This dating leo

This topic was created in the Leo forum by BigGirlPanties on Thursday, May 9, 2013 and has 3 replies.
Hello gang:
Hope all the pride is doing well smile
I'm just checking in to share about my vast exciting dating life as a leo. *eyeroll*. I've met an aqua and an aries recently online. Not in person yet. The aqua is quite open about feelings, saying he is intrigued by me and very much a gentleman and respectful. Surprised for an aqua, given their penchant for being aloof and emotionally restricted. Turns out I know his ex wife slightly, and she is a Facebook friend LOL. He is also a recovering alcoholic of whom we have many mutual friends from the 12 step world.
The Aries is a mouthy, opinionated cop. Yeah, another cop. He rarely asks questions about me, but loves to talk about himself. He has opposite political views as I and is quite vocal on them. He is the 4th aries I've met in recent months and I have to say I don't find much compatibility with them.
Both men have asked me out but I'm deferring for the time being. I can't say I find much attraction with either.
Thanks, my friends smile
So, the Aries is a cop. And soooo full of hisself. Instead of asking me out, he says "So when am I going to get to see you?". Like a kid feeling entitled to something. He is so opinionated and rarely asks me anything about myself. Which was just like the last aries from last month. Though that guy was sweet but low self esteem issues.
I do have a crush on a Cancer who I know professionally. He is married, though doesnt wear a ring so I'm hoping he's separated and on the way to divorce court Winking
SS, I'm glad I could give you the giggles. smile I really don't wish him any sadness, of course. I don't know why I find it odd that he doesn't wear a ring. But his marriage is an "odd" one. It's his second, it's inter-racial, she's been arrested twice, has a child with an ex who is a deadbeat "baby daddy" and is 11 yrs younger. He is highly educated with a prominent position. His first wife is typical WASP, total opposite.
He is funny, laid back and sarcastic. Has horrible skin, though. I'd like to tie him up and give him a steam bath and a facial. If ya know what I mean Tongue