That Crush Moment...

This topic was created in the Leo forum by Chuckcem on Thursday, April 13, 2017 and has 10 replies.
What was the moment when you realized that you needed to pursue your romantic interest? When did they become your crush? What did they do to snap your attention away from everything/everyone else to focus on them specifically.
I still haven't because we work together, so don't think I ever will.

He left the company to pursue travelling for 6 months. Hated him before that. When he came back, appeared as a changed man. That's when the crush developed.

He's still his whiney as Scorpio moon to others but I get a glimpse of his caring side from time to time when I start speaking to him. Even said this to him and he acknowledged and admitted it.

My intuition tells me he likes me when we message each other over Skype with little winks but face to face talk is all professional. I know better than to have anything with a colleague. So will stay as that and just admire from afar.

His voice snaps my attention away from everything. He's a smart kiwi shit and he knows it. It's what I like about him because he can be so sweet when he knows I'm wrong during our debates.
Are you specifically asking leos or?

I honestly don't think I ever thought about it all that much.

Most of the time it just starts out as a regular conversation about a similar interest which then develops to interest in the person.I start to wonder about his daily life and I feel the need to be around or talk to him more you can't stop to think about him.

Most of the time I am attracted to creative individuals (similar interests) because it gives me the feeling they will understand me very well.

When that clicks and I feel the same from him I pursue, but most of the time before I realize it happened they already made the first move.
Posted by SMC
Are you specifically asking leos or?

I honestly don't think I ever thought about it all that much.

Most of the time it just starts out as a regular conversation about a similar interest which then develops to interest in the person.I start to wonder about his daily life and I feel the need to be around or talk to him more you can't stop to think about him.

Most of the time I am attracted to creative individuals (similar interests) because it gives me the feeling they will understand me very well.

When that clicks and I feel the same from him I pursue, but most of the time before I realize it happened they already made the first move.
This is open to everyone, but definitely interested in what the Leos have to say too.
wat will snap mu attention?

having full experience aboyt the harshness of life since teens

and keep herself clean

when will it be?

prolly at 40s according to my western and chinese and vedic astrology

We were at a LAN center. Everyone knew one another. The dude who owned the place- his wife had cheated on him and she was socially stigmatised by the collective will.

Later that night she was hanging outside in the cold by herself- he offered her his hoodie. Thought it took alot of balls, considering he was friends with the owner. To be nice to someone, when you don't have to- or on a social level- shouldn't. Shows a diffrent type of strength.

Anyhow- Thought it was pretty bad ass, and did whatever i could to get to get close to him after that.
She was back to stay and single it was my opportunity to make my move, I saw right timing I guess. I went after her with all I had.
Posted by Miamia13
I've noticed that I fall quickly when I see a man doing something for someone else.

Several years ago I had a Leo man friend who was actively pursuing me. I had friend-zoned him and didn't really ever see myself being attracted to him or that we would be anything more then friends. One day, we were at the gym together, when a man approached him. The man was new to the gym and admittedly out of shape. He asked if my Leo friend could show him some work outs. Now, I know that gym time is very important to my friend. So it came as a heart-warming surprise when he dropped his set and didn't hesitate to help out the stranger. After that, I saw him in a different light and instantly wanted him in a different way.

Another time, I had an Aries friend who was also actively pursuing me. We ended up at a party where a girl was extremely ill. She was throwing up, shaking, could barely speak... As we enetered the penthouse, everyone was rushing out. No one wanted to deal with her and no one wanted to get in trouble or have something happen to her. I was extremely concerned and did my best to help her. But not even her friends were of any assistance. They found her condition inconvenient to their agenda. So my Aries friend first, assembled some people to help carry her out. He was going to take her to the hospital. But as she was being carried out, she was refusing to go. She was scared. So what did my Aries friend do? He sat her down on the couch with her head on his lap because that's what made her most comfortable. He talked to her for hours. She was a complete stranger to all of us. She was crying non-stop and he re-assured her that she was okay and to not be embarrassed. He hydrated her and made her food as I did as well... Let's just say, after that night, he was no longer friend-zoned in my mind either.

My first date with my now ex Sag. was a similar story as far as selfless acts. He had a really nice convertible car. I wasn't too impressed with him and his flashy things which is how he initially attempted to peek my interest. He had been pursuing me for quite awhile when I finally agreed to go on one date with the guy. Of course, he picked me up in his fancy pants car and we went to several different destinations. As we pulled up to the restaurant for dinner, a little boy on the sidewalk went wild! We had gotten out of the car and already put the top up. But when my ex noticed his enthusiasm, he invited the little boy in the car. He put the top down and the boy jumped in with his ice cream and admired all the bells and whistles. The boy's mom was just as excited to see her son enjoying himself in the Ferrari and snapped a lot of pictures. I thought to myself at the time, if he really cared so much about his damn car then he would've thought twice about that ice cream-LOL. The boy and his mom were so appreciative. And that's when I let my guard down and decided to give him a real chance.

But I've noticed most of my crushes begin with the most unlikely people when I've witnessed them doing something for someone else. Selfless acts make me weak?❤

Hahah sounds like fire signs are your weakness too.
My Sea-Goat says it was my Gir hoodie.

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Posted by imbatgirl14
What was the moment when you realized that you needed to pursue your romantic interest?

Usually it begins with attraction. I can be very stuck in my mind thinking about things I have planned or have to do.If I find him attractive then I try to be coy with the man, if he plays along and is 'mysterious' and confident, then it makes me feel like I could see myself with him. But, I will not pursue, I only reciprocate if he steps up. This is why I'm attracted to fire signs or fire dominant men because they are very upfront and honest, which is an aphrodisiac. After that, I consider him a romantic interest and the screening process commences.

When did they become your crush?

I usually tend to have a lot of crushes or infatuation periods but they end abruptly as soon as they began. I blame the Gemini placement in me. If it has any sticking power then it becomes a romantic interest (see above).

What did they do to snap your attention away from everything/everyone else to focus on them specifically. What @Miamia13 said about displaying selfless behavior. But if he passes the crush and is in the romantic interest faze and I screen him and all is good, then I begin to focus on them and their personality. I tend to be picky with my choices simply because I need a balance in my life. I want love, freedom, and stability in my life and not many men can give me that. It's usually one or the other. This is why I don't date (I don't like to waste my time) and become emotionally attached to a man until I see he has the minimum requirements in a man, to consider long term potential.

~~~~~What are those requirements? ~~~~~~~

Off the top of my head, in order:

- Ambition: where are you? and where are you going?

- Personality: who are you? and will you compromise in a relationship?

- Sexual Prowess: can you keep up with me? and can you be 100% loyal?

- Commitment: do you casually date? and how committed are you?

- Intelligent: what your mentality is? and are you condescending/patronizing?

- Heart: how humble are you? and do you think of others?

- Jealousy: how jealous and possessive are you? and is it manageable?

- Stubbornness: are you stuck in your way of being? and will you not listen to reason?

- Faith: do you believe in God? and how you view religion as a whole?

- Children: do you have any children? and if you don't, would you like to have any? how many?

- Stability: are you financial and emotionally stable? and if not, why? and what are you doing to resolve that?

- Support: how supportive are you? and how selfish/self-less are you in a relationship ?

- Offer: what do you have to offer in a relationship? and what do you want from me?

**As you can tell, this is why many men do not make it past the screening process**
Such a solid and thorough response. I feel this.