When enough is enough

This topic was created in the Leo forum by MoonshineLeo on Tuesday, December 26, 2017 and has 46 replies.
Hi my fellow lions hope you had a good Christmas (:

Just wanted to see your thoughts on this,

Leo’s tend to love for much longer than they should or stay in situations that arent healthy. What makes you finally walk away from someone?

I’m talking about relationships/friendships/work.

For me i can’t stand negativity. If i feel like someone is constantly bringing me down or not appreciating my efforts, it throws me off and i lose interest.

Even then i still try to make it work. Fixed energy. But when is enough enough?? Tell me when’s your breaking point?

I’m a Leo venus. This is totally me. I only fully move on when I’ve found someone else.
Unhappy leos walk away when you dump them. They don’t have the courage to break up with someone and when a partner does it for them, they just let go.
Posted by RooSagicorn
Posted by pinkbird03
I’m a Leo venus. This is totally me. I only fully move on when I’ve found someone else.
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Lol I know.... I never told you, but I didn’t fully get over my last long term bf for 5 years. Wasn’t until I met the first cap I dated 2 years ago...
Posted by pinkbird03
I’m a Leo venus. This is totally me. I only fully move on when I’ve found someone else.
As a cancer venus i can totally relate to that....
Posted by Biboroon
Unhappy leos walk away when you dump them. They don’t have the courage to break up with someone and when a partner does it for them, they just let go.
I do this too. Sometimes i just wish and wish that the other person breaks up with me so i wont have to be the mean one or the one that changes their mind. Its like debt free when the other person does it and we will happily walk away. Sad but true...
Posted by GeminiGirl052388
Posted by MoonshineLeo
Hi my fellow lions hope you had a good Christmas (:

Just wanted to see your thoughts on this,

Leo’s tend to love for much longer than they should or stay in situations that arent healthy. What makes you finally walk away from someone?

I’m talking about relationships/friendships/work.

For me i can’t stand negativity. If i feel like someone is constantly bringing me down or not appreciating my efforts, it throws me off and i lose interest.

Even then i still try to make it work. Fixed energy. But when is enough enough?? Tell me when’s your breaking point?

When i feel heavy inside.
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Exactly how ive been feeling. Not only in relationships but in my friendships too. And you having a leo moon i can only imagine the deep sadness you feel sometimes. like no sunshine just dark and empty. Its the other contrast of the leo side.
Posted by GeminiGirl052388
Posted by MoonshineLeo
Posted by GeminiGirl052388
Posted by MoonshineLeo
Hi my fellow lions hope you had a good Christmas (:

Just wanted to see your thoughts on this,

Leo’s tend to love for much longer than they should or stay in situations that arent healthy. What makes you finally walk away from someone?

I’m talking about relationships/friendships/work.

For me i can’t stand negativity. If i feel like someone is constantly bringing me down or not appreciating my efforts, it throws me off and i lose interest.

Even then i still try to make it work. Fixed energy. But when is enough enough?? Tell me when’s your breaking point?

When i feel heavy inside.
Exactly how ive been feeling. Not only in relationships but in my friendships too. And you having a leo moon i can only imagine the deep sadness you feel sometimes. like no sunshine just dark and empty. Its the other contrast of the leo side.
Yes. I feel that sometimes with people or a job. So I try to find my light. This year i dropped everything that makes me unhappy. And I feel so much better. Dropped the job, my ex, relocated... the first time ever that I let go.
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You're giving me so much inspiration right now :')
Posted by WolfInRamsClothing
I feel like guys stay until they lose their comfort, or find something more comfortable?

Women have much more patience and with all their positivity they almost never leave? Usually stay until kicked out.
Yea i have to be kicked out or it wont feel right, but enough is enough you know. Like damn i cant please everyone in life.

Posted by RooSagicorn
Posted by WolfInRamsClothing
I feel like guys stay until they lose their comfort, or find something more comfortable?

Women have much more patience and with all their positivity they almost never leave? Usually stay until kicked out.
Umm I know a guy who fits the woman's Description..

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I dont think its about man or woman its about the energy, being feminine or masculine can be picked up by any gender. And people carry both energies, only showing one at a time.
Posted by MoonshineLeo
Posted by Biboroon
Unhappy leos walk away when you dump them. They don’t have the courage to break up with someone and when a partner does it for them, they just let go.
I do this too. Sometimes i just wish and wish that the other person breaks up with me so i wont have to be the mean one or the one that changes their mind. Its like debt free when the other person does it and we will happily walk away. Sad but true...
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Yes, really true. Got into a relationship with a leo who didn’t want to be with me (I was young and naive and didn’t see it). He was cold to me for a long time until he fell in love with me. I later realised that it I broke up with him earlier he wouldn’t really mind it. I got into a relationship with another leo, we got into a fight until he ghosted me, and so I broke up with him. I was heatbroken, but now it all makes sense.

