he thinks i have to work as i said last night.

He asked what i'm gonna do today. And he's asking more about my area, the place where we supposed to meet, the cinema and how to get there the faster way and such.
Now he told me that he's checking the movie schedule and wondering if he can get here quick and cancel his other appointment today to watch the movie with me instead hahaha.

Leo, why are you soooooo cute?
So he ended up came to my town and we met. Watched movie.

It was good. We kissed, touched each others, hugged, he rubbed my head and hair a lot, gave me forehead kisses. Well, we were pretty playful tho, and things went hot too lol.

Right after the movie ended, he walked out before me. And walked fast, and left me behind.

I was pretty bummed, and wondering why.

Then we had a dinner.

We picked a new spot to eat.

And we were kinda unhappy with the place, i could see that he was all cold, doing stuff with his phone and such for the first 10-15 mins of us sitting down.

I kept my cool and just did my business too.

He dropped his phone and started talking about things, but like no eye contacts.

The foods came. And gosh they are awful.

So thumb way down.

We didn't even finish our dishes.

After we ate, we talked more.

He started to smile and look at me in the eyes.

Reached my fingers, held my hands.

Told me how he missed me.

Touched my cheek, grabbed my face said how cute i am.

Asked me if i still missed him too, i jokingly said nope. And he was like "oh ok".

He asked me if he could drop me home. Which i said no it's fine. He wanted to come over my place, but i always refuse because i don't feel comfortable for now. My house is stilk such a mess after renovation and he knew it.

We left the spot, he walked me to my cab. On our way to the cab, he insisting more that he wants to come over, or at least just let him drop me home.

I said no, he still all so persistent to the point he said "i'm forcing you haha, please let me drop you home even just over your fence". Still i said no. He gave up, he opened the cab door, we hugged and said goodbye.

Right after i made it home he called. All nice.

Then we had video call, just to see each others face. And he said that he still all miss me. My phone died, lowbatt. Charged it, continue. Then died again.

So because of my phone battery trouble. We continue the talk by chat. I shared some pics of cooler cinema, and such. He was excited.

Told him i gotta go bed, he said gnite.

Then i shared a movie trailer in the morning, he said thank you baby.

And now i haven't heard anything from him at all since then. Is he ignoring me now or what? If so, why?

No way to really tell. I will say something is off with his reaction after the movies, but I'm not sure what. Sounds like he's been responsive though, so there's nothing really for you to do at the moment. Just let him call/contact you and take it from there.
Posted by Chuckcem
No way to really tell. I will say something is off with his reaction after the movies, but I'm not sure what. Sounds like he's been responsive though, so there's nothing really for you to do at the moment. Just let him call/contact you and take it from there.
Well actually yes, i felt that something is off there too. He didn't have problem to walk beside me and even embrace my shoulder in public before, kinda like PDA and stuff.

Well even though after the dinner he didn't left me behind, we walked holding hands. Hugged and kissed on the cheeks.

Later on when we were talking on the phone, he told me that he didn't like the place, didn't feel comfortable and such.

He contaced me yesterday. Checking me out if i have arrived to my hometown safely. Still with all sweet manner and stuff. I don't know but now i feel like questioning everything. I don't know where i stand.

He asked me what is he to me though few weeks ago, which i replied with idk.
Posted by aquaglass
Posted by Chuckcem
No way to really tell. I will say something is off with his reaction after the movies, but I'm not sure what. Sounds like he's been responsive though, so there's nothing really for you to do at the moment. Just let him call/contact you and take it from there.
Well actually yes, i felt that something is off there too. He didn't have problem to walk beside me and even embrace my shoulder in public before, kinda like PDA and stuff.

Well even though after the dinner he didn't left me behind, we walked holding hands. Hugged and kissed on the cheeks.

Later on when we were talking on the phone, he told me that he didn't like the place, didn't feel comfortable and such.

He contaced me yesterday. Checking me out if i have arrived to my hometown safely. Still with all sweet manner and stuff. I don't know but now i feel like questioning everything. I don't know where i stand.

He asked me what is he to me though few weeks ago, which i replied with idk.
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My advice is to get to know him more because trying to figure out labels and what you are to each other. Make sure his actions match his words. It's still pretty early, so you'll need time to figure out his true character.
Posted by LovingSeraphina
He is just using you for sex. I am sorry to have to put it so bluntly.

I actually kind of have a thought if he just wants me for sex. We had a talk about it, few times. And the last time was a pretty long talk.

He said that he didn't see me that way. It's not only all about sex. Well, there are times when we were horny and all, we both love sex.

But he doesn't just contact me at odd late nights for booty call and stuff. He hit me up in his busy days, those time when he stated that he doesn't even think about sex. But still, he's talking to me. Chatting about general, random or some philosophical stuff. We met few times and we just kinda had sex once.

I know he has a high sex drive, well so do i.

We do talk about it a lot.

And that's indeed sometimes makes me wondering if he just using me for that. But idk.
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by aquaglass
Posted by Chuckcem
No way to really tell. I will say something is off with his reaction after the movies, but I'm not sure what. Sounds like he's been responsive though, so there's nothing really for you to do at the moment. Just let him call/contact you and take it from there.
Well actually yes, i felt that something is off there too. He didn't have problem to walk beside me and even embrace my shoulder in public before, kinda like PDA and stuff.

Well even though after the dinner he didn't left me behind, we walked holding hands. Hugged and kissed on the cheeks.

Later on when we were talking on the phone, he told me that he didn't like the place, didn't feel comfortable and such.

He contaced me yesterday. Checking me out if i have arrived to my hometown safely. Still with all sweet manner and stuff. I don't know but now i feel like questioning everything. I don't know where i stand.

