The playground and your pray....

This topic was created in the Leo forum by TheLioness79 on Tuesday, June 11, 2013 and has 16 replies.
I haven't played on the playground in a long long time. I couldn't relate to the talk of cat and mouse games we tend to play. I had forgotten about them and how much fun they are and bring out playful side of you. What kind of cat and mouse games do you play? Just curious.
Also want to add....what is the purpose of it for you?
Sorry, did this post on my phone and meant prey.
I am curious about the cat and mouse games we play when we first meet someone of romantic interest. I have forgotten how interesting the game can be. I am not ready for any relationship yet and have been approached many times over the months. I am so picky and for me it has always had to been someone that I feel a very strong attraction towards or they approach in such an unusual way that it peeks my attention or curiosity. I was not even expecting it and what caught my attention and curiosity? A cocky Scorpio.
So I find myself doing my testing on him. I am not even sure if I will be interested in him or not and I am keeping my self being elusive with him. He is pretty persistent as well. I am the type though I evaluate a person down to what makes them tick and I will ask of the wall questions or engage in a discussion by approaching the subject in a manner that is neutral or even opposite of my beliefs just so I can see how a person thinks and where their beliefs/morals/values are and how their mind works. I also find myself giving a little in a flirtation way then pull back. I think I do it to engage their interest in me in coming back after me.
I was curious what other people do when they are evaluate a possible romantic interest.
I put on the prettiest dress I can find get my nails and hair done, spray on some perfume and put on some makeup. It's fool proof.
Although, I like to chase. I rarely initiate. I can't stand rejection. It does something to my soul. LOL
I have never been unsure if I like someone. I know within the first few minutes. I like really fast. I unlike really fast too and therein lies the problem.
It's quite the conundrum. Winking
I feel similarly--I am picky when it comes to a mate which prevents me from being able to play the "game" sometimes. I know how it is played, however, and I actually HATE playing the game, ultimately. But??_I can't deny that it is necessary in a sense and also very fun. If I have no interest in a person trying to pursue me, I will play no games. I make it very clear that I am not interested in anything more than a friendship.
If I am interested in someone, however, I'll do the cat/mouse thing occasionally. Sometimes I'm the cat, sometimes I'm the mouse. For example, I'm currently seeing an Aquarius male, and we definitely play games with each other occasionally. We'll be flirty with each other, through texts, etc. And when we go to parties together we rarely talk to each other. We both socialize with other people (either same sex or opposite), but give each other "looks" across the room throughout the night. He has a Leo moon if that says anything. And he'll tease/bully me to no end, and I pretend I don't like it but he knows I do. ;]
I love to dress up/look nice for my Aqua, but if we're just "hanging out", I'll just wear normal clothes (but still attempt to look cute in a simple, classy way) and wear no make-up. And then when we "go out" I'll dress up, wear something sexier, and do my hair/make-up for special occasions. I love the reaction I get out of him when he sees me all ~transformed~. Hehe.
Also, I don't know if I could ever deal with the Scorpio male games. One of my closest guy friends is a Scorpio, and he can definitely get on my nerves!
Posted by Nala13

I have never been unsure if I like someone. I know within the first few minutes. I like really fast. I unlike really fast too and therein lies the problem.

I am pretty right on when it had come to liking someone or not. I can tell immediately if there will be something or not. This one has me thrown a little. I don't know if I am being very cautious considering what I have come out of and there are times I am like no go but then he does or say something that peaks my curiosity. He is also an interesting challenge. I am in no rush so I guess we will see how this plays.
One thing I have been with him is honest. I have told him I am not in any shape or form ready for any type of relationship. Any questions he asks I am truthfully honest with him if asks me questions. I am straight forward and do not offend easily and really appreciates that about me. Also my strength and self assured I am. And even when I go at him with questions or take a certain side to see how he thinks I have told him so afterwards that I do this because I am curious on figuring out how people think. I have also told him that I am very guarded person and will be cautious to let me people in to see me until I know who they are and I can trust them. But I don't be deceitful in my life period and never do anything intentionally to hurt someone.
Another example of my honesty: One late night he tried calling me and I didn't answer, I told him through text I would call him back and I didn't. The next morning he made a snide comment to me about me calling and the wonderful conversation we had. I told him I was sorry and my oldest child was still awake when I sent the text. I din't feel comfortable carrying on a conversation with a man in front of my children at this point and fell asleep before she did. He said he respected that and was just teasing me (could have been could have not but I think he was put off at first) and I told him that if he was upset because I didn't call back it was understandable because I did say I would call.
For me, if I fall for you and you have me and we both have agreed to something more formal or I lay it out for you how I feel, I will back off the courting back and forth thing. At this point it isn't relevant. Just like some people will go MIA to see if someone is still interested in them or such, maybe when I was younger I would do something like that, but now I would just play say I feel you are not X because of XYZ, lets talk about it.
I will say, if I am not interested or intrigued by him, I wouldn't waste anytime on him. How long have you been with Leo guy and what level is your relationship. Like I said above as I know where things stand or more comfortable with someone I will back off on things and open myself up more. I still get playful and like to have fun, but you will know it and will know my style .
His cockiness is appealing because I respect it. I understand it. It can be overbearing and annoying at times though from him. So I have just started calling him out on it when it does and it cools off some. I will be straight forward or be playful like you are so cute with your arrogance. (in a way it is cute) I have no doubt he is intrigued by me. I even asked him one time, you are very curious about me, huh? Really want to know everything about me and what makes me work. He told me yeah he really did want to. If I feel he is starting to cross boundaries I pull him back and tell him so.
I have got the reading of energy and non verbal cues from him. He even said as much of this. And apparently in this short time I have given him good and trusting vibes as he has opened up to me on a couple of things he normally doesn't. I told him not worry, that is a common occurrence for me and people do that all the time with me. People know what they say to me goes to my grave. I don't play with that stuff.
Posted by LionGirl
I feel similarly--I am picky when it comes to a mate which prevents me from being able to play the "game" sometimes. I know how it is played, however, and I actually HATE playing the game, ultimately. But??_I can't deny that it is necessary in a sense and also very fun. If I have no interest in a person trying to pursue me, I will play no games. I make it very clear that I am not interested in anything more than a friendship.