My best friend aries is in a relationship with a leo and he is just so non chalant about their relationship and she tries so hard. If she didn’t, he would easily just let their relationship slide.

Posted by Biboroon
Posted by MoonshineLeo
Posted by Biboroon
Unhappy leos walk away when you dump them. They don’t have the courage to break up with someone and when a partner does it for them, they just let go.
I do this too. Sometimes i just wish and wish that the other person breaks up with me so i wont have to be the mean one or the one that changes their mind. Its like debt free when the other person does it and we will happily walk away. Sad but true...

Yes, really true. Got into a relationship with a leo who didn’t want to be with me (I was young and naive and didn’t see it). He was cold to me for a long time until he fell in love with me. I later realised that it I broke up with him earlier he wouldn’t really mind it. I got into a relationship with another leo, we got into a fight until he ghosted me, and so I broke up with him. I was heatbroken, but now it all makes sense.

My best friend aries is in a relationship with a leo and he is just so non chalant about their relationship and she tries so hard. If she didn’t, he would easily just let their relationship slide.

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Leos hate to fight especially in relationships. We are not fighters we are lovers so that really bothers us. If we fight with someone we are inlove with then we cant help but feel like we aren't good enough for you or that we dont meet your expectations and that really hurts our ego. We start falling into these bad thoughts, and at that point we just want out.

Aries and leos are a good match both are spicy but mean well and have similar hearts.
Posted by MoonshineLeo
Posted by Biboroon
Posted by MoonshineLeo
Posted by Biboroon
Unhappy leos walk away when you dump them. They don’t have the courage to break up with someone and when a partner does it for them, they just let go.
I do this too. Sometimes i just wish and wish that the other person breaks up with me so i wont have to be the mean one or the one that changes their mind. Its like debt free when the other person does it and we will happily walk away. Sad but true...

Yes, really true. Got into a relationship with a leo who didn’t want to be with me (I was young and naive and didn’t see it). He was cold to me for a long time until he fell in love with me. I later realised that it I broke up with him earlier he wouldn’t really mind it. I got into a relationship with another leo, we got into a fight until he ghosted me, and so I broke up with him. I was heatbroken, but now it all makes sense.

My best friend aries is in a relationship with a leo and he is just so non chalant about their relationship and she tries so hard. If she didn’t, he would easily just let their relationship slide.

Leos hate to fight especially in relationships. We are not fighters we are lovers so that really bothers us. If we fight with someone we are inlove with then we cant help but feel like we aren't good enough for you or that we dont meet your expectations and that really hurts our ego. We start falling into these bad thoughts, and at that point we just want out.

Aries and leos are a good match both are spicy but mean well and have similar hearts.
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Me and the second leo got into a fight (a pretty big one) and after that we got along fine, but I always had to initiate contact. He would tell me that he is going to call me but he never did, I was always the one contacting him. One day I noticed that he didn’t call me in over a week so I texted him ‘why don’t you call me? Why do you ignore me? I feel like I am forcing myself on you’ and he never replied. The next day I texted him a goodbye message. Never heard from him again. He was done after the fight and there was nothing I could do. I took me almost a year to get over him because I was so in love with him. We talked marriage and kids and he was done in a heartbeat. Oh well

They get along fine and are both good hearted, but they don’t have compatible moons (hers is in aries and his in scorpio)

Posted by Leo188881
Posted by Biboroon
Unhappy leos walk away when you dump them. They don’t have the courage to break up with someone and when a partner does it for them, they just let go.
I agree with that but I would easily dump someone and tell them to go f themself if they really hurt me and prove they don't care about me.

But with the getting dumped, my Aqua guy wasn't making me his #1 priority because his work is #1 and i struggled to understand why I wasn't the center of his universe lol. I thought it meant he didn't like me enough so I told him to just be honest and tell me if he doesn't like me instead of stringing me along. He didn't know wtf I was on about but he's awesome and works at fixing things instead of choosing to walk away. In a way, I was trying to get dumped if he doesn't like me instead of dumping him. Maybe I need a lot of reassurance or i feel unloved but if i want a relationship to end, i will try to get them to end it and if they don't, then I won't leave them because you can't give up on someone that doesn't give up on you.

Maybe it's the loyalty thing that makes us stay too... you make a promise or commitment to someone, and you feel like you're not allowed to break it because your word means something and you can't give up on them.
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It’s really hard to grasp when you’re not the center of someone’s life... i am also like that, when I love someone it’s hard for me to understand why I am not the only thing in that persons life.