He asked me what is he to me though few weeks ago, which i replied with idk.
My advice is to get to know him more because trying to figure out labels and what you are to each other. Make sure his actions match his words. It's still pretty early, so you'll need time to figure out his true character.
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That's a great advice, thank you!

I do still want to see how it's going.

Like a probably typical Leo thing, he came on so strong and fast too. But i told him i'm cool, i'd like to take thing slow. And now it seems like he's in tune with that.

Last time i kind of teasing him told him hey sleep over here. Then he answered with "I want to take it slow, just take it slow".

That's pretty surprising tho, what does that mean now?
Posted by aquaglass
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by aquaglass
Posted by Chuckcem
No way to really tell. I will say something is off with his reaction after the movies, but I'm not sure what. Sounds like he's been responsive though, so there's nothing really for you to do at the moment. Just let him call/contact you and take it from there.
Well actually yes, i felt that something is off there too. He didn't have problem to walk beside me and even embrace my shoulder in public before, kinda like PDA and stuff.

Well even though after the dinner he didn't left me behind, we walked holding hands. Hugged and kissed on the cheeks.

Later on when we were talking on the phone, he told me that he didn't like the place, didn't feel comfortable and such.

He contaced me yesterday. Checking me out if i have arrived to my hometown safely. Still with all sweet manner and stuff. I don't know but now i feel like questioning everything. I don't know where i stand.

He asked me what is he to me though few weeks ago, which i replied with idk.
My advice is to get to know him more because trying to figure out labels and what you are to each other. Make sure his actions match his words. It's still pretty early, so you'll need time to figure out his true character.
That's a great advice, thank you!

I do still want to see how it's going.

Like a probably typical Leo thing, he came on so strong and fast too. But i told him i'm cool, i'd like to take thing slow. And now it seems like he's in tune with that.

Last time i kind of teasing him told him hey sleep over here. Then he answered with "I want to take it slow, just take it slow".

That's pretty surprising tho, what does that mean now?
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It means he wants to take things slow. This will give you the time to see if he's truly interested in you or not.
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by aquaglass
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by aquaglass
Posted by Chuckcem
No way to really tell. I will say something is off with his reaction after the movies, but I'm not sure what. Sounds like he's been responsive though, so there's nothing really for you to do at the moment. Just let him call/contact you and take it from there.
Well actually yes, i felt that something is off there too. He didn't have problem to walk beside me and even embrace my shoulder in public before, kinda like PDA and stuff.

Well even though after the dinner he didn't left me behind, we walked holding hands. Hugged and kissed on the cheeks.

Later on when we were talking on the phone, he told me that he didn't like the place, didn't feel comfortable and such.

He contaced me yesterday. Checking me out if i have arrived to my hometown safely. Still with all sweet manner and stuff. I don't know but now i feel like questioning everything. I don't know where i stand.

He asked me what is he to me though few weeks ago, which i replied with idk.
My advice is to get to know him more because trying to figure out labels and what you are to each other. Make sure his actions match his words. It's still pretty early, so you'll need time to figure out his true character.
That's a great advice, thank you!

I do still want to see how it's going.

Like a probably typical Leo thing, he came on so strong and fast too. But i told him i'm cool, i'd like to take thing slow. And now it seems like he's in tune with that.

Last time i kind of teasing him told him hey sleep over here. Then he answered with "I want to take it slow, just take it slow".

That's pretty surprising tho, what does that mean now?
It means he wants to take things slow. This will give you the time to see if he's truly interested in you or not.
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Great, then i think i'm down for that.

Well i heard that leo is a sexual people, and yes we talk about sex a lot. Cause i do love sex too. Though he doesn't seem like only approaching me for that. Then how do i know for sure that he really is not only wants sex as he has stated before?

Stop talking about sex for a while and see how it goes or what?
Posted by aquaglass
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by aquaglass
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by aquaglass
Posted by Chuckcem
No way to really tell. I will say something is off with his reaction after the movies, but I'm not sure what. Sounds like he's been responsive though, so there's nothing really for you to do at the moment. Just let him call/contact you and take it from there.
Well actually yes, i felt that something is off there too. He didn't have problem to walk beside me and even embrace my shoulder in public before, kinda like PDA and stuff.

Well even though after the dinner he didn't left me behind, we walked holding hands. Hugged and kissed on the cheeks.

Later on when we were talking on the phone, he told me that he didn't like the place, didn't feel comfortable and such.

He contaced me yesterday. Checking me out if i have arrived to my hometown safely. Still with all sweet manner and stuff. I don't know but now i feel like questioning everything. I don't know where i stand.

He asked me what is he to me though few weeks ago, which i replied with idk.
My advice is to get to know him more because trying to figure out labels and what you are to each other. Make sure his actions match his words. It's still pretty early, so you'll need time to figure out his true character.
That's a great advice, thank you!

I do still want to see how it's going.

Like a probably typical Leo thing, he came on so strong and fast too. But i told him i'm cool, i'd like to take thing slow. And now it seems like he's in tune with that.

Last time i kind of teasing him told him hey sleep over here. Then he answered with "I want to take it slow, just take it slow".

That's pretty surprising tho, what does that mean now?
It means he wants to take things slow. This will give you the time to see if he's truly interested in you or not.
Great, then i think i'm down for that.

Well i heard that leo is a sexual people, and yes we talk about sex a lot. Cause i do love sex too. Though he doesn't seem like only approaching me for that. Then how do i know for sure that he really is not only wants sex as he has stated before?

