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Oct 15, 2013Comments: 243 · Posts: 2393 · Topics: 16
Don't mind tiziani he gives really bad advise... Even more so because he does not even know me and is trying to be an A-hole with my screen name... shows you how little of a life he has.
Yes Leo's are like this... Nothing like girls wanting to fight over you... I am not shocked this would be the 3rd Leo that has been talking to more then just a few ladies... As a Gem you are being forgiving... which is good to be so light hearted about it. I am sure you find some one that values you just the way you are and a little bitt of time would not matter... after all thoughs that run quick are quick to fall... It is a quote from some where but can't remember where now.
Best of luck...
And tiziani dude grow up get a life and don't be such a looser.
Signed Up:
Sep 26, 2012Comments: 1648 · Posts: 8572 · Topics: 67
I thought Tiz was referring to PM as Personal Messaging..?
Cos I tried to message him a couple of weeks ago and got bounced back so it's like- turned off or something?
None of my business, just my two cents.
Sorry for derail Sunnygirl.
I hope you feel better soon, it's a sucky feeling being let down but sometimes it's for the best x
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Oct 15, 2013Comments: 243 · Posts: 2393 · Topics: 16
wagtail it's all good... again... I don't even know the guy... just shows you how much time he has on his hands. I have seen him post but just don't get it. I guess I did not realizes i had such a troll problem... but again I am a guy so just weird. I don't think he is gay... but never had a guy stocker before... Tiz... dude just so you know I am not gay. lo Not going to lie I am jaded but who isn't grow up.
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Aug 02, 2014Comments: 177 · Posts: 2392 · Topics: 92
i appreciate honesty... at least he aint a player..
Im sure you'll find a great man who deserves you
Signed Up:
Feb 14, 2013Comments: 552 · Posts: 18848 · Topics: 149
Honest about being dishonest?
Like I said... bullet/dodged.
And wtf PM? o.O
No one's said a cross word about you here.
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Mar 19, 2012Comments: 273 · Posts: 5457 · Topics: 33
It sucks that you were sort of looking forward to being with him and then this is the outcome. At least there was no cheating involved and he was honest. Hope you find someone who's on the same page as you next time.
I'm sorry you are hurting 😔 But sometimes being friends with someone is better than being in a relationship with them.. I don't think he did anything wrong bassed on what I read and I don't think you did either. I read your other post and it sounds like misunderstanding and miscommunication but even if you guys didn't have that miscommunication in the beginning things could have still ended the same way.
I think it's normal or common for people to date a few people at a time when not commited and when they are ready to commit they pick the person that the think is the best fit for them.
Leo's require a special kind of love lol. He knows what he want so respect his choice and focus on the things that will help you attract what you want. 😘😘
Also Respect his honesty because he could have played games with you. Accept his friendship and be graceful.. Live your life and I'm sure someone great will come along.. I'm sure it's a lesson in all of this for you..
I can say for Leo men they will not wait because Leo's do not like to be alone too longso if you have a chance with one hop on it as soon as possible. Don't make him wait because he won't wait for long you have to remember that lions are always on the prowl for a mate a true mate so once they find that person it's too late for you to make up your mind whether or not you are going to be with them don't get mad just realized next time you are interested in a Leo to pursue him fully and you will never lose him then