The Darkside

This topic was created in the Leo forum by purrrfect on Wednesday, February 21, 2007 and has 6 replies.
Since I have nothing better to do these days.
Some entertainment for you stolen from The Darkside Zodiac..... Wanna box?
Sun in Leo Mars in....
Mars in Aries: Just how many extra Y chromosomes do you actually have? You could start a fight on your own in an empty throne room.
Mars in Taurus: You can take a lot of flak, but are unstoppable when roused. Invariably you go for the throat. You are your own best bodyguard smile
Mars in Gemini: Mouthy and quick on your feet, you love to provoke a fight with slow witted lower orders, then dance around ribtickling them with your royal rapier. (?)lol
Mars in Cancer: You don't do confrontation yourself (you're a sensitive monarch), but your discreet elite homeland security staff do.
Mars in Leo: You are right. You are might. Might is right. Does someone dare look at you in a funny way? Or even just look at you? Guards! Guards!
Mars in Virgo: Even if everything is right in your own kingdom, you can always find some slight laxity of protocol in another that demands military intervention.
Mars in Libra: Some days you roar like a tiger, other days you're just a pussycat. In tiger mode, you'll take anyone on, but not without backup; you only like victory.
Mars in Scorpio: Everyone knows who you are, Mr. Big. Nobody would dare look at you unless ordered to, so you are never bothered, not even in the meanest streets.
Mars in Sag: What you love best is thowing off the royal robes and getting down to a really exhilarating bar-room brawl, back to back with your beer buddy from the other side of the tracks.
Mars in Capricorn: Assassin.
Mars in Aquarius: Fighting is so uncool; but when it comes down to it, you have quick reactions and some extremely unexpected moves picked up from a very obscure (but aristocratic) form of martial arts.
Mars in Pisces: Grant us all a favor; don't fight. You're such a muddled mover that you always get a bloody nose and your own crown slips. But then, part of you enjoys being beaten down to a matyrred pulp.

...Purrrrfect u r a thief....
Yes. But an honest one :p
I haven't heard from him yet. But I know I will considering the way our last phone call went. He is on the other side of the country right now. He probably knows I'm going to ask him to come back NOW if he calls and he can't do it right this minute.
I'm home from work for the next 2 days.
chocolate, how the hell are YOU? What's going on with you and your 'squeeky clean' virgin? Give me something else to think about lol
He and I were 'friends' once. : (
Careful with that lol
The ones you don't think fit or call 'friend' are usually the ones that sneak up on you.
mines in scorpio too. One time I walked through this hella shady part of San Francisco with nary a scratch.
I like how you phrased that. The way they 'should'.