Stop talking about sex for a while and see how it goes or what?
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Well first, unless you only really want a sexual relationship with this guy, you're also going to have to stop focusing on sex. Figure out WHO he actually is deep down. If sex is on his mind to the point that it consumes most of your conversations, that will tell you where his priorities are.

Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by aquaglass
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by aquaglass
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by aquaglass
Posted by Chuckcem
No way to really tell. I will say something is off with his reaction after the movies, but I'm not sure what. Sounds like he's been responsive though, so there's nothing really for you to do at the moment. Just let him call/contact you and take it from there.
Well actually yes, i felt that something is off there too. He didn't have problem to walk beside me and even embrace my shoulder in public before, kinda like PDA and stuff.

Well even though after the dinner he didn't left me behind, we walked holding hands. Hugged and kissed on the cheeks.

Later on when we were talking on the phone, he told me that he didn't like the place, didn't feel comfortable and such.

He contaced me yesterday. Checking me out if i have arrived to my hometown safely. Still with all sweet manner and stuff. I don't know but now i feel like questioning everything. I don't know where i stand.

He asked me what is he to me though few weeks ago, which i replied with idk.
My advice is to get to know him more because trying to figure out labels and what you are to each other. Make sure his actions match his words. It's still pretty early, so you'll need time to figure out his true character.
That's a great advice, thank you!

I do still want to see how it's going.

Like a probably typical Leo thing, he came on so strong and fast too. But i told him i'm cool, i'd like to take thing slow. And now it seems like he's in tune with that.

Last time i kind of teasing him told him hey sleep over here. Then he answered with "I want to take it slow, just take it slow".

That's pretty surprising tho, what does that mean now?
It means he wants to take things slow. This will give you the time to see if he's truly interested in you or not.
Great, then i think i'm down for that.

Well i heard that leo is a sexual people, and yes we talk about sex a lot. Cause i do love sex too. Though he doesn't seem like only approaching me for that. Then how do i know for sure that he really is not only wants sex as he has stated before?

Stop talking about sex for a while and see how it goes or what?
Well first, unless you only really want a sexual relationship with this guy, you're also going to have to stop focusing on sex. Figure out WHO he actually is deep down. If sex is on his mind to the point that it consumes most of your conversations, that will tell you where his priorities are.

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So, i ended up had a talk with him about what we actually want.

I told him i'm not into casual sex, hookups, treetrunkbuddy and such.

Then he asked what do i want. I said i want to back onto my track. He said ok he understood and asked me if he should stop talking to me.

I told him that if all he wants from me is just sex and it's all bout that then he better stop.

I also told him that i can't be cool with NSA things. I want something real, i don't want shallow connections, i want security and safety, unemotional and meaningless sex is unfulfilling to me.

He said that he noted what i want, and he thinks it's completely normal. Well i replied that sure yes, i'm trying to keep myself sane.

Then he told me that as for him, he doesn't want labels. Like boyfriend / girlfriend kind of stuff.

He doesn't need that.

And if i'm not comfortable with that, he doesn't mind it and fully understand it.

Then he said to respect my decision, he won't chat or call or talking to me again. But that doesn't mean that he only wants me for sex. Which in fact, we just had sex once so far.

And thats it now.

I guess i know now what it's all about.

I'm not mad or anything at him or whatever.

I said a nice good bye and wish him luck.
Posted by aquaglass
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by aquaglass
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by aquaglass
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by aquaglass
Posted by Chuckcem
No way to really tell. I will say something is off with his reaction after the movies, but I'm not sure what. Sounds like he's been responsive though, so there's nothing really for you to do at the moment. Just let him call/contact you and take it from there.
Well actually yes, i felt that something is off there too. He didn't have problem to walk beside me and even embrace my shoulder in public before, kinda like PDA and stuff.

Well even though after the dinner he didn't left me behind, we walked holding hands. Hugged and kissed on the cheeks.

Later on when we were talking on the phone, he told me that he didn't like the place, didn't feel comfortable and such.

He contaced me yesterday. Checking me out if i have arrived to my hometown safely. Still with all sweet manner and stuff. I don't know but now i feel like questioning everything. I don't know where i stand.

He asked me what is he to me though few weeks ago, which i replied with idk.
My advice is to get to know him more because trying to figure out labels and what you are to each other. Make sure his actions match his words. It's still pretty early, so you'll need time to figure out his true character.
That's a great advice, thank you!

I do still want to see how it's going.

Like a probably typical Leo thing, he came on so strong and fast too. But i told him i'm cool, i'd like to take thing slow. And now it seems like he's in tune with that.

Last time i kind of teasing him told him hey sleep over here. Then he answered with "I want to take it slow, just take it slow".

That's pretty surprising tho, what does that mean now?
It means he wants to take things slow. This will give you the time to see if he's truly interested in you or not.
Great, then i think i'm down for that.

Well i heard that leo is a sexual people, and yes we talk about sex a lot. Cause i do love sex too. Though he doesn't seem like only approaching me for that. Then how do i know for sure that he really is not only wants sex as he has stated before?

Stop talking about sex for a while and see how it goes or what?
Well first, unless you only really want a sexual relationship with this guy, you're also going to have to stop focusing on sex. Figure out WHO he actually is deep down. If sex is on his mind to the point that it consumes most of your conversations, that will tell you where his priorities are.

So, i ended up had a talk with him about what we actually want.

I told him i'm not into casual sex, hookups, treetrunkbuddy and such.

Then he asked what do i want. I said i want to back onto my track. He said ok he understood and asked me if he should stop talking to me.

I told him that if all he wants from me is just sex and it's all bout that then he better stop.

I also told him that i can't be cool with NSA things. I want something real, i don't want shallow connections, i want security and safety, unemotional and meaningless sex is unfulfilling to me.

