Another wonderful reading: Love and romance are wonderful things in life. And by and large that is what most of my customers are looking for here on Keen. However, as a psychic, I have come across an issue that has caused confusion and distress. Mos
If there is one who could give Godly counsel or keep me uplifted in prayer. I know sin separates us from communion with God and it is by choice we do most of what we do that displeases God. Having knowledge of how the spirit is willing but the flesh is we
In this particular case Aquarius, but I would like to know how it effects other people too. I am a Libra with a water moon, but I wonder how different they are.
I finally joined the local gym this week. Three workouts in and I feel better already. Since I'm new, was wondering if any of you had a gym program and would appreciate any advice you could toss my way. Such as: What's your program? What keeps
What do you do? I have such a hectic schedule for my bar review. Bar exams is scheduled next month. I realized that 90% of the time I worry is when things go out of plan... like what had just happened awhile ago. I wonder what I should do!? I almost broke
My bf who is a gemini and I am a scorpio have been in a relationship for 5 years, living together for about 3 years. We have different schedules so don't spend time together too often but when we do he is distant and seems to be more Interested in interac
How do you cancers cope in a long term relationship with regards to needing your own space? How do you happily live with someone without becoming suffocated by them?
I had to laugh she's doing it again she used to do it to me quite a bit seen her watching me today there was nobody else just me I was looking at some work that needs to be done on a jobsite. She watched me till I left she was too chicken schitt to come
Ive been dating this libra woman for 9 months. My question is how long do libras wait before moving forward. Ive done everything i could think of i dont mind dating but i feel at times shes holding back. And limiting us from getting to know eachother. I r