The Lion's Den

This topic was created in the Leo forum by Random31 on Wednesday, May 3, 2006 and has 56 replies.
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A nice place to the idea from other boards...
Hi Random smile
Nice place to talk if we can keep anyone here long enough, lol....
The leos don't seem to stay. ::staples random to Den chair::

Sorry purrfect that I dozed off...I probably will again...these staples hurt and I'm bleeding...
aw, lol sorry. I only meant to staple your clothing. I may be around for a few mins.
I feel like the threads are frozen. They have been in the exact same position for a couple of days, lol
Question: Do nice Leo men ever come around these boards...exclude Kris. hehehe
Random, I have tried and tried to lure them in here. I've roared, posted pics of them even. It doesn't work.
Yeah, kris needs a little training. smile
I should be back on later tonight...I'm obsessed with this site at the moment...
Actually, I think kris is the only one who comes around . . . hmm
ok, see later smile
I think kris is the only one who comes around . . . hmm
love internet lingo
see *you* later....I meant
(a)(b)(c)(d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) (l) (m) (n) (o) (p) (q) (r) (s) (t) (u) (v) (w) (x) (y) (z)
(!) this place is one to talk one who wants to talk...I'll have a convo with myself...reply to myself...shows how desperate I am...
Why don't leo ever come here? Besides purrfect thank goodness there is another one of us proud lions...a lot of caps, scorps, aqua, fish, and virgins on this site...
signing off...yet this message won't be found for another forty days.
In twenty minutes I found my own message
(((((((((((rrrrrrraaandom don't leave me!)))))))))))))))))))))
I found your message. It's going to be OK, really...

It's not sheepskin Cap
DB, show her the present you gave us... smile
Maybe she will be a little more comfy.
hi...there is a guy walking around this place with a jacket online in fur...I just wanted to is too hot here to be wearing this plus it looks weird.
online = outlined
Random, of course it's too hot. It's always summer here smile
Yes, that. lol
hehehe...but poor lion...
::throws shoe at DB:: Tongue
Be right back, I'm hungry
Yeah, my mouth IS kinda stinging. But only because I put too much chili in my food ::sniff::
Random, I came all the way home from work because I heard you calling me, lol Where did you go??
Somebody just had to use the computer to type of their paper. He finally I had to cook and do domestic duties...Sad
wait...he wants to use the computer again. I should by him a laptop for his birtday...but that is all the way next year...Sad
...I should by him a laptop for his birtday....

How's that for Leo generosity? smile
Dell has some pretty good deals if your serious...
How's that for Leo generosity?
Dell has some pretty good deals if your serious...
Anything cheaper? smile Limited budget
Hmm, lets see...
You want brand new? If not, you can always buy one used. That would definitely be cheaper.
Used...never thought of that. Just any glofiled word processer that could be hooked to a printer could do.
Check your classifieds then. Especially if you plan on buying it next year. Most people get rid of their computers like right after Christmas because santa bought them one new one. Good time to look...
So purrfect you said that you were dating a Scorp? How is that going?
Sometimes it's good. Sometimes I hate him. Right now I hate him. I'm sure by this time next week that will change, lol
You mentioned you were dating an aries right?
Yeah I date an...Aries...
Like you I hate him right now. He is stressing over end of the year papers...
So what is it that you don't like about your Scorp?
Well, right now the reason is his choice of words. He said the wrong thing to me on a sensitive day. I won't say what here though Sad
Where are you from Random? Why do you hate the ram?
I'm paranoid about the I will say that I live in the United States of America.
The ram is being grumpy, pmsing, and wearing my robe...
I'll be back later...
omg, I live there too! Small world smile

....The ram is being grumpy, pmsing, and wearing my robe...
lol!! Give him a heating pad and two advil. He'll be alright.
Bye Random : )
Dead boards
sbraob daed
*** DB, show her the present you gave us...
That sounds dirty. smile
good morning ladies and insects : )
...That sounds dirty....
haha, and I wasn't even trying that time. But, I would imagine if you walk over it enough times it will need some special cleaning. smile

hee hee
I am suprised the Scorps let it go by without comment.
Hello...anyone there...
(Quickly cleans up cave and set up a romantic dinner by candleight for herself and a certain Gemini. Enters in a blood red dress...)
::peeks in::
Aw Random, how pretty. Take the hat off the Den door when I can come back in lol