He said that he noted what i want, and he thinks it's completely normal. Well i replied that sure yes, i'm trying to keep myself sane.

Then he told me that as for him, he doesn't want labels. Like boyfriend / girlfriend kind of stuff.

He doesn't need that.

And if i'm not comfortable with that, he doesn't mind it and fully understand it.

Then he said to respect my decision, he won't chat or call or talking to me again. But that doesn't mean that he only wants me for sex. Which in fact, we just had sex once so far.

And thats it now.

I guess i know now what it's all about.

I'm not mad or anything at him or whatever.

I said a nice good bye and wish him luck.
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Sounds like he started to back track once you said you didn't want just sex. It's good that you clarified all of that up early before anyone became too emotionally invested.
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by aquaglass
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by aquaglass
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by aquaglass
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by aquaglass
Posted by Chuckcem
No way to really tell. I will say something is off with his reaction after the movies, but I'm not sure what. Sounds like he's been responsive though, so there's nothing really for you to do at the moment. Just let him call/contact you and take it from there.
Well actually yes, i felt that something is off there too. He didn't have problem to walk beside me and even embrace my shoulder in public before, kinda like PDA and stuff.

Well even though after the dinner he didn't left me behind, we walked holding hands. Hugged and kissed on the cheeks.

Later on when we were talking on the phone, he told me that he didn't like the place, didn't feel comfortable and such.

He contaced me yesterday. Checking me out if i have arrived to my hometown safely. Still with all sweet manner and stuff. I don't know but now i feel like questioning everything. I don't know where i stand.

He asked me what is he to me though few weeks ago, which i replied with idk.
My advice is to get to know him more because trying to figure out labels and what you are to each other. Make sure his actions match his words. It's still pretty early, so you'll need time to figure out his true character.
That's a great advice, thank you!

I do still want to see how it's going.

Like a probably typical Leo thing, he came on so strong and fast too. But i told him i'm cool, i'd like to take thing slow. And now it seems like he's in tune with that.

Last time i kind of teasing him told him hey sleep over here. Then he answered with "I want to take it slow, just take it slow".

That's pretty surprising tho, what does that mean now?
It means he wants to take things slow. This will give you the time to see if he's truly interested in you or not.
Great, then i think i'm down for that.

Well i heard that leo is a sexual people, and yes we talk about sex a lot. Cause i do love sex too. Though he doesn't seem like only approaching me for that. Then how do i know for sure that he really is not only wants sex as he has stated before?

Stop talking about sex for a while and see how it goes or what?
Well first, unless you only really want a sexual relationship with this guy, you're also going to have to stop focusing on sex. Figure out WHO he actually is deep down. If sex is on his mind to the point that it consumes most of your conversations, that will tell you where his priorities are.

So, i ended up had a talk with him about what we actually want.

I told him i'm not into casual sex, hookups, treetrunkbuddy and such.

Then he asked what do i want. I said i want to back onto my track. He said ok he understood and asked me if he should stop talking to me.

I told him that if all he wants from me is just sex and it's all bout that then he better stop.

I also told him that i can't be cool with NSA things. I want something real, i don't want shallow connections, i want security and safety, unemotional and meaningless sex is unfulfilling to me.

He said that he noted what i want, and he thinks it's completely normal. Well i replied that sure yes, i'm trying to keep myself sane.

Then he told me that as for him, he doesn't want labels. Like boyfriend / girlfriend kind of stuff.

He doesn't need that.

And if i'm not comfortable with that, he doesn't mind it and fully understand it.

Then he said to respect my decision, he won't chat or call or talking to me again. But that doesn't mean that he only wants me for sex. Which in fact, we just had sex once so far.

And thats it now.

I guess i know now what it's all about.

I'm not mad or anything at him or whatever.

I said a nice good bye and wish him luck.
Sounds like he started to back track once you said you didn't want just sex. It's good that you clarified all of that up early before anyone became too emotionally invested.
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I like to be direct, and not into dance.

I've been distancing myself from him these last couple days that he said i was cold. I was just sorting things out.

And now i have spilled it out, told him where do i stand. And i feel soo much better.

It's funny tho that he thinks i want labels, which i actually find it not that necessary. Security and safety doesn't mean that i want us to be labeled as bf/gf or such.

I don't even have any thoughts for really serious commitment for now. I just want to be sure that he doesn't only see me for sex. Thats it.

But, i just let him be. Let him think whatever he'd like to think.

I deserve much better Winking
Posted by cinnamonapples
Posted by aquaglass
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by aquaglass
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by aquaglass
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by aquaglass
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by aquaglass
Posted by Chuckcem
No way to really tell. I will say something is off with his reaction after the movies, but I'm not sure what. Sounds like he's been responsive though, so there's nothing really for you to do at the moment. Just let him call/contact you and take it from there.
Well actually yes, i felt that something is off there too. He didn't have problem to walk beside me and even embrace my shoulder in public before, kinda like PDA and stuff.

Well even though after the dinner he didn't left me behind, we walked holding hands. Hugged and kissed on the cheeks.

Later on when we were talking on the phone, he told me that he didn't like the place, didn't feel comfortable and such.

He contaced me yesterday. Checking me out if i have arrived to my hometown safely. Still with all sweet manner and stuff. I don't know but now i feel like questioning everything. I don't know where i stand.

He asked me what is he to me though few weeks ago, which i replied with idk.
My advice is to get to know him more because trying to figure out labels and what you are to each other. Make sure his actions match his words. It's still pretty early, so you'll need time to figure out his true character.
That's a great advice, thank you!

I do still want to see how it's going.

