To Male Leo, Female Capricorn (x)-couples
How did your relationship with a Male Leo and a Female Capricorn start?
What attracted the two of you initally, when/before you met?
What attracted the two of you as you got to know each other better?
What were some common problems that you had?
What do/did you feel that you enjoyed most in the relationship?
What do you love about each other, and what activities always are a good match for you two?
If applicable, what brought the relationship to it's last straws to cause a breakup?
Any other advice for someone entering a relationship of these two signs?
Thanks! I'm asking both the Leos and Capricorns, as to receive oppinions from both.
I am a Leo i dated a cap and damm oh my damm that girl was crazy as hell and u talking about selfish bi% $ # they say we are selfish but compared to them hell naw just a evil muthaF^% $ # i am glad i am threw wit her never will i ever go wit a cap agian in my life i would rather take my chances with a pisces or a virgo before i go back to a cap Hell naw
all what a attracted us was i had a big Dick and she had as nice ass thats it ...........................
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Aug 31, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 10616 · Topics: 40
a bit of information I picked up on a site from this leo guy thats been with a Cap:
have about 30 years experience with that combination, me being the Leo. to answer your question it's usually a mental attraction, followed quickly by an intense physical attraction that is unbelievable, and powerful. It can quickly become almost obsessive, especially if there are obsticles or others who want to interfere in some way. After about 5 years, the many personality differences begin to rear heads. The Leo wants the dynamic fireworks to continue, while the ram has cooled off. The ram is often moody, and somber, which is a very difficult thing for the lion to deal with. because the ram tends to shut others out in times of distress, the Lion can feel rejected, and hurt. After repeated times of this, both become distant towards each other, growing apart over time. I tell you it is unpreventable. No matter how many efforts the Leo makes, and it is the Leo who tends to make the effort, because Leo is strong and determined to make it work. With each failure, the Leo becomes more dispondent, and feels much depression at failed attempts to improve the relationship. Sexual attraction diminishes, until it fades away. The capricorn cannot give the Leo the continous praise and encouragement that is needed, as a result, the Leo wilts like a flower who has been out of the sun. The Leo tends to do better with someone who is more energetic, and stable-minded. Someone who is consistant with their moods, who does not change. This makes the Leo feel safe and secure, a feeling that the Leo must have to feel good. The Capricorn is a troubled soul from birth, and usually has tramatic experiences from the beginning. It is not uncommon for a capricorn to have one parent who either abandons, or leaves them as a child. They grow up hard, and usually have a very negative, untrusting outlook on the world. It takes someone with understanding and less need for praise to weather the storm with a capricorn. Someone with thicker skin, who doesn't get their feelings hurt so easily, as Leos often do. In the end both fade into a shell of their former self. They cannot ultimately give the other what they need. The love starts out strong and good, but in the end, they cannot go the distance. It can leave a lasting, deep scar on the hearts of both involved in this relationship . Don't do ot, no matter how good it feels now.
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Aug 31, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 10616 · Topics: 40
but yet again I have read were there are some pretty successful relationships with this combo, I know that it can work with hard work on both parts and mutual acceptance along with some much needed patience and understanding....sexually you 2 will be compatible but COMMUNICATION will be the deal breaker...
Leos are only emotional over serious serious issues, to where Capricorns are emotional all the time, mainly the women. A Leo man is less emotional than a Leo women, but he wants to be sure he is taken sincerely. Capricorns ask questions, and Leo may find it annoying. But they can work, they aren't the worst match.
These two are making many compromises. This is not an easy mix. They pull in different directions. Leo is living life in the fast lane, while capricorn is ar home making careful and finely detailed plans. Leo is and exhibitionist while carpicorn defends his or her privacy. Its not a disaster these two together but it is challenging and both need to consider carefully what they are getting into.
Capricorn needs to know what is around the corner. Success comes to the goat from planning. Its no good Capricorn loosening up when planning is what the goat does best. Capricorn's career is usually taking off when Leo's is coming down. However in these circumstances these two can support each other. And thats my advice to you. Work as a team. Merge your futures and you could end up heading in the same successful direction.
Watch out, Capricorn, for Leo's quick temper. Take what the lion says with a pinch of salt, but listen to the good bits; those the lion really does mean. Leo you too, watch out for Capricorn's harsh tongue. Tell the goat not to communicate his or her needs in such a brusque way. try to take it easy, both of you and trust eachother a little bit more.