Posted by Biboroon
Posted by MoonshineLeo
Posted by Biboroon
Posted by MoonshineLeo
Posted by Biboroon
Unhappy leos walk away when you dump them. They don’t have the courage to break up with someone and when a partner does it for them, they just let go.
I do this too. Sometimes i just wish and wish that the other person breaks up with me so i wont have to be the mean one or the one that changes their mind. Its like debt free when the other person does it and we will happily walk away. Sad but true...

Yes, really true. Got into a relationship with a leo who didn’t want to be with me (I was young and naive and didn’t see it). He was cold to me for a long time until he fell in love with me. I later realised that it I broke up with him earlier he wouldn’t really mind it. I got into a relationship with another leo, we got into a fight until he ghosted me, and so I broke up with him. I was heatbroken, but now it all makes sense.

My best friend aries is in a relationship with a leo and he is just so non chalant about their relationship and she tries so hard. If she didn’t, he would easily just let their relationship slide.

Leos hate to fight especially in relationships. We are not fighters we are lovers so that really bothers us. If we fight with someone we are inlove with then we cant help but feel like we aren't good enough for you or that we dont meet your expectations and that really hurts our ego. We start falling into these bad thoughts, and at that point we just want out.

Aries and leos are a good match both are spicy but mean well and have similar hearts.

Me and the second leo got into a fight (a pretty big one) and after that we got along fine, but I always had to initiate contact. He would tell me that he is going to call me but he never did, I was always the one contacting him. One day I noticed that he didn’t call me in over a week so I texted him ‘why don’t you call me? Why do you ignore me? I feel like I am forcing myself on you’ and he never replied. The next day I texted him a goodbye message. Never heard from him again. He was done after the fight and there was nothing I could do. I took me almost a year to get over him because I was so in love with him. We talked marriage and kids and he was done in a heartbeat. Oh well

They get along fine and are both good hearted, but they don’t have compatible moons (hers is in aries and his in scorpio)

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Maybe the fight really hurt him? i dont think when a leo is done with you its out of left field. I think people can tell when we aren't into it anymore and if we walk away its something that we really thought about before making any moves. Trust me our hearts are broken way before our partners. I dated a leo when i was younger and i was sooo in love with him and he left me too, i remember how devastated i was. It took me yearsss to get over him. Did any of the leos ever come back to be friends?

oh the famous aries and scorpio dynamic. I have moon in aries and the only moon i can seem to attract for longer than a few months is with a scorpio moon. Something about scorpio moons i really like. Weird i know but that dynamic is very strong. Karmic pairing.
Posted by Leo188881
Posted by Biboroon
Unhappy leos walk away when you dump them. They don’t have the courage to break up with someone and when a partner does it for them, they just let go.
I agree with that but I would easily dump someone and tell them to go f themself if they really hurt me and prove they don't care about me.

But with the getting dumped, my Aqua guy wasn't making me his #1 priority because his work is #1 and i struggled to understand why I wasn't the center of his universe lol. I thought it meant he didn't like me enough so I told him to just be honest and tell me if he doesn't like me instead of stringing me along. He didn't know wtf I was on about but he's awesome and works at fixing things instead of choosing to walk away. In a way, I was trying to get dumped if he doesn't like me instead of dumping him. Maybe I need a lot of reassurance or i feel unloved but if i want a relationship to end, i will try to get them to end it and if they don't, then I won't leave them because you can't give up on someone that doesn't give up on you.

Maybe it's the loyalty thing that makes us stay too... you make a promise or commitment to someone, and you feel like you're not allowed to break it because your word means something and you can't give up on them.
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I have that same mentality.

Dont give up on someone that wont give up on you.

Leos take on so much trying to make everyone happy, its almost a burden to stay when we dont want to. I need alot of reassurance too.

reassure me im not wasting my time

reassure me that that what we have is real

reassure me that you have my back as much as i have yours

reassure me that no matter what, its gonna be okay

reassure me that its okay to not be happy

But do we need this reassurance? do we?

dooo we leos?

no. no we dont.
Posted by RooSagicorn
Posted by WolfInRamsClothing
Posted by RooSagicorn
Posted by WolfInRamsClothing
Posted by RooSagicorn
Posted by WolfInRamsClothing
I feel like guys stay until they lose their comfort, or find something more comfortable?

Women have much more patience and with all their positivity they almost never leave? Usually stay until kicked out.
Umm I know a guy who fits the woman's Description..

Can happen, can happen. Leo guy? Leos are awesome people actually...
Yes & I know! I think he might of taken something as kicking him out, I look at it as taking away his last shred of hope. It’s for the best, but I’m just wondering if he’s really gone.
Yes, I've never seen a Leo being really gone.
LaughingThis one never gives up. You’re probably right. I just wasn’t putting up with him not respecting my current relationship.

