The state of things in Banini world

This topic was created in the Leo forum by banini on Monday, December 11, 2006 and has 9 replies.
So I'm interested in the Gemini.
There's a young virgo that text messages me a lot, and I'd rather she called instead, and she always expects me to find something fun to do for her. Irritating. She is cute though...
There's that one Capricorn, but although she seems to like me, she never calls me, or IMs me to initiate anything.
I miss libra #2, and thinking about #1 makes me feel sick.
And then there was that Leo girl, but she just disappeared. She called me and told me she was having serious health issues shortly before she disappeared, so I'm left wondering whether she died, or just suddenly completely lost interest. I sent her a text message asking this question, and no response.
And I'm feeling depressed because I don't know what to make of any of it, and nothing is going anywhere. How many new people do I have to meet???
it's frustrating to have to go through so many difficult "relationships" and i say that in quotes because they weren't actual relationships, maybe your expecting too much when you first meet the girls and therefore end up being dissapointed, i don't sounds like your just not having any good luck with women, it's not a permanent thing so don't get depressed about it, focus this time on yourself and things you like to do, don't get caught up in all these girls because they dont' sound very nice if they're blowing you off and being so inconsiderate.
Hey Banini!
I was wondering what had happened to you.
Gawd! What is with all the texting? Grateful for not having a cell phone. smile
**How many new people do I have to meet???
I am wondering the same thing! In one weekend, I can speak/meet more men that I have ever dated in my entire life up to this point. It is crazy. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE meeting new people and talking to them and finding out about them but it would be nice to meet a guy I was interested in.
But I have a new strategy Banini. Recently, I redefined what I want in a partner. I sat down and figured out the type of guy I am looking for and the type of guy who would be most happy with me. I am hoping that this will help weed out a lot of guys this way. I also have been trying to investigate where this type of guy would be and putting myself in those types of situations.
Part of me wonders if we have had such crap luck meeting the right person because we haven't been clear about the type of person we wished to meet. What do you think?
Yeah. I definitely think there's even like a subconscious part of you where when you know what kind of person you're looking for, you sort of give off a vibe that attracts what you're looking for. Unless you're looking for something that doesn't want to be looked for, in which case you repel him/her/it.
This is what I am hoping as well. Some sort of Law of Attraction.
Okay well the Gemini gave me her number, so I called her. I got her voice mail she called back to see who had called and said she would call me when she got off work. She didn't. We've had a few myspace messages since but the calling has never been mention. No it's been a few days since I've gotten a message back from her.
And the others I'm not really that interested in. Except for Libra #2, but she's just a flirt. I liked Libra #1, but I mean, she'll sleep with someone she doesn't like because he keeps bothering her, yet she won't even just get coffee with me when I keep bothering her. What a whore. I sent Libra #2 a myspace message that I think will get an interesting response, so we'll see. I really liked her the most I think.
So I guess I'll just wait and see what else comes along.
*** she'll sleep with someone she doesn't like because he keeps bothering her,
ummm .... I doubt this is what is really going on.
LS, it's not going on now, but it did happen. Or maybe she did like him and just told my friend she didn't...
Capgirl, I'm not totally convinced she's interested. I took her to a movie, and I also invited her to a haunted house thing on halloween, but she has never invited me to do anything. I've always been the one to call or start IMs. I am in her top 8 though...
You know how like people say if you want people to love you you need to love yourself? Alright, well I love myself, but, I think I have expectations of myself that may or may not be realistic, and which I haven't met yet. I think this makes me tend to sabotage myself from getting anywhere with girls that I'm interested in.