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Mar 24, 2014Comments: 0 · Posts: 148 · Topics: 14
It sounded like he was enjoying your friendship...that is all. If I guy is coming across as sexual then you would not have to analyze it. He was getting a positive response from you so if he was interested he had more than an open door to pursue. I was hung up on a Taurus male that is still in his long term relationship and he gave me tons of signals I analyzed to death. It didn't matter because he was doing just enough to string me along and I believe he wanted an affair. Fortunately, though it was a PAINFUL three years, I had enough respect for myself to not ever cross any boundaries. Now I am dating a nice Leo man and there is no question of his intentions. I do not have to guess, wonder or analyze. He treats with me with respect, communicates often, compliments me and does all the things that a guy does if he is into you. I hear the pain in your voice but you should really just stop communicating with him. Mr. Right could be walking by you right now and you will miss him because you are all hung up playing games with Mr. Wrong. I know. I lived it for years. Many positive vibes to you OP.
im leo/cancer male who lost a a year ago and a few days back we hung out and got along for the first time since break up...she even teard up didn't want me to leave. but now I cant get a hold of her for past 2 days.. truth is im not over her but she left me and im confused