When he’s done licking his wounds, he will probably reach out again. Weeks, months, years who knows! Lol
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You have a leo after you? ohh lala, i love you and your energy so not surprising :p
Posted by MoonshineLeo
Posted by Biboroon
Posted by MoonshineLeo
Posted by Biboroon
Posted by MoonshineLeo
Posted by Biboroon
Unhappy leos walk away when you dump them. They don’t have the courage to break up with someone and when a partner does it for them, they just let go.
I do this too. Sometimes i just wish and wish that the other person breaks up with me so i wont have to be the mean one or the one that changes their mind. Its like debt free when the other person does it and we will happily walk away. Sad but true...

Yes, really true. Got into a relationship with a leo who didn’t want to be with me (I was young and naive and didn’t see it). He was cold to me for a long time until he fell in love with me. I later realised that it I broke up with him earlier he wouldn’t really mind it. I got into a relationship with another leo, we got into a fight until he ghosted me, and so I broke up with him. I was heatbroken, but now it all makes sense.

My best friend aries is in a relationship with a leo and he is just so non chalant about their relationship and she tries so hard. If she didn’t, he would easily just let their relationship slide.

Leos hate to fight especially in relationships. We are not fighters we are lovers so that really bothers us. If we fight with someone we are inlove with then we cant help but feel like we aren't good enough for you or that we dont meet your expectations and that really hurts our ego. We start falling into these bad thoughts, and at that point we just want out.

Aries and leos are a good match both are spicy but mean well and have similar hearts.

Me and the second leo got into a fight (a pretty big one) and after that we got along fine, but I always had to initiate contact. He would tell me that he is going to call me but he never did, I was always the one contacting him. One day I noticed that he didn’t call me in over a week so I texted him ‘why don’t you call me? Why do you ignore me? I feel like I am forcing myself on you’ and he never replied. The next day I texted him a goodbye message. Never heard from him again. He was done after the fight and there was nothing I could do. I took me almost a year to get over him because I was so in love with him. We talked marriage and kids and he was done in a heartbeat. Oh well

They get along fine and are both good hearted, but they don’t have compatible moons (hers is in aries and his in scorpio)

Maybe the fight really hurt him? i dont think when a leo is done with you its out of left field. I think people can tell when we aren't into it anymore and if we walk away its something that we really thought about before making any moves. Trust me our hearts are broken way before our partners. I dated a leo when i was younger and i was sooo in love with him and he left me too, i remember how devastated i was. It took me yearsss to get over him. Did any of the leos ever come back to be friends?

oh the famous aries and scorpio dynamic. I have moon in aries and the only moon i can seem to attract for longer than a few months is with a scorpio moon. Something about scorpio moons i really like. Weird i know but that dynamic is very strong. Karmic pairing.
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He was probably really hurt about the fight because it was so personal and something he was trying hard to improve, but I just coudn’t grasp it. Now after a couple of years I am over it but then I just couldn’t understand his point of view.

Those damn scorpio moons... i fell really hard for one and no one can compare to him. There really is something magnetic about them, no matter what sign younare

Posted by SuninLibra
@Biboroon IKR! for me I become neurotic when they start to withdraw, with no explanation, does this happen to u too?

Yes! I go insane when things are left unsaid!
Posted by Biboroon
Posted by SuninLibra
@Biboroon IKR! for me I become neurotic when they start to withdraw, with no explanation, does this happen to u too?

Yes! I go insane when things are left unsaid!
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I hear it’s because it feels like the sun isn’t shinning on you anymore and after dating a Leo myself i can see where others are coming from.
Posted by RooSagicorn
Posted by MoonshineLeo
Posted by RooSagicorn
Posted by WolfInRamsClothing
Posted by RooSagicorn
Posted by WolfInRamsClothing
Posted by RooSagicorn
Posted by WolfInRamsClothing
I feel like guys stay until they lose their comfort, or find something more comfortable?

Women have much more patience and with all their positivity they almost never leave? Usually stay until kicked out.
Umm I know a guy who fits the woman's Description..

Can happen, can happen. Leo guy? Leos are awesome people actually...
Yes & I know! I think he might of taken something as kicking him out, I look at it as taking away his last shred of hope. It’s for the best, but I’m just wondering if he’s really gone.
Yes, I've never seen a Leo being really gone.
LaughingThis one never gives up. You’re probably right. I just wasn’t putting up with him not respecting my current relationship.

