This topic was created in the Leo forum by GAGA on Wednesday, August 31, 2011 and has 28 replies.
WHEN you piss off a leo man .. whats the best thing to do ... say your sorry and let him come crawling back or keep bothering him or just tell him simple good morning babe .. good night babe till he feels like he wants to talk to you
I am wrong for alot... he has been super nice for a while im sure evertone seen all mypost.. but i pissed him off and he just been giving me short messages ...
i have many leo friends, i've learned if you pissed them off, especially in relationships they may never come back.
what i suggest is give them time like at least a week, and then shower them with royalty. tell them how much they are worth, and how great they are, asskissing royalty to the extreme.
i did sayi was sorry and then told him he is the best in the world.. but why i started an arguments is because i seen something on his wall a girl saying hey buddy i enjoyed you last night ... now we all know what u would think if u seen this so when i asked he said they were on the phone
I apologize to them. I then leave them be but since they are social don't leave them alone for too long. Make them laugh and smile.
little bro- is a leo
I definitely don't bug my leo. Depends on what I did. He gets offended at some of the littlest things. Usually I'll say I'm sorry then try to turn it to a lighter subject.
I've found that it's easy to divert his attention away from the problem if it involves something that interests him, even if it's as simple as asking him about HIM. They love talking about themselves, which is good, because I don't mind flattering him.
But in your case I would say sorry and leave him alone to think about it Tongue
Posted by GAGA
i did sayi was sorry and then told him he is the best in the world.. but why i started an arguments is because i seen something on his wall a girl saying hey buddy i enjoyed you last night ... now we all know what u would think if u seen this so when i asked he said they were on the phone

Didn't read this lil bit. If you saw something like this and if he got defensive (idk if he did). And now he's legitimately getting pissed at you for being concerned then somethings up.
I can't remember but going to take a guess you two aren't dating, but just seeing each other. I remember the story, you guys used to date, but I can't remember if you got back together or not.
Back when me and the leo were just having sex and I was ridiculously jealous we had an incident kinda like this where a girl posted on his fb wall. Don't get me wrong. There were other signs, but the fact that he was defensive when I confronted him about it only made him mad.
Now a days I don't ever see stuff like that on his wall and he doesn't hide what he's doing on his facebook or phone. Back then I really had no right to be jealous, but the point of my story is he wont have stuff on his wall like that if he really wants to be with you. And he's definitely not going to get mad about it when you ask. Unless hes just a really anal guy
Leos are often passionate and we can get passionately angry. Keep in mind that we don't usually hold onto that anger for long.
When someone pisses me off I just say my piece and then let them know i'll be back to talk when i've calmed down. Don't push it. It has to be on my terms if i'm the one who's been wronged.
he is out with his friends right now and i dont mind last time he was out i stayed at his place he texted me none stop hey babe this and that... well now i am at my house and he has not said one word to me i texted him saying hows is my babe doing hows it going he said we just drinking ... so i said isnt that what u guys do all the time he didnt reply so i said i miss you still no respond .. should i just leave it alone .......or what its 10-22 here
yeah i figured that i didnt bother him after he didnt respoond i figured he is having fun .. having drink i dont think he is really trying to check his phone
Posted by GAGA
yeah i figured that i didnt bother him after he didnt respoond i figured he is having fun .. having drink i dont think he is really trying to check his phone

Yup, prob having fun. You should have some too?
yeah i know i should .. but i hate explaining my self to him ... and when i go out i find him tyring to text call etc to see what i m doing .. but after the last text me telling him i miss you .. and he didnt reply i left it alone .. i am sure he has somehting planned for us tomorrow... so if he do i dont want to ruin it by yelling at him for no reason tonight god know he prolly got home drunk earlier and passed out
Posted by GAGA
yeah i know i should .. but i hate explaining my self to him ... and when i go out i find him tyring to text call etc to see what i m doing .. but after the last text me telling him i miss you .. and he didnt reply i left it alone .. i am sure he has somehting planned for us tomorrow... so if he do i dont want to ruin it by yelling at him for no reason tonight god know he prolly got home drunk earlier and passed out

