This topic was created in the Leo forum by lovelylips on Monday, February 9, 2015 and has 3 replies.
I dont know what to do because my leo friend over 20 years is ignoring me , he text me on 02.02.2014 to say he is sorry about my mom being sick however and he told me his cousin passed and I ask him how he was doing he responded , so the next day I ask him why we werent speaking and if he would tell me why he was mad and he didnt say a word , so I text and text until Friday I left one message and im done , because he want tell me why he was upset. How do you handle a leo when he is so stubborn and want talk ? Any advice
Can someone tell me an LEO character
The best thing to do is to keep contacting him. I am the way when I am stressed out. If your as close as you say you are this man really needs you and your texts and calls which may go unanswered are being much appreciated.
When close friends of mine try to contact me I choose to ignore probably because I dont like to show my feelings but I come back when everything is on the road to being better. In fact the only people I do talk to in times of hysteria and emotional stress are the people that just know the surface persona of myself who wouldnt know there to be something actually wrong........ and family members who are already in the know.