When he’s done licking his wounds, he will probably reach out again. Weeks, months, years who knows! Lol
You have a leo after you? ohh lala, i love you and your energy so not surprising :p
Lol only for the last 26 years 😜 off & on. I walked away 2 years ago, but he has not given up. It’s long distance, so he has been counting on me moving back so we could really have something. But he did not do what he needed to do, and I walked away. He started freaking out when I started dating the Cap like he knew right away this was the biggest threat. Oh at this point we were supposedly friends.. he made me promise to stay friends. A week ago or so I told him I’m not moving back. I’m staying with the Cap. He just said I’m happy you’re happy you deserve it. Which he already knew I was happy & serious with the Cap, and refusing to see him. Oh remember friends? Lmao well no birthday or Christmas wishes so he’s sulking or gone forever. Cuz if I don’t move back, he has no chance. Hard to believe after 26?years, he’d be gone forever though. That though makes me sad I have to admit. It’s like where’s that adorable guy that says something to make me laugh or lose my temper & then he just laughs that he likes my passion lmao. He’s a great friend too. I just wish he could do that...

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Yea he probably knew right away that you and cap were gonna be serious so we back off completely. Even if we say we wanna be friends, once you’re in a new relationship we wanna respect that. We don’t wanna be that ex that’s still texts you ever holiday even though you’ve clearly moved on from us. We don’t wanna cause problems in your current relationship or being up old emotions idk how to explain it but if we really cared for you and you get in a new relationship it’s just different for us.

Posted by LibraMudra
I think it's lame as fuck a Leo can be so confident in everything but breaking up with someone. Grow some cahones and get it done. Lol. No offense... Seriously... But damn.
Get it out gf get it outttt! you have EVERY RIGHT

yesss tell me more of what frustrates you about us
Posted by SuninLibra
I love Leo women they make good friends with Libra women and besides my mama is one, very good hearted people I have yet to meet a Leo man... In love they are very loyal and forgiving I think they do well with air signs since a Leo woman lowkey likes to take control in a relationship but they don't like submissive men at least that's what I've noticed from the leos I know.
I love libras! i think they're so beautiful and i wish i could be that peaceful in every situation. I deff like air sign guys, they give me butterflies. I think dating a water sign would be too crazy for me
Posted by LibraMudra
Posted by MoonshineLeo
Posted by LibraMudra
I think it's lame as fuck a Leo can be so confident in everything but breaking up with someone. Grow some cahones and get it done. Lol. No offense... Seriously... But damn.
Get it out gf get it outttt! you have EVERY RIGHT

yesss tell me more of what frustrates you about us
Just a lot of one sided bullshit.


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I know. Maybe hes acting out because he feels like hes falling apart inside.

I think hes having issues with himself, probably has nothing to do with you but im not gonna make excuses for a grown man and neither should you.
Posted by MoonshineLeo
Hi my fellow lions hope you had a good Christmas (:

Just wanted to see your thoughts on this,

Leo’s tend to love for much longer than they should or stay in situations that arent healthy. What makes you finally walk away from someone?

I’m talking about relationships/friendships/work.

For me i can’t stand negativity. If i feel like someone is constantly bringing me down or not appreciating my efforts, it throws me off and i lose interest.

Even then i still try to make it work. Fixed energy. But when is enough enough?? Tell me when’s your breaking point?

I agree with this somewhat. I never encountered a person who constantly brings me down, but more of people that what to stroke my ego while being a black hole. Like the type of person you can't help no matter how hard you try. Coddling them just makes them blame themselves making the situation worse, and being honest just pisses them off even more. It's like no matter what you do they are always in a rage and acting crazy, which for me gets old quick. I don't mind people who have issues every now and then, but when my efforts don't help those issues whatsoever I get tired of it.

so interesting that alot of you were saying you hate when people bring you down.

i totally remembered that song "dont bring me down" by ELO

and i wonderd....what sign is he? the guy who WROTE the song?


he is a Capricorn sun w/ Aqua venus/Virgo mars. and i thought...okaaayyyy..

but he's a Leo moon, Pluto Leo, Saturn leo. lol

Jupiter Sag.

i just love random astrology stuff. lol

Posted by MoonshineLeo
Hi my fellow lions hope you had a good Christmas (:

Just wanted to see your thoughts on this,

Leo’s tend to love for much longer than they should or stay in situations that arent healthy. What makes you finally walk away from someone?

I’m talking about relationships/friendships/work.

For me i can’t stand negativity. If i feel like someone is constantly bringing me down or not appreciating my efforts, it throws me off and i lose interest.

Even then i still try to make it work. Fixed energy. But when is enough enough?? Tell me when’s your breaking point?

I find it's easiest to let go once the hope for improvement is gone. If someone is treating me poorly it's even easier for me to walk away. Basically my logic is, if the other person is going to try then why should I? Sometimes this can be difficult if I care about the person, but if the situation doesn't appear to be improving, I will take it upon myself to end things.