Like a probably typical Leo thing, he came on so strong and fast too. But i told him i'm cool, i'd like to take thing slow. And now it seems like he's in tune with that.

Last time i kind of teasing him told him hey sleep over here. Then he answered with "I want to take it slow, just take it slow".

That's pretty surprising tho, what does that mean now?
It means he wants to take things slow. This will give you the time to see if he's truly interested in you or not.
Great, then i think i'm down for that.

Well i heard that leo is a sexual people, and yes we talk about sex a lot. Cause i do love sex too. Though he doesn't seem like only approaching me for that. Then how do i know for sure that he really is not only wants sex as he has stated before?

Stop talking about sex for a while and see how it goes or what?
Well first, unless you only really want a sexual relationship with this guy, you're also going to have to stop focusing on sex. Figure out WHO he actually is deep down. If sex is on his mind to the point that it consumes most of your conversations, that will tell you where his priorities are.

So, i ended up had a talk with him about what we actually want.

I told him i'm not into casual sex, hookups, treetrunkbuddy and such.

Then he asked what do i want. I said i want to back onto my track. He said ok he understood and asked me if he should stop talking to me.

I told him that if all he wants from me is just sex and it's all bout that then he better stop.

I also told him that i can't be cool with NSA things. I want something real, i don't want shallow connections, i want security and safety, unemotional and meaningless sex is unfulfilling to me.

He said that he noted what i want, and he thinks it's completely normal. Well i replied that sure yes, i'm trying to keep myself sane.

Then he told me that as for him, he doesn't want labels. Like boyfriend / girlfriend kind of stuff.

He doesn't need that.

And if i'm not comfortable with that, he doesn't mind it and fully understand it.

Then he said to respect my decision, he won't chat or call or talking to me again. But that doesn't mean that he only wants me for sex. Which in fact, we just had sex once so far.

And thats it now.

I guess i know now what it's all about.

I'm not mad or anything at him or whatever.

I said a nice good bye and wish him luck.
Sounds like he started to back track once you said you didn't want just sex. It's good that you clarified all of that up early before anyone became too emotionally invested.
I like to be direct, and not into dance.

I've been distancing myself from him these last couple days that he said i was cold. I was just sorting things out.

And now i have spilled it out, told him where do i stand. And i feel soo much better.

It's funny tho that he thinks i want labels, which i actually find it not that necessary. Security and safety doesn't mean that i want us to be labeled as bf/gf or such.

I don't even have any thoughts for really serious commitment for now. I just want to be sure that he doesn't only see me for sex. Thats it.

But, i just let him be. Let him think whatever he'd like to think.

I deserve much better Winking
Ditto what happened with a leo man I met one year ago. Except we didn't sleep together but it doesnt make much difference since he talked about it quite often and very intensely. I pretty much concluded that's all he wanted though he suggested otherwise. I also made my terms clear about what I was looking for. And I'm proud of your response to the situation, yes I agree you deserve much better. Who knows, perhaps a better lion down the road? Lol Winking

Just curious, I wonder if there is a specific age when leo man starts to settle down?
click to expand
Leo men who are interested in settling down will easily do so in their early 20s. Guys (of any sign) who are only interested in sex won't settle any time soon.
Posted by cinnamonapples
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by cinnamonapples
Posted by aquaglass
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by aquaglass
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by aquaglass
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by aquaglass
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by aquaglass
Posted by Chuckcem
No way to really tell. I will say something is off with his reaction after the movies, but I'm not sure what. Sounds like he's been responsive though, so there's nothing really for you to do at the moment. Just let him call/contact you and take it from there.
Well actually yes, i felt that something is off there too. He didn't have problem to walk beside me and even embrace my shoulder in public before, kinda like PDA and stuff.

Well even though after the dinner he didn't left me behind, we walked holding hands. Hugged and kissed on the cheeks.

Later on when we were talking on the phone, he told me that he didn't like the place, didn't feel comfortable and such.

He contaced me yesterday. Checking me out if i have arrived to my hometown safely. Still with all sweet manner and stuff. I don't know but now i feel like questioning everything. I don't know where i stand.

He asked me what is he to me though few weeks ago, which i replied with idk.
My advice is to get to know him more because trying to figure out labels and what you are to each other. Make sure his actions match his words. It's still pretty early, so you'll need time to figure out his true character.
That's a great advice, thank you!

I do still want to see how it's going.

Like a probably typical Leo thing, he came on so strong and fast too. But i told him i'm cool, i'd like to take thing slow. And now it seems like he's in tune with that.

Last time i kind of teasing him told him hey sleep over here. Then he answered with "I want to take it slow, just take it slow".

That's pretty surprising tho, what does that mean now?
It means he wants to take things slow. This will give you the time to see if he's truly interested in you or not.
Great, then i think i'm down for that.

Well i heard that leo is a sexual people, and yes we talk about sex a lot. Cause i do love sex too. Though he doesn't seem like only approaching me for that. Then how do i know for sure that he really is not only wants sex as he has stated before?

Stop talking about sex for a while and see how it goes or what?
Well first, unless you only really want a sexual relationship with this guy, you're also going to have to stop focusing on sex. Figure out WHO he actually is deep down. If sex is on his mind to the point that it consumes most of your conversations, that will tell you where his priorities are.

So, i ended up had a talk with him about what we actually want.

I told him i'm not into casual sex, hookups, treetrunkbuddy and such.

Then he asked what do i want. I said i want to back onto my track. He said ok he understood and asked me if he should stop talking to me.

I told him that if all he wants from me is just sex and it's all bout that then he better stop.

I also told him that i can't be cool with NSA things. I want something real, i don't want shallow connections, i want security and safety, unemotional and meaningless sex is unfulfilling to me.

