
This topic was created in the Leo forum by banini on Thursday, February 22, 2007 and has 11 replies.
I've developed a habit over the years of making myself a target for people to make fun of. Then when they do, rather than come up with comebacks for their insults, I break them down, and pretend to misunderstand in an attempt to frustrate them because they can't get their point across. This way I avoid the insult, and I avoid insulting them back. I'm really good at it, and I really enjoy it. A large part of my comedy act is based around this concept.
The questions arise for several reasons. This behavior can really really annoy people. It's intended to annoy the people that are trying to make fun of me, but then sometimes it ends up annoying other people as well. So now the challenge is to find a way to avoid annoying the people that I'm intending to entertain. Then again, people that get what I'm doing love it, and don't find it annoying at all, so maybe I shouldn't bother. The other issue is that some people really don't get it at all, and don't see that I'm defending myself or standing up for myself, so they think I don't respect myself. Personally I think it's a great way to defend myself, because I enjoy it, but lately, because of the perceived lack of self respect, I wonder if maybe I enjoy it because I really do lack some self respect.
I like to dress in a unique way, and stand out, possibly because I'm a Leo, but this also makes me a target. There seems to be a fine line between expressing my unique Leo qualities, and putting extra effort into being unique to get attention. Like if I go to the antique clothing store and I see a flashy jacket. Do I want it because I really like it, and thats just me and my personal taste, or do I want it because it will make me stand out and people will give me attention, negative or positive for wearing it? Or, perhaps who I am, is a person who wants to, or needs to stand out and be made fun of because I enjoy it so much. Maybe this is getting redundant, so I'll stop now and you can add your thoughts.
Maybe the simplest question to ask here would be do I do all this because it's me, or because I have some sort of unresolved issue(s), and this isn't really who I am at all?
Just be happy.
i used to have a problem with people and the way i dress, i like to go outside the box sometimes and try something wicked...sometimes people would make comments or give me dirty looks and i usually let it slide and give them a dirty look back but every once in a while it would hurt and i realized that some people just don't understand...there's always going to be people who misunderstand you or not like what you do, but you just brush it off and be happy with who you are. you find people who accept you for who you are and that's' what matters.
i go through moments of self doubt as well, is this who i really am? do i want to act like this? and that's when i usually take a step back and revaluate what's going on in my life, what kind of person do i want to be, what do i believe in?...what do i stand for? i find out more things about myself every week/month/year.
learning and experimenting is a process of life.
wow..i've written a lot, in short terms just as little sparrow wrote, "just be happy"
Personally, I think it comes down to the difference between wearing flashy clothes that look good on me, versus wearing stuff that doesn't, and just wearing it because it's flashy. And I guess, I should just wear whatever I feel like wearing because it makes me happy. Just because I wear attention getting clothes now, if it really is because I need love and affection, I won't always, and eventually it won't make me happy anymore, and something else will. Or something. Who knows...
It's okay. In my younger years I use to shop there for socks, under shirts, etc. I now prefer Wal-mart.
Can I see your act someday???
I haven't been on here in a while.
Looks like this is the place to come if you want to make some BABIES!!!!!!
banini, if you are not into "baby making" I'd scoot away...far, far away just like I am about to do
No, I'm not a goth. I don't know what you guys are talking about.