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Sep 04, 2010Comments: 3 · Posts: 2049 · Topics: 47
". i try so hard, "
You're not trying so hard, you're trying to hard - its give off a vibe, stop trying and live and enjoy your life.
"i have so much hope to being saved."
You're looking for someone to save you, no-one can save you, you must have saved yourself first so that you are a whole and complete, happy, human being. No man is looking for someone who is so needy that they need to be saved - no-one deserves that much pressure put on them by another.
"i need a king, a lion by my side"
You don't need a king, you deserve one, but you won't get one until you truly believe this first.
"but seems turned off when i am too anxious"
This is because he smells your neediness.
"sometimes he doesn't even reply. what does this mean?"
It means he does not want you to be texting him, you wouldn't have to resort to this if he wanted you as he would be coming after you already. Desparation and neediness comes off very easily, whether its face to face or over the internet on those online dating sites etc. And its a huge turnoff for most people.
You need to build up your self esteem and self respect, get some pride back in your life and learn to be happy on your own and with yourself, everything will just fall into place after that, but you won't learn it until you back off from this man and other men for a while, and learn about yourself and where you are coming from. When you stop needing a man to save you and only need yourself you will be a strong person.
"do i really need a lion by my side?"
No you don't, you need an equal by your side, as does everyone.
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Mar 13, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 7566 · Topics: 155
Gandalf I don't know why you keep attacking leonine.. she has 3 domiciled planets (sun, moon merc), she's actually a very wholesome person. It's the other that is lacking, not her.. lol! Look at her pic, she is a larger than life Leo!
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Jul 24, 2012Comments: 3 · Posts: 3294 · Topics: 45
The girl makes one post and disappears never to be heard from again whilst others argue about how "correct" they are. I love these threads.
thank you nynjafish, celticlioness, gandalf, spica, jynja, wounded leo and all others. despite some quite hurtful comments, which are very useful too, you have all helped me very much. though i don't magically feel all better just yet, i will work hard to better myself. though i'm weak now, i will find my strength. i wish you all the best, thank you.