The Battlefield Of Love

This topic was created in the Leo forum by banini on Saturday, February 17, 2007 and has 32 replies.
On the battlefield of love, your heart is the only weapon. If you don't know how to use it, you will loose, and because it's so fragile, you will probably break it. I have yet to figure out what happens if you do know how to use it.
Beings Leos I suppose our lives are dedicated to learning how to use our hearts, more-so perhaps than other signs? BTW the above quote is my own... smile
...Beings Leos I suppose our lives are dedicated to learning how to use our hearts...
Also learning how to love ourselves without having to depend on the reassurance of others.
.....The heart does stupid things and you end up getting hurt all the time....
That's the virgo in you talking my dear.
Yeah, I mean there's a certain amount of control that your head needs to have over your heart, but not too much. Your heart can't beat without your head anyway.
When you really know how to use a gun, which is what you would use on a real battlefield, you only really need to worry about getting hurt by other people's bullets, not your own.
heartache to heartache
we're one.....
Love is a battle field.
Hi Banini.
Yeah I know, it's not a totally original idea...
Yes, mercury rules your brain, ideas, understanding etc ...But mercury aslo rules Virgo. You could become emotionally charged by intellectual stimulation.
Or *sigh* verbal exchanges.

And this ...

.....The heart does stupid things and you end up getting hurt all the time....
Is the bitter side of Virgo talking. I can relate.
You tell me.
But do you 'feel' it does? lol
Hey thanks?
...can think better...
A focused thinker could be blamed on a saturn/mercury conjunction. Which I have. I wouldn't necessarily say I 'think better'. Sometimes a cancerian mercury can screw with your head and make you feel (think) stupid shit for imaginary reasons.
If you're sensing some smarts from me, I have Virgo rising. Aka, smart ass too. :p
I also want to add, I'm not sure the moon has anything to do with it.
Probably should have just said that in the first place right? lol
My moon is Gemini, is that why I over think all my problems?
purrrfect, what about mercury trine saturn? Tongue
And merc/saturn trine still adds focus it just doesn't zero in so harshly the way a conjunct would. Good for practical, responsible thinking. Very good when someone needs advice because issues are usually considered carefully and slowly. Concentration comes easily with this aspect.

A merc/saturn trine...
I meant.
As a cusp virgo so close to Leo...I agree you all must learn to use your hearts.
Are you here to teach us?
Yes, my dear other signs must be helped. Tsk Tsk
Ok come on and lighten up dear Leo. ^_^
I have some issues. Obviously.
Haha, a virgo asking a leo to lighten up. Too funny.
Ah, I am a cuspy Virgo. No so uptight. heheh
No sucha thing as cuspy.
Hey wait .... you actualy WERE a leo once right? smile
^_^ Yep.
Eh, I was trying to have four different personalities. Since I"m close to Leo it only seemed fitting.
And one was me. In some eyes.
Understand now?
Yes, since the IP numbers were the same...but I told people I wasn't. People are so darn suspicious.
I don't blame them.
Sorry, I'm already in a horrid mood. See you later.
How funny, this is the 2nd time I told a Virgo I had to step away to avoid a foot in the mouth this week lol
Ok, I'm really going now.
Night dear.