I could give you some of my own personal experience b/c I'm an Aqua with a lot of Cap in my chart but you will have to email me personally...toodles (:
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Aug 31, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 10616 · Topics: 40
kris I disagree, Caps are hard workers and they focus on their love ones, work hard to maintain a certain life style , have great sense of humour, they say Caps can't demonstrate love but they can if they feel safe with there partner and leos tend to do all kinds of stupid shit to keep the relationship inthe unpredictable zone, leos are more self centered, don't know whats going on if they aren't included in it half the time, leos have strong opinions and can't be swayed most of the time, I find that leos tend to try and bully Caps and Caps will fight back with words which will bruise a leos ego and turn him off and this could prose a huge problem, Cappy females are down to earth and have this natural beauty about them, but they can be just as stubborn as a leo male and Caps ask a lot of questions and analyze everything so he/she can understand it which will bring on a lot of problems b/c leos will bore quickly of this behavior.
I will say this if you 2 can gain mutual understanding that you are total opposites in every way and not clash over it but appreciate the differences than it can work but if anyone is trying to change the other it won't work....this union is great if both people, respect each other, demonstrate love and affection towards one another, don't use there negative traits to beat each other up and focus on the positive it can work...any relationship is hard work but when you have opposites that come together their is a huge opportunity for growth and understanding.
Find out what your strengths are and work on that, focus on that and you will be fine.
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Jun 14, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 548 · Topics: 33
Im a LEo female (sorry to intrude lions)...But I just have to say that IF a leo cap relationship is going to last I think its better for the Cap to be the female and the Leo to be the male...This is because Cap is so penny pinching and determined to be stable financially and succeed andd the Lion man is the perfect one to provide for and make the cap secure.. If the cap is the man and the leo is the woman thats bad because the woman will want to rule and thats where the problems start she will never be satisfied with the cap ways of going about things and never loosening up/never just LIVING and always penny pinching...its a disaster.
sidebar) lioness to lion...i find you guys to be the sharpest dressers on the planet...I love your perfect combination of heart(emotionally speaking) and go boys!! lol
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Aug 31, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 10616 · Topics: 40
Well maybe you are right but unfortuanetly leo males especially don,t have any patience to deal with all the mysterious intricacies and emotional depth of a cap female . Quite frankly we don,t care to stay long enough to figure out a cap and you need to figure her out to be succesful .
I totally agree that some leos don't have the patience for the mystery and emotional depth b/c most leos are focused on surface stuff and this is one of the hardest things for Caps. Its sad to hear you say that b/c Caps are loyal and worth figuring out, if you don't work for it then its not worth having, most men don't respect or value something they don't have to work for....
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Aug 31, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 10616 · Topics: 40
Caps and Leos will clash period but there is alot of mutual love going on, there is karmic chemistry and thats hard to shake, Caps will bring stability emotionally and physically if the leo male will allow her to be who and what she is without pushing her to be more than what she is and vice versa....male leo/female cap can work with mutual understanding and acceptance, again focus on the positives and don't use your negative energy against one another, once you start picking at one another with negatives it will go down quickly so if you know your a flirt and she's the jealous type then of course you will have to curb that behavior if you want her and want to be with her bad enuff.
If she's always dabbling and wallowing in her negative traits then leave her alone b/c she's not going to be good for you, leos need positive surroundings and if she seems to brewd more on the dark side then its not going to work...if she's happy with her life and she enjoys life and enjoy who she is then this can be promising....if she's not a giver then your going to have a problem but make sure to let her know you appreciate all she does and she will be greatful for it! And she will give more of herself, I myself although I'm an Aquarius I'm on the cusp of Cap and we are total givers, maybe give too much but thats from my own personal experience...don't play too many mind games, this will get on her nerves so you might have to find someone else to play cat and mouse with, but she will stimulate your mind for sure, the physical is up in the air, I find it doesn't come right away so be patient.
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Aug 31, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 10616 · Topics: 40
well I have a few planets in Cap kris and my leo was too broke to give anything...I was the predominant giver so it sounds like you had a bad one on your hands lol!! I give too much and thats why I'm dealing with BS right now but I love every second of it LOL!!
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Feb 09, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 847 · Topics: 15
Whoever said Caps are cheap, that is not true.
My cap friends/bf drive the luxury vehicles, wear the designer clothes, own large homes, etc. The finer things in life. The beautiful part is that they can actually afford to live that quality of life as they are fiscally responsible.