In work relationships, I leave when the situation is no longer profitable and/or financially stable. In friendships I'll only leave if the other person has broken my trust or become toxic. In romance I find it's easiest for me to walk away when I know there is another person involved or if the situation is toxic.
I just found out this Leo girl I've been seeing on and off for the past year, lost her Leo friend recently (RIP), and went to the funeral only to run into her Aqua ex who she hasn't seen in a year. She'd never admit it to me but I knew she still held feelings for him but she kept reassuring me that wasn't the case. Low and behold I find out yesterday that he and her hooked up twice after the funeral, due to his manipulation. She also found out that her Aqua ex slept with someone else right before she was over. Your devotion and inability to let go can be a real burden and curse. Now she's apologetic and initially didn't want to tell me, but it is what it is, she told me and wants me back but like, yeah forget that.
For me its quite simple...

Its when any relationship (plutonic or not) runs its course and my morals and ethics tell me its no longer of any value to me.

I cant speak for other Leos but for me once this happens there is no turning back. I go through a phase of self reflection and look at where I did things wrongs and tend to blame myself.

I find it hard to let go but once I have in my mind I have logically pieced the puzzle together and then realise there is no value left in that relationship for me. Its at this point I stop thinking with my ego and pride and carry on with my life.

The thing with Leos is that we placed a lot of value on morals and ethics and if we have acted morally or ethically then the other person is done - out of sight out of mind!!!
My Leo broke up with me last night. He said that he doesn't have enough time for me and that it isn't fair to me. He's been working 16 hour days and last night he got a call into work while we were out. I didn't freak out or anything, but he said on his drive into work he decided he cant dedicate time to us and his work comes first. So, apparently that is a wrap Sad Makes no sense he was so into the relationship, or so it seemed.
Posted by GoldenRatio
Leo women need to date Pisces men who have their shit together. No one will worship you or give you attention like us. Trust me.
my longest relationship was with a pisces... lol

i think i got a bad fish but a good fish would be perfect for me
Posted by earlorg16
I just found out this Leo girl I've been seeing on and off for the past year, lost her Leo friend recently (RIP), and went to the funeral only to run into her Aqua ex who she hasn't seen in a year. She'd never admit it to me but I knew she still held feelings for him but she kept reassuring me that wasn't the case. Low and behold I find out yesterday that he and her hooked up twice after the funeral, due to his manipulation. She also found out that her Aqua ex slept with someone else right before she was over. Your devotion and inability to let go can be a real burden and curse. Now she's apologetic and initially didn't want to tell me, but it is what it is, she told me and wants me back but like, yeah forget that.
mercury retrograde?
Posted by MrR78
For me its quite simple...

Its when any relationship (plutonic or not) runs its course and my morals and ethics tell me its no longer of any value to me.

I cant speak for other Leos but for me once this happens there is no turning back. I go through a phase of self reflection and look at where I did things wrongs and tend to blame myself.

I find it hard to let go but once I have in my mind I have logically pieced the puzzle together and then realise there is no value left in that relationship for me. Its at this point I stop thinking with my ego and pride and carry on with my life.

The thing with Leos is that we placed a lot of value on morals and ethics and if we have acted morally or ethically then the other person is done - out of sight out of mind!!!
YES exactly! everything you said was spot on.

Especially my morals. If i feel like im doing something im not supposed to be doing then ill leave the situation altogether and never look back.

But it is way easier for us to move on once we have mentally prepared ourselves.
Posted by heliumfiasco
My Leo broke up with me last night. He said that he doesn't have enough time for me and that it isn't fair to me. He's been working 16 hour days and last night he got a call into work while we were out. I didn't freak out or anything, but he said on his drive into work he decided he cant dedicate time to us and his work comes first. So, apparently that is a wrap Sad Makes no sense he was so into the relationship, or so it seemed.
Im sorry!

Saturn is returning home and that falls into our 6th house of work and health and career.

Lately ive been feeling like i need to set my priorities in check and focus more on work. Hes right, maybe right now he doesn't have time for relationships. Saturn is in capricorn its a sign of no BS. We are cutting out things that no longer serve us.

If you've been having a rocky relationship then maybe its best to let it go. If its a good nurturing relationship then give it a break for now, he might be freaked out by all his new responsibilities and will come back around once things start to slow down.

Posted by GonS
Scorpio sun leo moon here... Pretty spot on comments here. I need to hear it in my face before walking away. It's the only time that won't be a come back.
scorpio sun a leo moon, wow thats a lot of fixed emotions, I cant imagine the suffering you have to endure before you finally let go.