He said that he noted what i want, and he thinks it's completely normal. Well i replied that sure yes, i'm trying to keep myself sane.

Then he told me that as for him, he doesn't want labels. Like boyfriend / girlfriend kind of stuff.

He doesn't need that.

And if i'm not comfortable with that, he doesn't mind it and fully understand it.

Then he said to respect my decision, he won't chat or call or talking to me again. But that doesn't mean that he only wants me for sex. Which in fact, we just had sex once so far.

And thats it now.

I guess i know now what it's all about.

I'm not mad or anything at him or whatever.

I said a nice good bye and wish him luck.
Sounds like he started to back track once you said you didn't want just sex. It's good that you clarified all of that up early before anyone became too emotionally invested.
I like to be direct, and not into dance.

I've been distancing myself from him these last couple days that he said i was cold. I was just sorting things out.

And now i have spilled it out, told him where do i stand. And i feel soo much better.

It's funny tho that he thinks i want labels, which i actually find it not that necessary. Security and safety doesn't mean that i want us to be labeled as bf/gf or such.

I don't even have any thoughts for really serious commitment for now. I just want to be sure that he doesn't only see me for sex. Thats it.

But, i just let him be. Let him think whatever he'd like to think.

I deserve much better Winking
Ditto what happened with a leo man I met one year ago. Except we didn't sleep together but it doesnt make much difference since he talked about it quite often and very intensely. I pretty much concluded that's all he wanted though he suggested otherwise. I also made my terms clear about what I was looking for. And I'm proud of your response to the situation, yes I agree you deserve much better. Who knows, perhaps a better lion down the road? Lol Winking

Just curious, I wonder if there is a specific age when leo man starts to settle down?
Leo men who are interested in settling down will easily do so in their early 20s. Guys (of any sign) who are only interested in sex won't settle any time soon.
Huh I see. I had thought it would be at a later age. Good to know that it is not necessarily so.
click to expand
Generally speaking, we will be open to settling down with our first one or two loves. After we've been hurt or taken advantage of though, it's a LOT harder to pin us down. We become far less trusting and will put up a pleasant facade while we observe any new potential love interests.
Posted by cinnamonapples
Posted by aquaglass
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by aquaglass
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by aquaglass
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by aquaglass
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by aquaglass
Posted by Chuckcem
No way to really tell. I will say something is off with his reaction after the movies, but I'm not sure what. Sounds like he's been responsive though, so there's nothing really for you to do at the moment. Just let him call/contact you and take it from there.
Well actually yes, i felt that something is off there too. He didn't have problem to walk beside me and even embrace my shoulder in public before, kinda like PDA and stuff.

Well even though after the dinner he didn't left me behind, we walked holding hands. Hugged and kissed on the cheeks.

Later on when we were talking on the phone, he told me that he didn't like the place, didn't feel comfortable and such.

He contaced me yesterday. Checking me out if i have arrived to my hometown safely. Still with all sweet manner and stuff. I don't know but now i feel like questioning everything. I don't know where i stand.

He asked me what is he to me though few weeks ago, which i replied with idk.
My advice is to get to know him more because trying to figure out labels and what you are to each other. Make sure his actions match his words. It's still pretty early, so you'll need time to figure out his true character.
That's a great advice, thank you!

I do still want to see how it's going.

Like a probably typical Leo thing, he came on so strong and fast too. But i told him i'm cool, i'd like to take thing slow. And now it seems like he's in tune with that.

Last time i kind of teasing him told him hey sleep over here. Then he answered with "I want to take it slow, just take it slow".

That's pretty surprising tho, what does that mean now?
It means he wants to take things slow. This will give you the time to see if he's truly interested in you or not.
Great, then i think i'm down for that.

Well i heard that leo is a sexual people, and yes we talk about sex a lot. Cause i do love sex too. Though he doesn't seem like only approaching me for that. Then how do i know for sure that he really is not only wants sex as he has stated before?

Stop talking about sex for a while and see how it goes or what?
Well first, unless you only really want a sexual relationship with this guy, you're also going to have to stop focusing on sex. Figure out WHO he actually is deep down. If sex is on his mind to the point that it consumes most of your conversations, that will tell you where his priorities are.

So, i ended up had a talk with him about what we actually want.

I told him i'm not into casual sex, hookups, treetrunkbuddy and such.

Then he asked what do i want. I said i want to back onto my track. He said ok he understood and asked me if he should stop talking to me.

I told him that if all he wants from me is just sex and it's all bout that then he better stop.

I also told him that i can't be cool with NSA things. I want something real, i don't want shallow connections, i want security and safety, unemotional and meaningless sex is unfulfilling to me.

He said that he noted what i want, and he thinks it's completely normal. Well i replied that sure yes, i'm trying to keep myself sane.

Then he told me that as for him, he doesn't want labels. Like boyfriend / girlfriend kind of stuff.

He doesn't need that.

And if i'm not comfortable with that, he doesn't mind it and fully understand it.

Then he said to respect my decision, he won't chat or call or talking to me again. But that doesn't mean that he only wants me for sex. Which in fact, we just had sex once so far.

And thats it now.

I guess i know now what it's all about.

I'm not mad or anything at him or whatever.

I said a nice good bye and wish him luck.
Sounds like he started to back track once you said you didn't want just sex. It's good that you clarified all of that up early before anyone became too emotionally invested.
I like to be direct, and not into dance.

I've been distancing myself from him these last couple days that he said i was cold. I was just sorting things out.

And now i have spilled it out, told him where do i stand. And i feel soo much better.