Who knows. That's good that you're not going to blow up at him tho.
My leo didn't respond to my last text. I saw him online, but I figured he's just doing his own thing. We had a long night so I'm sure he's eager to sleep.
I've just learned you gotta take into account there could be something legit going on that we don't know about. And I'm glad you realize this.
As for not going out, I wouldn't rely on him to make your decision if you go out with your friends or not. That's your life and if he's questioning you, then obviously he's not trusting that you will be true to him and something is wrong there. I say just have fun and if he asks tell him the truth (cus I assume you're not going to "cheat on him") and leave it at that. If he goes further then he's just being paranoid and perhaps he's doing so because he does stuff behind your back. Just a thought to keep in mind. Not saying this is true, but usually that's the case. Hoping all goes well for you tho.
The reason i am not going to blow up .. is because doing that in the past didnt get me no where but pushed him further .. so if i do the opposite then if anything happens i ll know it wasnt me...
When i do send text to his phone is thru my yahoo mssngr because my phone is off at the time so i am sure he does not get the message some times also he showed me few messages he sent me that i didnt get .. and it showed he sent... so i also have to think few positive reason before i attack him

as far as going on he has always told me babe go out .... have fun with ur girls ill meet you ill buy everyone drinks and then we will head home dont sit at home waiiting ... ... so i dont think thats him ... but he does question things like whos he why is he lookinh at you ...
i guess i cant get mad that he isnt replying but i dont know if i should wait till tomorrow and wait for him to text me first or should i ...
welll good thing is he asked me to take ride with him .. he jsut called me he said he wants to go for a long ride .. well he didnt aask but he said are you going to sleep/???? and i said no he said well im going to go for a ride ... so its like a hint....you know
Posted by GAGA
welll good thing is he asked me to take ride with him .. he jsut called me he said he wants to go for a long ride .. well he didnt aask but he said are you going to sleep/???? and i said no he said well im going to go for a ride ... so its like a hint....you know

So if he's cool with it then go out with your girls instead of sitting around wondering.
Did you go ride with him?
I did ... stayed till sunday which is today but now i am confused because me and his roomates gf were talking and i said so did your boyfreind have fun when he went out with mine to that bar she was like huh ... my boyfriend didnt tell me he went out any where.. so now i dont know who is lying mine or hers
Posted by GAGA
I did ... stayed till sunday which is today but now i am confused because me and his roomates gf were talking and i said so did your boyfreind have fun when he went out with mine to that bar she was like huh ... my boyfriend didnt tell me he went out any where.. so now i dont know who is lying mine or hers