My leo friends on the other hand...sure, they wear a lot of nice clothes and go to fine their beat-up cars that they park in their rental apartment.
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Jul 09, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15279 · Topics: 125
"I'm attracted to quiet charm and you all know leo is not that ."
watch your mouth, young lady.
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Aug 31, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 10616 · Topics: 40
Capgirlinlustwithleo great post!! You have some leo experience swirling around don't ya? Well I agree totally with your can't be rushed, Cap women have to give leo jus enough space for him to keep his own identity but know when to stroke his ego a bit and thats one of the main ingredients with this union...getting past your insecurities, allowing yourself to be vulnerable and bring balance to the relationship...I have alot of Cap in my chart and so I can relate.
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Aug 31, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 10616 · Topics: 40
When I say brutal I mean too in your face, won't stop pestering you, aggressive, pushy, moody, attention seeking, arrogant.
LOL! Tell me about it...for me the attention seeking grates on my dayum nerves b/c this borders on realism and illusion...maybe someone can enlighten us what the purpose of attention seeking is....for me, I can never tell if its real or if its jus a tactic to get some attention without pushing it further than the leo trying to stray or jus getting some kicks, I think this is the issue most Caps have with leos and the attention seeking...correct me if I'm being an Aqua and having a taurus rising with a cappy moon, I find that I'm nosey, I find that I can be very bull headed and the Aqua part of me is curious and wanna KNOW the ins and outs of how things function and I think everything has an explanation but with leos I find that they do sh*t jus to do it and that drives me insane...I use logic and they don't...its like yeah I'm going to touch this stove 150 times, yeah I know it burns but I will conquer the heat LOL!! Logic says don't touch it, its hot and your gonna get burned...I think a lot of Caps don't understand this train of thought...seems like some leos like to dog it out to the last out others, I'm talking about immature leos of course but even an immature leo has this air of royalty but can't seem to break beyond the surface...okay I'm going deep..I will stop while I'm ahead lol! All this earth and Air in my chart isn't working in my favor lol!
moody, pushy and aggressiveness is something I have seen first hand and it sucks but I can say this...dealing with it all will strengthen Cap.
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Aug 31, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 10616 · Topics: 40
actually I have capricorn venus which sucks...I have a leo moon...oops
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Aug 31, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 10616 · Topics: 40
kris there are good and bad in every sign..lighten up hun
Caps, although I'm not a full blooded Cap by sign, I can relate, maybe my Aqua humantarian ways outweigh the cap in my chart but I'm by no means selfish...I know a male Cap and yes he's very successful and has material things and he's hard to read but I don't discount him altogether but no he's not emotionally open to jus anyone, he will let you in his space but your only getting so close and then your out...its like your in his space but somehow he maintains his independence from the other person even when your in his space...very clever lol! He's a business man and he takes his life style seriously.
The dark negative side brings all kinds of issues with Caps, well with any sign...Caps and Leos can work but it has to be an agreement that both people want it, Cap will yield a lot to leo and if Cap can do that then its fine...anyone having to deal with a leo will have a challenge on there hands period...especially the men...emotionally Caps are like leos without the fire...Caps are moody as hell without the sulking and much more reserved emotionally and leos can be very moody, sulk, shout, bang stuff, growl..these 2 signs aren't that different, Caps like making money and leos like spending it LOL! Leos give freely and Caps give but not frivously etc etc
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Aug 31, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 10616 · Topics: 40
you sulky lil leo lol!! See I told ya! Caps don't sulk but we get it when leos ones mad at you boo boo...caps and leos are not a great mix overall for longterm situations if we go by appearances UNLESS they both want it bad enough, it can work, any relationship can work if 2 people make their minds up to do what it takes to be in the union. It sounds like you met a few Caps that revel in the darkside of the zodiac but no, not all Caps are the way you describe...I don't really know what a true Cap is like but from what I hear about the women, they are down to earth, yes they love money and climbing the social ladder but from my experience they are very balanced people especially the women, they have this grace about them and the one I know is so understanding and expressive with her emotions but a bit boring but very social so to me what we call boring is more like a balanced life style , not too much excitement but jus enough to keep up with everyone else.
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Feb 09, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 847 · Topics: 15
Cap women are awesome. They make wonderful friends.
LOL @ tiki33. Are you still with your Leo? I'm still with mine.
I'm pretty certain I'm in some kind of darkly funny karmic relationship. We're like Paris Hilton and STDs: Made for each other.