It's funny tho that he thinks i want labels, which i actually find it not that necessary. Security and safety doesn't mean that i want us to be labeled as bf/gf or such.

I don't even have any thoughts for really serious commitment for now. I just want to be sure that he doesn't only see me for sex. Thats it.

But, i just let him be. Let him think whatever he'd like to think.

I deserve much better Winking
Ditto what happened with a leo man I met one year ago. Except we didn't sleep together but it doesnt make much difference since he talked about it quite often and very intensely. I pretty much concluded that's all he wanted though he suggested otherwise. I also made my terms clear about what I was looking for. And I'm proud of your response to the situation, yes I agree you deserve much better. Who knows, perhaps a better lion down the road? Lol Winking

Just curious, I wonder if there is a specific age when leo man starts to settle down?
click to expand
Thank you!

Well yeah the sex tension is strong, we kind of talking about it a lot here and there. I'm pretty sexual too myself.

It's pretty tricky because then things just kind of mixed up between desire and real feelings.

Though i heard that lions are highly sexual and like it a lot in relationship. But still it confused me. So that's why i need some clarity.

Not sure if now he said that he won't talk to me again is because he literally only wants sex from me and now i can't give it to him as much as i used to. Or he scared off because i told him directly what i want. He doesn't want labels he said.

Which actually i don't think i need that too. I just don't tell him about it cause he cut it off quick.

So yeah, whatever it is. It's for the best Winking
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by cinnamonapples
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by cinnamonapples
Posted by aquaglass
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by aquaglass
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by aquaglass
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by aquaglass
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by aquaglass
Posted by Chuckcem
No way to really tell. I will say something is off with his reaction after the movies, but I'm not sure what. Sounds like he's been responsive though, so there's nothing really for you to do at the moment. Just let him call/contact you and take it from there.
Well actually yes, i felt that something is off there too. He didn't have problem to walk beside me and even embrace my shoulder in public before, kinda like PDA and stuff.

Well even though after the dinner he didn't left me behind, we walked holding hands. Hugged and kissed on the cheeks.

Later on when we were talking on the phone, he told me that he didn't like the place, didn't feel comfortable and such.

He contaced me yesterday. Checking me out if i have arrived to my hometown safely. Still with all sweet manner and stuff. I don't know but now i feel like questioning everything. I don't know where i stand.

He asked me what is he to me though few weeks ago, which i replied with idk.
My advice is to get to know him more because trying to figure out labels and what you are to each other. Make sure his actions match his words. It's still pretty early, so you'll need time to figure out his true character.
That's a great advice, thank you!

I do still want to see how it's going.

Like a probably typical Leo thing, he came on so strong and fast too. But i told him i'm cool, i'd like to take thing slow. And now it seems like he's in tune with that.

Last time i kind of teasing him told him hey sleep over here. Then he answered with "I want to take it slow, just take it slow".

That's pretty surprising tho, what does that mean now?
It means he wants to take things slow. This will give you the time to see if he's truly interested in you or not.
Great, then i think i'm down for that.

Well i heard that leo is a sexual people, and yes we talk about sex a lot. Cause i do love sex too. Though he doesn't seem like only approaching me for that. Then how do i know for sure that he really is not only wants sex as he has stated before?

Stop talking about sex for a while and see how it goes or what?
Well first, unless you only really want a sexual relationship with this guy, you're also going to have to stop focusing on sex. Figure out WHO he actually is deep down. If sex is on his mind to the point that it consumes most of your conversations, that will tell you where his priorities are.

So, i ended up had a talk with him about what we actually want.

I told him i'm not into casual sex, hookups, treetrunkbuddy and such.

Then he asked what do i want. I said i want to back onto my track. He said ok he understood and asked me if he should stop talking to me.

I told him that if all he wants from me is just sex and it's all bout that then he better stop.

I also told him that i can't be cool with NSA things. I want something real, i don't want shallow connections, i want security and safety, unemotional and meaningless sex is unfulfilling to me.

He said that he noted what i want, and he thinks it's completely normal. Well i replied that sure yes, i'm trying to keep myself sane.

Then he told me that as for him, he doesn't want labels. Like boyfriend / girlfriend kind of stuff.

He doesn't need that.

And if i'm not comfortable with that, he doesn't mind it and fully understand it.

Then he said to respect my decision, he won't chat or call or talking to me again. But that doesn't mean that he only wants me for sex. Which in fact, we just had sex once so far.

And thats it now.

I guess i know now what it's all about.

I'm not mad or anything at him or whatever.

I said a nice good bye and wish him luck.
Sounds like he started to back track once you said you didn't want just sex. It's good that you clarified all of that up early before anyone became too emotionally invested.
I like to be direct, and not into dance.

I've been distancing myself from him these last couple days that he said i was cold. I was just sorting things out.

And now i have spilled it out, told him where do i stand. And i feel soo much better.

It's funny tho that he thinks i want labels, which i actually find it not that necessary. Security and safety doesn't mean that i want us to be labeled as bf/gf or such.

I don't even have any thoughts for really serious commitment for now. I just want to be sure that he doesn't only see me for sex. Thats it.

But, i just let him be. Let him think whatever he'd like to think.

I deserve much better Winking
Ditto what happened with a leo man I met one year ago. Except we didn't sleep together but it doesnt make much difference since he talked about it quite often and very intensely. I pretty much concluded that's all he wanted though he suggested otherwise. I also made my terms clear about what I was looking for. And I'm proud of your response to the situation, yes I agree you deserve much better. Who knows, perhaps a better lion down the road? Lol Winking

Just curious, I wonder if there is a specific age when leo man starts to settle down?
Leo men who are interested in settling down will easily do so in their early 20s. Guys (of any sign) who are only interested in sex won't settle any time soon.
Huh I see. I had thought it would be at a later age. Good to know that it is not necessarily so.
Generally speaking, we will be open to settling down with our first one or two loves. After we've been hurt or taken advantage of though, it's a LOT harder to pin us down. We become far less trusting and will put up a pleasant facade while we observe any new potential love interests.
click to expand
Is that possible that this leo man kind of in this position though?

