Sitting here and membering my past. It's like all the memories start flooding my frontal lobe at once! And all I can think of is my moms childhood pie she made me when I was a kidster! I miss being a kidster when all I had to worry about is if momma was g
I know there's a thread going on about which moon signs are attracted to other moon signs, but I want to know specifically from Scorpio moons - What are your favorite placements in other people that you're attracted to? Least favorite placements? And in p
We dated for a year then he dumped me out of the blue, even tough everything was ok and we had a great relationship. I made sure he knew i was having fun /being independent of him... Because I knew that would trigger him...and it did. After a month he cam
I know this is a dark placement as i have read here,the woman im inlove with also have this placement,so what does this mean in a relationship?will it be really bad?i do know we both have a dark past especially me,any insight on this?thanks in advance
So I met this Sag who has been great.
Flowers, dinner, holds my hand, so respectful, met his friends, call and texts me all the time, never ignores my messages or calls, picks me up at the end of the night when i got out on my own with girlfriends. Co
And I feel really happy when I'm around him. Like walking on sunshine. He's really funny. And we have amazing sex. Like out of this world! I am very attracted to him. Can someone Compre our charts and tell me what you see?
Him - cancer sun
Sag moon
It messes up my playlist and I get the weird song in my head "hold meeee closeeeee hold me closer than you haveeeeeeee" and then Repeats "hold me closeeee" hold me close yada yada
We had a big fight (for the reasons we hashed out below) and didn't make any contact for 6 weeks...until he sent me a text with the poster for a live show he was playing in a few days. Then on the night of the show another text saying that he thought I mi