Ooooh.... Would it be weird if you asked her bf if they went out? Or maybe asked her to help you figure it out? That sounds very strange to me...
right well he told me he did go out..so the next morning she went thru her bf phoine and found messages he was sending to this girl .. and when she asked why he said it wasnt him it was my bf using his phone to do it.... which i know my bf wouldnt never do such thing.. so i do think that her bf went to see this girl and my boyfriend just took him there since my bf is the only one with the car... so when she asked her bf why he didnt tell her he didnt want to answer because he didnt want to get my boyfriend in trouble
Do I remember correctly that you said you are having unprotected sex with this guy? !!!!! Please oh please, protect yourself, at least physically. I don't know what's going on with your relationship, but it's not on stable ground since you don't seem to trust him and the communication sucks. Just don't bring a baby into this. I think you said you are in your early twenties and he's around 30?
This kind of thing shouldn't be happening, meaning, nothing really established after a few months (you have been dating for more than a few months, right?).
First of all, stop stressing over him. Just relax, be cool and do your thing. He will either want to get closer or enjoy the freedom of having you when he wants and anyone else he wants. All you have to do is to see the truth. Step back and get perspective girl. I read a lot of your threads and the basic theme is how do I get him to do this or that. The fact is, you can't and never will. You only have control over your actions and who you choose to spend precious time with. You may be young now but these relationships will impact the course of your life. Bad relationships that leave you bitter because you gave your all to a guy who didn't appreciate it will be devastating. The fact you are engaging in unprotected sex because, let me guess, he doesn't like using condoms, means you are putting what is best for you aside for a selfish, immature man. Maybe you are on the pill, so it's better but you seem not to really know what he's up to and if he's cheating, you may get an std. Respect yourself first and ACT on it regardless of what he thinks. He won't treat you with respect if you don't demand it. I don't know this guy and am not sure if this is his or your problem in terms of not trusting each other. Is there an actual commitment? If he committed to you and treats you with respect in general, then you need to trust it and do your thing when he's out doing his. To keep questioning him will kill whatever positive feelings he has for you.
Happykitsune is sooo RIGHT!! As a Leo woman (and after having dated leo men in the past) I agree 100% if a leo man is in love with you he will definitely not be trying to have you see some nonsense that will jeopardize your relationship, UNLESS he's battling someone for your attention...and it doesn't sound like that is the case...my guess is the message meant what you originally thought it meant BUT that doesn't necessarily mean he aint ish...but I agree if you want him the way I think you do, you need to def be easy for a minute..if he isn't back soon he aint really on it like that...
Happykitsune is sooo RIGHT!! As a Leo woman (and after having dated leo men in the past) I agree 100% if a leo man is in love with you he will definitely not be trying to have you see some nonsense that will jeopardize your relationship, UNLESS he's battling someone for your attention...and it doesn't sound like that is the case...my guess is the message meant what you originally thought it meant BUT that doesn't necessarily mean he aint ish...but I agree if you want him the way I think you do, you need to def be easy for a minute..if he isn't back soon he aint really on it like that...
Happykitsune is sooo RIGHT!! As a Leo woman (and after having dated leo men in the past) I agree 100% if a leo man is in love with you he will definitely not be trying to have you see some nonsense that will jeopardize your relationship, UNLESS he's battling someone for your attention...and it doesn't sound like that is the case...my guess is the message meant what you originally thought it meant BUT that doesn't necessarily mean he aint ish...but I agree if you want him the way I think you do, you need to def be easy for a minute..if he isn't back soon he aint really on it like that...
Happykitsune is sooo RIGHT!! As a Leo woman (and after having dated leo men in the past) I agree 100% if a leo man is in love with you he will definitely not be trying to have you see some nonsense that will jeopardize your relationship, UNLESS he's battling someone for your attention...and it doesn't sound like that is the case...my guess is the message meant what you originally thought it meant BUT that doesn't necessarily mean he aint ish...but I agree if you want him the way I think you do, you need to def be easy for a minute..if he isn't back soon he aint really on it like that...and donna88, you aint neva lied...and I'll add a leo man is the wrong one to be hooked on if his sentiments are not the same...seriously
Happykitsune is sooo RIGHT!! As a Leo woman (and after having dated leo men in the past) I agree 100% if a leo man is in love with you he will definitely not be trying to have you see some nonsense that will jeopardize your relationship, UNLESS he's battling someone for your attention...and it doesn't sound like that is the case...my guess is the message meant what you originally thought it meant BUT that doesn't necessarily mean he aint ish...but I agree if you want him the way I think you do, you need to def be easy for a minute..if he isn't back soon he aint really on it like that...and donna88, you aint neva lied...and I'll add a leo man is the wrong one to be hooked on if his sentiments are not the same...seriously
Happykitsune is sooo RIGHT!! As a Leo woman (and after having dated leo men in the past) I agree 100% if a leo man is in love with you he will definitely not be trying to have you see some nonsense that will jeopardize your relationship, UNLESS he's battling someone for your attention...and it doesn't sound like that is the case...my guess is the message meant what you originally thought it meant BUT that doesn't necessarily mean he aint ish...but I agree if you want him the way I think you do, you need to def be easy for a minute..if he isn't back soon he aint really on it like that...and donna88, you aint neva lied...and I'll add a leo man is the wrong one to be hooked on if his sentiments are not the same...seriously