I bet you have good intuition.
Posted by lisabethur8
so interesting that alot of you were saying you hate when people bring you down.

i totally remembered that song "dont bring me down" by ELO

and i wonderd....what sign is he? the guy who WROTE the song?


he is a Capricorn sun w/ Aqua venus/Virgo mars. and i thought...okaaayyyy..

but he's a Leo moon, Pluto Leo, Saturn leo. lol

Jupiter Sag.

i just love random astrology stuff. lol

I have always connected to capricorns on a spiritual level, both leos and capricorns have depressing issues but idk i like talking to them about life...they are deep thinkers
Posted by MoonshineLeo
Posted by earlorg16
I just found out this Leo girl I've been seeing on and off for the past year, lost her Leo friend recently (RIP), and went to the funeral only to run into her Aqua ex who she hasn't seen in a year. She'd never admit it to me but I knew she still held feelings for him but she kept reassuring me that wasn't the case. Low and behold I find out yesterday that he and her hooked up twice after the funeral, due to his manipulation. She also found out that her Aqua ex slept with someone else right before she was over. Your devotion and inability to let go can be a real burden and curse. Now she's apologetic and initially didn't want to tell me, but it is what it is, she told me and wants me back but like, yeah forget that.
mercury retrograde?
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I don't think that's it, it's been like this for years.
Posted by Leo188881
Posted by earlorg16
I just found out this Leo girl I've been seeing on and off for the past year, lost her Leo friend recently (RIP), and went to the funeral only to run into her Aqua ex who she hasn't seen in a year. She'd never admit it to me but I knew she still held feelings for him but she kept reassuring me that wasn't the case. Low and behold I find out yesterday that he and her hooked up twice after the funeral, due to his manipulation. She also found out that her Aqua ex slept with someone else right before she was over. Your devotion and inability to let go can be a real burden and curse. Now she's apologetic and initially didn't want to tell me, but it is what it is, she told me and wants me back but like, yeah forget that.

If you were on and off with her, was it a committed relationship or were you casually dating? And have you always been loyal to her?

I'm still on talking terms with almost all of my exes. I don't really talk to them but when i bump into them i will stop for a chat. I will always care about people from my past even if they have no place in my future but I would never cheat or entertain another guy if I'm seeing someone.

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We weren't a committed relationship, just on and off but with so much emotionally invested. We were heading towards that path, probably still are. We talked about it the other day because she felt so horrible about letting him back into her life like that. She said she didn't expect things to go down, but they did and she put herself in that situation. She was very apologetic and for me, I told her there's no need to apologize because 1) we're not actually together and 2) I've known for a while that she still held feelings for him. She immediately wanted to make us official afterwards, but I declined. Even though it sucks, and we aren't a thing, it still felt like I was cheated on even though I know I wasn't. It just brings back memories of my ex and I. I've been loyal to her when we were seeing each other and she knows that.

Posted by earlorg16
Posted by MoonshineLeo
Posted by earlorg16
I just found out this Leo girl I've been seeing on and off for the past year, lost her Leo friend recently (RIP), and went to the funeral only to run into her Aqua ex who she hasn't seen in a year. She'd never admit it to me but I knew she still held feelings for him but she kept reassuring me that wasn't the case. Low and behold I find out yesterday that he and her hooked up twice after the funeral, due to his manipulation. She also found out that her Aqua ex slept with someone else right before she was over. Your devotion and inability to let go can be a real burden and curse. Now she's apologetic and initially didn't want to tell me, but it is what it is, she told me and wants me back but like, yeah forget that.
mercury retrograde?
I don't think that's it, it's been like this for years.
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Sounds like she made a big mistake. Its not like a leo to not be loyal even if we are not official yet. Something must be bothering her. Are you sure she doesn't want to be in a relationship with you? Maybe she said that to make you jealous or to see some kind of emotion from you, sounds messed up but also sounds like an immature leo.
Posted by MoonshineLeo
Posted by earlorg16
Posted by MoonshineLeo
Posted by earlorg16
I just found out this Leo girl I've been seeing on and off for the past year, lost her Leo friend recently (RIP), and went to the funeral only to run into her Aqua ex who she hasn't seen in a year. She'd never admit it to me but I knew she still held feelings for him but she kept reassuring me that wasn't the case. Low and behold I find out yesterday that he and her hooked up twice after the funeral, due to his manipulation. She also found out that her Aqua ex slept with someone else right before she was over. Your devotion and inability to let go can be a real burden and curse. Now she's apologetic and initially didn't want to tell me, but it is what it is, she told me and wants me back but like, yeah forget that.
mercury retrograde?
I don't think that's it, it's been like this for years.
Sounds like she made a big mistake. Its not like a leo to not be loyal even if we are not official yet. Something must be bothering her. Are you sure she doesn't want to be in a relationship with you? Maybe she said that to make you jealous or to see some kind of emotion from you, sounds messed up but also sounds like an immature leo.
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She kept telling me she's sorry and that she knew it'd hurt me. She said she's warming to the idea of being with me. She started the year telling me she didn't think she'd be able to date anyone because she was afraid of getting hurt again, then ending the year telling me she's warming up to the idea and is inching closer to the idea of being with me. Here's the catch though, right after she admitted that she screwed her ex, she told me that she does want to be with me and that we should be together. That all her closest friends know me and that she wants to give me a chance. So I see her for Xmas, and tell her I'm not trying to be a rebound or that if we were to start dating, shes got to be sure all her feelings for her ex are out of the way. She went from wanting to date immediately to, I'm warming to the idea again, but I should probably hold off til I'm ready. So yes, it sounds like she's immature. Another note, we tell each other we love each other all the time. It's cuz we do, but I'm just getting to the point where I don't know where this is headed and it feels like it may have been a massive waste of time. I want to be with her officially or just cut the chord.
Posted by Leo188881
Posted by earlorg16
Posted by Leo188881
Posted by earlorg16
I just found out this Leo girl I've been seeing on and off for the past year, lost her Leo friend recently (RIP), and went to the funeral only to run into her Aqua ex who she hasn't seen in a year. She'd never admit it to me but I knew she still held feelings for him but she kept reassuring me that wasn't the case. Low and behold I find out yesterday that he and her hooked up twice after the funeral, due to his manipulation. She also found out that her Aqua ex slept with someone else right before she was over. Your devotion and inability to let go can be a real burden and curse. Now she's apologetic and initially didn't want to tell me, but it is what it is, she told me and wants me back but like, yeah forget that.