He is in his 40s, got divorced. And he said that he just now don't really plan anything.

Don't chase shadow. Just let it flow, that sometimes the best thing happens when we don't plan it.
Get used to get ignored or don't date a leo sis
Posted by aquaglass
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by cinnamonapples
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by cinnamonapples
Posted by aquaglass
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by aquaglass
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by aquaglass
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by aquaglass
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by aquaglass
Posted by Chuckcem
No way to really tell. I will say something is off with his reaction after the movies, but I'm not sure what. Sounds like he's been responsive though, so there's nothing really for you to do at the moment. Just let him call/contact you and take it from there.
Well actually yes, i felt that something is off there too. He didn't have problem to walk beside me and even embrace my shoulder in public before, kinda like PDA and stuff.

Well even though after the dinner he didn't left me behind, we walked holding hands. Hugged and kissed on the cheeks.

Later on when we were talking on the phone, he told me that he didn't like the place, didn't feel comfortable and such.

He contaced me yesterday. Checking me out if i have arrived to my hometown safely. Still with all sweet manner and stuff. I don't know but now i feel like questioning everything. I don't know where i stand.

He asked me what is he to me though few weeks ago, which i replied with idk.
My advice is to get to know him more because trying to figure out labels and what you are to each other. Make sure his actions match his words. It's still pretty early, so you'll need time to figure out his true character.
That's a great advice, thank you!

I do still want to see how it's going.

Like a probably typical Leo thing, he came on so strong and fast too. But i told him i'm cool, i'd like to take thing slow. And now it seems like he's in tune with that.

Last time i kind of teasing him told him hey sleep over here. Then he answered with "I want to take it slow, just take it slow".

That's pretty surprising tho, what does that mean now?
It means he wants to take things slow. This will give you the time to see if he's truly interested in you or not.
Great, then i think i'm down for that.

Well i heard that leo is a sexual people, and yes we talk about sex a lot. Cause i do love sex too. Though he doesn't seem like only approaching me for that. Then how do i know for sure that he really is not only wants sex as he has stated before?

Stop talking about sex for a while and see how it goes or what?
Well first, unless you only really want a sexual relationship with this guy, you're also going to have to stop focusing on sex. Figure out WHO he actually is deep down. If sex is on his mind to the point that it consumes most of your conversations, that will tell you where his priorities are.

So, i ended up had a talk with him about what we actually want.

I told him i'm not into casual sex, hookups, treetrunkbuddy and such.

Then he asked what do i want. I said i want to back onto my track. He said ok he understood and asked me if he should stop talking to me.

I told him that if all he wants from me is just sex and it's all bout that then he better stop.

I also told him that i can't be cool with NSA things. I want something real, i don't want shallow connections, i want security and safety, unemotional and meaningless sex is unfulfilling to me.

He said that he noted what i want, and he thinks it's completely normal. Well i replied that sure yes, i'm trying to keep myself sane.

Then he told me that as for him, he doesn't want labels. Like boyfriend / girlfriend kind of stuff.

He doesn't need that.

And if i'm not comfortable with that, he doesn't mind it and fully understand it.

Then he said to respect my decision, he won't chat or call or talking to me again. But that doesn't mean that he only wants me for sex. Which in fact, we just had sex once so far.

And thats it now.

I guess i know now what it's all about.

I'm not mad or anything at him or whatever.

I said a nice good bye and wish him luck.
Sounds like he started to back track once you said you didn't want just sex. It's good that you clarified all of that up early before anyone became too emotionally invested.
I like to be direct, and not into dance.

I've been distancing myself from him these last couple days that he said i was cold. I was just sorting things out.

And now i have spilled it out, told him where do i stand. And i feel soo much better.

It's funny tho that he thinks i want labels, which i actually find it not that necessary. Security and safety doesn't mean that i want us to be labeled as bf/gf or such.

I don't even have any thoughts for really serious commitment for now. I just want to be sure that he doesn't only see me for sex. Thats it.

But, i just let him be. Let him think whatever he'd like to think.

I deserve much better Winking
Ditto what happened with a leo man I met one year ago. Except we didn't sleep together but it doesnt make much difference since he talked about it quite often and very intensely. I pretty much concluded that's all he wanted though he suggested otherwise. I also made my terms clear about what I was looking for. And I'm proud of your response to the situation, yes I agree you deserve much better. Who knows, perhaps a better lion down the road? Lol Winking

Just curious, I wonder if there is a specific age when leo man starts to settle down?
Leo men who are interested in settling down will easily do so in their early 20s. Guys (of any sign) who are only interested in sex won't settle any time soon.
Huh I see. I had thought it would be at a later age. Good to know that it is not necessarily so.
Generally speaking, we will be open to settling down with our first one or two loves. After we've been hurt or taken advantage of though, it's a LOT harder to pin us down. We become far less trusting and will put up a pleasant facade while we observe any new potential love interests.
Is that possible that this leo man kind of in this position though?

He is in his 40s, got divorced. And he said that he just now don't really plan anything.

Don't chase shadow. Just let it flow, that sometimes the best thing happens when we don't plan it.
click to expand
Doesn't matter. He clearly didn't give you a reason to think that he wanted anything serious or long term with you. There's no point is wondering about his motivations.