I'm quite new to this website but I've recently read so many things from this site so I decided to sign up. However, I have signed up for multiple purposes and this is just 1 of them. I'm seeking advice on how to deal with this guy I have been
So, the Capricorn man gave me his number!! And I didn't even ask I just kept going over to talk to him, and he wrote his number on a piece of paper and gave it to me? But I think I'm overthinking now because I'm thinking he only gave it to me just so I wo
It's such a blissfull love Libra brings the balance Pisces brings the emotional connection it's so dynamic a feel well balanced emotional love
As long as there is life. No matter how cruel the world gets there will always be a ounce of hope hidden within the cracks of time. Never give up. I hope the best for all of you, and have faith you will learn to embrace the good. Be kind to each other, fo
I want to express my dissatisfaction with the ignorance exhibited when a person bashes everyone who has a particular sign just because they had a bad experience with someone of that sign... by that same logic, I can hate women because I had a bad experien
I'm into astrology, tarot and thing people would consider witchcraft but I trust in God, I love Jesus Christ and I love the Bible and the fact that I'm into these things does not mean that I cannot be a Christian. As long as I use these things for good an
Hi guys so just wanna know if I have a chance with this taurus guy! First of I'm a scorpio girl.. impulsive one at that... so I've known him since childhood! Not a close friend but a good friend.. when he found out that I like him he really shut me out..
I am dating a very crabby crab. He was totally fine when we first met, but as soon as he started to fall in love he got pretty defensive and began to push / pull and test. We're trapped in a cycle that's damaging us.
The cycle is that if we ge
Ive known a cancer for a few years now and he has problem with marijuana. He works full time but almost any time off he tries to spend getting high, or around people who are high. He does this in phases though, some months he doesn't do it to often, then
So currently someone is kind of after me. I sound schizo.. but someones been texting me and hasnt told me who they are. I dont know where they got my phone number from. They said their friend gave them my number.. and gave me a name that I don't recognize