Anyway, some back info for the OP: I'm a Capricorn (Cap-Aqua technically since my bday is Jan. 19) with a Leo Moon and Aries Rising. Some of my best friends are Leos, and I've dated more Leos than any other sign. I can't seem to escape those bastards. 
I would not recommend the Leo-Capricorn match to anyone who never wants to feel:
1. Like they could pitch a five pound ceramic Buddha straight at their special one's forehead--not hard enough to kill them, but just enough to get them back on track now and then
2. Like someone they love is trying to destroy them with mind games and a lack of emotional security
3. As if they're talking to a Martian they know has no idea what they're saying, and have said Martian still act like they could have said it better
4. Like they have to sacrifice themselves to make it work
5. As if the first person to act like the bigger person is the loser.
This all goes both ways, btw.
Why would anyone but wanton masochists choose to be/stay in a relationship like this? The sex is FANTASTIC. Jokes. Well, it is, but that's not the point. I read this about a general cosmic fire-earth aspect that actually suits my relationship:
"The relationship between fire and earth is creative on the physical plane. This aspect is one of creative energy manifesting in physical form; in the reverse it is the destruction of that form."
The creative potential here is awesome. We can create something priceless or worthless. We're actually a lot alike deep down, we just go about getting what we want differently. We both have a good sense of humor, we're ambitious, we're passionate, we crave love, we're proud, honest, kind, insecure, blah blah blah. But we can teach each other so much, make each other better.
*yawn* Basically, he's my light, and I'm his rock. Mushtastic but true. I wish I could actually explain the connection, but it's late and the Lion wants his keeper. 
Hey! Thanks for all the insights.
When I'm attracted to someone, they're 2 out of 3 times a cap. If they're not a cap, they're an Gemini (and less commonly a Libra).
Now, I have quite a bit of earth, so I'm wondering if any of it would change the view on leo & caps.
- Fire
Sun in Leo
Venus in Leo
Lilith in Sagittarius
Moon in Taurus
Mercery in Virgo
Saturn Capricorn
Uranus Capricorn
Neptune Capricorn
Mars is Taurus
- Water
Jupiter is in Cancer
Pluto Scorpio
- Air
Asc node in Gemini
As you can see, earth outweighs all else.
Signed Up:
Aug 31, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 10616 · Topics: 40
leoman is hot one!!
well speaking on what tiki33 said. its true that cappys do have a grace about them and they also have natural beauty and im a leo and thats what i love about them, but i also love the fact that there kinda boring because that brings a nice softer feel to a life of a leo. and ill tell the truth ive liked a cappy for the last year and she still hasnt got with me but, she once said to me, that she thinks that i might be her soul mate, and i know she wasnt lying becos the next day, she told her best friend that she thinks im her soul mate, but what ruined it was the typical leo impatience and temper... i wanted to rush into things so as soon as i got close, i went for it, she wasnt ready and we were further apart again. the reason she called me her soul mate was because we could actually have deep conversations which she couldnt have with other people, and i think that leos deeper/softer side which is not always shown, is the way to reach a cappy. i think a leo/cappy thing should work but the way i see it, the leo needs to make the right moves first such as - be patient for a looong looong time, give gifts to a cappy but not very expensive ones to show that ur not tryna buy them, and you should do the things you would naturally do to get some ones trust - be patient and work slowly. I think a leo should go first becos, we trust easily, cappys dont, so obviously well trust the cappy first so we need to make it work, and then eventually the cappy will trust us, and then thats when the both parties can work together.
i say that becos thats the game plan i devised about a month ago when i realised what i was doing wrong, and since then, me and the cappy talk a lot more, we actually now like to stay with each other, we have more depth in our conversations and bla bla bla..... but im gonnna wait a loooong looooong time before i make a move. becos thts the way 4wards
Barack Obama is a Leo born August 4,1961. Michelle Obama is a Capricorn born January 17,1964.
my mom is a cap and my step dad is a Leo I think they go well of course the cap is stingy but also very giving the Leo is giving but likes to receive as well my mom was always the bread winner of the house but he was her back up they argued over bills all the time cus he use to give her his check when he got paid loll so it has to be mutual I mom was attracted to him cus he had a job and was sexy yea eewwww lol ......and he seen how fine she was so it was based on attraction first but the fact that he did manly thing around the house I think made her like him more and the fact that she was so strong, independent, and was down they moved decided to move us all down south after like 3 months of knowing each other and they have been together for almost 14 yrs now even through all the argument it seems like the older they get the better they are
I'm a female Capricorn (Jan. 19) on the border of being an Aquarius but I think I'm a lot like a Capricorn. My first and only relationship that I am currently in right now is with a Leo man? we've been together for a little over a year although, we did have a break up and I (being the stubborn Capricorn that I am) wouldn't speak to him for a month because I figured if we weren't together I had to get over him. Well, I finally gave in one day and we ended up together again. LOL.