If you were on and off with her, was it a committed relationship or were you casually dating? And have you always been loyal to her?

I'm still on talking terms with almost all of my exes. I don't really talk to them but when i bump into them i will stop for a chat. I will always care about people from my past even if they have no place in my future but I would never cheat or entertain another guy if I'm seeing someone.

We weren't a committed relationship, just on and off but with so much emotionally invested. We were heading towards that path, probably still are. We talked about it the other day because she felt so horrible about letting him back into her life like that. She said she didn't expect things to go down, but they did and she put herself in that situation. She was very apologetic and for me, I told her there's no need to apologize because 1) we're not actually together and 2) I've known for a while that she still held feelings for him. She immediately wanted to make us official afterwards, but I declined. Even though it sucks, and we aren't a thing, it still felt like I was cheated on even though I know I wasn't. It just brings back memories of my ex and I. I've been loyal to her when we were seeing each other and she knows that.

If after a year you didn't make it official with her, you can't set expectations that are unfair. If you can see a future with her, commit to her. If you don't commit to someone after so long, it means you like them but are waiting on someone better to come along and you're keeping your options open. She doesn't owe you her loyalty because you have made it clear that you aren't willing to give yours by not committing.
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i tried to make it official with her three years ago when i met her but she was with her aqua ex. then she told me she was single, and i tried again then. i tried to commit, she was always the one pushing that away. i gave her my loyalty, and she even acknowledges that.
OMG! You leos are so loveable, giving creatures! I just want to hug and cheekkiss you all. you sound just like us taurusses. I wish we could get along. But Leo women want to dominate, which is unacceptable for us macho caveman taurusses. SAD!

I hope you all find your prince or princess who will spoil and caress you to death every day.
I will try and try but once I'm disrespected (calling me names, verbal and mental abuse) I'm leaving with no questions asked. I wasn't always this way but I learned the hard way. My daughter's father broke me down so bad and now I refuse to ever put myself I'm a situation like that again.

I am sorry, that thread makes me so emotional I need to repeat myself. You seem to be so amiable creatures with a huge huge heart. I would be so happy if I could live with a leo women.

the positive side of yours always vanished in the shadows, when the power struggle began.

honestly i have alot of difficulty walking away from committed relationships, i still always feel like i have to keep in touch with them in some way due to the intensity of the attachment (i previously dated a scorpio and a cancer, both probably not the best astrological matches for a leo) but currently im dating a capricorn and i honestly couldnt bear the thought of him leaving me/vice versa, he's been the best match for me so far in my opinion. if i am truly attached to my partner then i will never be the one to leave them, if the relationship is toxic then of course i'll be the one to cut the strings but maybe not initially - since we have a tendency to repair the broken or see the positive in all negative situations... sigh Sad
Posted by Parkourler

I am sorry, that thread makes me so emotional I need to repeat myself. You seem to be so amiable creatures with a huge huge heart. I would be so happy if I could live with a leo women.

the positive side of yours always vanished in the shadows, when the power struggle began.

We try very hard to stay positive. Fighting a lot can cause us to lose our happy spark little by little until we aren’t happy anymore and there’s not enough strength in us to keep fighting for the relationship.

If you love a Leo you have to keep them happy. It may sound selfish but trust me the happiness is for both of you.