I have to agree, I am the same. If I am not interested at all, I will not play and make it very clear this is no more then a friendship. I don't see the point of playing the courtship game with someone who you are not interested in and it is very hurtful.
Posted by SexyScorpion
Posted by TheLioness79
Posted by Nala13

I have never been unsure if I like someone. I know within the first few minutes. I like really fast. I unlike really fast too and therein lies the problem.

I am pretty right on when it had come to liking someone or not. I can tell immediately if there will be something or not. This one has me thrown a little. I don't know if I am being very cautious considering what I have come out of and there are times I am like no go but then he does or say something that peaks my curiosity. He is also an interesting challenge. I am in no rush so I guess we will see how this plays.

Jynja is right scorpion men are dangerous and calculative.. That's just to protect themselves.. The key to keep them hooked is give them a challenge and then give into them a little bit. We like to solve mystery... But if it's too much mystery we lose interest.. Once you are sure don't play games as it will piss him off and believe me he will take his revenge. I am not trying to scare you but if scorpio decides you are the one they are dedicated and passionate. They will not leave your side.. Will stand by you.
I dated one and I know how they operate... Very intuitive and will manipulate you without you knowing.. Once scorpio male is sure of your loyalty.. He is hooked...

click to expand

I am defiantly giving him a challenge and he is giving me one too which is part of keeping my interest peeked. I am slowly giving in a little and that is because he is peeking my interest more and more. Even though he is cocky, he is very intelligent, funny and has his crap together. We meet up for the first time since meeting this past Monday and I really had a good time with him. I will say all eyes were on us. We were originally suppose to meet up today and at a spur of a moment thing I asked if he wanted to meet up that night as I had the ability to get away.(Me giving some) I think that threw him off and surprised him. At the end of the couple of hours we spent he said he still wanted to meet up tonight. I told him yes. I will not play the courtship game if it does become something I am sure about and will be honest with him about it the whole way.
Within his sulking, it is like he is bringing forth his insecurities and you are not "treating" him like he feels you should. Yeah that behavior sucks. I used to act like that when I felt my ex wasn't giving me the attention I thought he should and I would get very upset with him. It was very immaturere and dumb of me. It caused more problems then fixed them.
I have problems holding back but finding I may not with him. After this second time out with him I have really loosened up. He already has a big ego so I am not going to play into it... Lol. He made the comment that he was sorry he was not that memorable. I just told him I didn't say that. He was putting words in my mouth. He replied that he felt I was very attractive and had a great personality. I reaped I did indeed enjoyed our time together. He was a lot of fun, interesting, funny and intelligent, he said he felt the same about me. I am glad I gave him a chance because he almost didn't get one and he is growing on me. Like I tell him, I am not ready and replies, we will see where everything goes, you maybe suprised.
The weird thing, I am not trying to give off the trusting vibes, it is just who I am. I caught him off guard with the few things he has told me as he doesn't openly share them. He said he feels very comfortable around people that easily especially woman and feels he can be himself as most women are not hat open and he has to be cautious around them right away like this, and I believe him. I feel he has been honest. I guess we will see where it goes from here at the slow pace it is going and enojoy.
Kalin, not a a stupid question. I don't think I have ticketed before, but playful wrestling yes. I think it could fall under the same thing as wrestling which I think is more about power play and establishing dominance. Ones that make sense? Could be wrong.
The word you are looking for is "piqued". He piques your interest. You pique his interest.
Thanks Mocha!
Anytime girlie!