I really don't know what it is that keeps Male Leo/Female Capricorn relationships going. I've read everything here and tend to agree with most of it and see a lot of how that has happened in my personal relationship. The reason we broke up had a lot to do with not giving the Leo the space that he needed because the Capricorn has that emotional side as well as the Leo's temper and not understanding of the Capricorn? that's how I see it atleast.
I decided to answer the questions and apologize because I kept switching tenses throughout the whole thing because I'd start to write it from my experiences but then I'd switch over to writing it from just an onlooker of how Capricorns and Leo's are together.
How did your relationship with a Male Leo and a Female Capricorn start?
My relationship with my Leo man started with the mental attraction and a lot of pursuing on the Leo's part and then quickly it became a physical attraction. Normally, I think Capricorns aren't really attracted to a whole lot of pursuing but since it's a Leo they tend to have that interesting factor (the non-boring wild side that Capricorns don't have). Which I think also sparks the fast physical attraction.
What attracted the two of you initally, when/before you met?
Even before we met (met online) I knew that we didn't seem to have much in common and I wasn't even sure how things were going to work out since we seemed to have nothing in common yet there were a few things here and there and I gave him the attention.
What attracted the two of you as you got to know each other better?
Over time was when I noticed more of the little things we have in common. Actually, when you think of it from a non-detailed perspective there are a lot of beliefs and such that tend to be the same but then when you start to dig deeper there are all sorts of disagreements that can cause those arguments.
What were some common problems that you had?
That's when things go downhill. One disagreement can easily
Darn... I didn't realize yesterday that this thing cuts off you writting after so many letters otherwise I would have copy pasted the rest of what I wrote. Grrr. I'll just summarize the rest I guess if I can remember... even when I summarize it there would be much more to say but oh well.
What were some common problems that you had?
Problems were mostly when there is a disagreement the arguements last forever because neither one will give up.
What do/did you feel that you enjoyed most in the relationship?
I enjoy simple things like spending time with him just hanging around the house, grabbing a bite to eat, traveling, etc. We usually just enjoy being in each others company.
What do you love about each other, and what activities always are a good match for you two?
We're so different but that's probably deep down what it is that attracts us to each other. Yet we both find a few things we both like to do together. Like in the winter we like to ice skate. Sometimes watching a movie can be fun. We also like to go on vacation and to amusement parks. Or just going out to eat.
If applicable, what brought the relationship to it's last straws to cause a breakup?
-Leo male always focusing on his hobbies or hanging out with friends slowly but more often just not paying enough attention.
-Me (Cap female) pushing for attention which causes the Leo to just pull away even more.
-Since sometimes Caps don't get why Leos need their ego boost this would explain why sometimes not showing some sort of interest when they wanted the attention on something they accomplished would sort of hurt his ego a bit. Makes them think you don't care.
-Stubbornness from both sides.
Any other advice for someone entering a relationship of these two signs?
There will be a lot of challenges!!! Often times you may have disagreements and be stubborn. Both need to learn from each other and take time to understand the way the other person thinks and feels. Leo's need to be more considerate of Caps and encourage them to be open about their feelings... they also need to listen to their opinions even if they don't agree and back off a bit on the temper. Caps need to understand that Leo's want a lot of attention no matter how silly it may seem at times it's just their nature because of their egos and that they also like to have lots of space too so don't overwhelm them. Caps should equally listen to thie opinions even if they disagree and not be so quick to argue back
....and not to keep the arguement by continuing to ask questions and such because Leo's will get exhausted even though the both of you won't back down. One of you can change that and just drop it. Argee to disagree and sometimes make a compromise. I think when both work through the differences and focus on the few similarities it can work. I think it's best when both have each other included in their dreams for the future and even though Leo may be impatient and want to conquer those dreams now it's a good thing they got Capricorn to keep them in line and teach them that there are steps that shouldn't be skipped on the way to achieving those dreams.
As a Cap, a lot of Leos intrigue me I adore their proudness. But could never see it working out